Friday, February 10, 2023

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

RSCH 122 Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

A type of abstract which is not frequently used, aside from describing the main findings of the study, a comment about the validity, reliability and completeness of the study is included in the abstract.

Critical abstract 

Abstract contains the ________ of the research study. It usually consist of two to four paragraphs.


Accidental sampling is based on the researcher's _________.


After the process of _________ by the researcher his work is mostly presented in a thesis form.


An abstract is a part of a thesis, usually consists of __________ words which contains the major aspects of the entire paper- the aim of the study and research problems, the research design, major findings, interpretations, conclusions and recommendations.


An important aspect of a hypothesis is __________.


An interval scale wherein its significance lies on the fact that one scale value is _________ as large as another.


Appreciative inquiry is a method or research which is very much used in US.


As much as possible, materials must be objective and no bias.


Can be used with other quantitative methods of research

Appreciative Inquiry 

Chance and system are used to determine the membership in the sample. Starting point is selected at random and followed by a system in selecting samples.

Systematic sampling with random start 

Characteristics of a Good Problem:It can be finished within the specified __________.


Characteristics of a Good Problem:It is a _________ and fresh issue.


Characteristics of a Good Problem:It should be of the researcher's _________.


Characteristics of a Good Problem:It should have a _________ to the researcher /school/community.


Characteristics of a Good Problem:It should not carry __________ or legal hindrance.


Checking on the meaning and trustworthiness of the data within the document is the major concern in this step.

Internal criticism 

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Comparative Studies 

Counter balance design only uses post tests since pre tests are not applicable to the problem.


Data processing which is guided by the purpose of the study is done after the _________ for research study are collected.


Description of _________ and related literature should be in the past tense.


Does not concerned much with numeric concepts

Phenomenological Research 

Each paragraph of the review of literature should have a maximum of whole page, double spaced.


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Empirical research deals with the _________ samples.


Estimates and ________ are the appraisals that involve sampling.


Experimental designs involves control and experimental groups except for quasi experimental single group.


Experimental research is a cause and _________ research and sophisticate statistical techniques are used in this type of quantitative research.


Experimental research is a not cause and effect research and sophisticate statistical techniques are used in this type of quantitative research.


Factorial designs are _________ of the true experimental designs.


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Comparative Studies 

Generated data analysis in time-series-experiment does not involve the study of test score patterns.


Generated scores in the factorial designs of experiments are analyzed using analysis of _________.


Has documents which serve as strong evidence

Historical Research 

Historical research has the purpose of explaining the present or anticipating the future which is based on a systematic collection and evaluation of experiences or events in the past which should be in terms of what can be understood at present.


If scope and delimitation of the study will be selected this would mean extent of the study and what it will not do will be discussed but will be confined only to topics referred in the said study.


If the respondent group can meet the demands of the instrument, a research instrument is said to be appropriate.


In ________ method, some selected variables like achievements, grades, socio-economic variables and others depending on the research problems are utilized to rank the subjects of the study.


In ________ sampling, instead of selecting samples individually, groups are randomly selected.


In _________ sampling, sample is a certain percent of the population and is selected from the population through the use of some systematic way in which every population element has the chance of being included in the sample.


In checking the genuineness of the source materials, the following can be done: authenticating signature, chemically analyzing the paint or by carbon or dating the artifacts.


In design 7, a t-test for two independent random sample is used test the significant difference between the post test (data analysis)


In factorial design, two independent variables are being investigated, each variable has two levels. For instance, factorial design to employ is 2 x 2 grouping where there are four groups in all.


In gathering data, note taking should be well-arranged and sorted systematically according to objectives.


In interpretation of data, _________ is important.


In story form

Appreciative Inquiry 

In the __________ style, sources should be found in the Bibliography part at the back of the research report or at the end of chapter.


In the counterbalance design, the experimental treatments are arranged in a different _________ and in a rotation method and ends in Latin square arrangement.


In the section, conclusion and recommendations , all the results will be summarized and research ____________ will be answered here.


In this design, the experimental treatments are arranged in a different sequence and in a rotation method (in a counterbalanced method) and ends in Latin square arrangement.

Design 9 - Counterbalance Design 

In this part, the importance of the study to you, to the school or the community should be included here.

Significance of the study 

In this section, all the results will be summarized and research questions will be answered here.

Conclusion and recommendations 

In this section, data gathered and short introduction is included. Interpretation of the said data is also a part of this section. Such results are evaluated against the existing body or research literature.

Results and discussion 

In this section, the researcher will determine how the research will be conducted.


In writing the review of literature, include ________ and information that are related and significant to your topic.


In writing the review of literature, include data and information that are related and significant to your topic.


In writing the review of literature, paraphrase using your own words.True 


In writing title for you research, known abbreviations cannot be used such as HIV, USA and the like.


Includes document assessment, checking the validity and its worthiness in terms of originality and determination of the type of material, date of publication, the language used at the same time and if it corresponds to the period of the historical event.

Internal criticism 

Instead of selecting samples individually, groups are randomly selected.

Cluster sampling 

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It can be in question or topical form.

Statement of the problem 

It consists of elements under consideration.


It consists of the background of the current situation why the researcher wants to conduct study.


It deals with the past.

Ex post facto research 

It does not make comments or judgement. It incorporates key words and includes the aim, methods and scope of the research.


It has the greatest validity and so it has the highest prestige. Here, two groups are given pre-test and post-test; two groups are given post-test and two groups do have the experimental treatments.

Design 6 - The Solomon Four-Group Design 

It has the purpose of explaining the present or anticipating the future which is based on a systematic collection and evaluation of experiences or events in the past which should be in terms of what can be understood at present.

Historical research 

It involves looking and finding if there is relationship between two or more variables.

Correlational study 

It is a combination of random assignment and the presence of a control group sources of internal validity. There are two groups and only one group is receiving the experimental treatment but both of them are given posttest.

Design 7 - The Post-Test-Only Control Group Design 

It is a brief document which explains what the thesis you want to explore, investigate and write.


It is a method or research which is very much used in US. It is the opposite of the traditional method wherein the negative aspect is emphasized.

Appreciative Inquiry 

It is a part of a thesis, usually consists of 200 words which contains the major aspects of the entire paper.


It is a process of measuring and selecting a small portion of units or data from a population which is used for statistical analysis.


It is a qualitative method of research which is concerned with where the behavior occurred ( setting)

Ethnographic method 

It is a qualitative research which deals with past events.

Historical research 

It is a research technique wherein the researcher is watching the actual research situation.


It is a research technique wherein the researcher is watching the actual research situation.

Informative abstract 

It is a speculation of the possible outcome or a tentative solution to a particular problem in conducting research.

Hypothesis of the study 

It is a statement which does not have to be proven like a theory or tested like a hypothesis.

Assumptions of the study 

It is also needed in the terms we used and in the form of expression.


It is also viewed as approach to explain human and social experience.

Phenomenological research 

It is an elaboration of the one-group pre-test-post-test design involving just one group; it is pretested and post tested four times.

Design 8 - The Time-Series Experiment 

It is an overview of the study.


It is considered as the most important characteristic of a good research tool.


It is considered as the most important characteristic of a good research tool.


It is done by analyzing written records and documents to solve a problem.

Documentary analysis 

It is done by dividing the entire population into different subgroups or strata and final subjects are randomly selected proportionally from the different strata.

Stratified random sampling 

It is not complete.

Historical Research 

It is one of the widely use in educational research. It consists of two groups, pretest and posttest are both given to the two groups. Only one group is given the treatment.

Design 10- The Non-equivalent control group design 

It is seldom used in data analysis.

Absolute Mean Deviation 

It is sometimes viewed as a quasi-experimental single group design with pre and posttest variables are more visible.

Design 2 - The Single Group Pre and Post Test Design 

It is the most commonly used tool in generating data. It is also called as survey form.


It is the most commonly used tool in generating data. It is also called as survey form.

Positive predictive 

It is the point a research tool wherein the same or similar result is gained whenever it is given.


It is used to determine relationship - when two variables can be ranked but not normally distributed.

Spearman rho rank correlation method 

It is used to determine whether there is a significant association between the two nominal variables from a single population.

Two-way chi-square 

It is used when regardless of the sample size, standard deviation or the variance of the population is given and when the standard deviation of sample is given as long as the sample size is very large.


It is used when the sample has the given standard deviation and when size of the sample is very small.


It is usually applicable to medical research wherein the tool used is able to differentiate diseases which may be found and labeled negative against those who don't have the disease.


It is usually applicable to medical research wherein the tool used is able to differentiate diseases which may be found and labelled negative against those who don't have the disease.


It is utilized it there is a significant relationship between two categorical variables.

Chi-square test 

It is utilized to test the significance difference of three or more independent varied samples.

Friedman's analysis of variance 

It is utilized when the measure of central tendency is the median (rarely used as a measure of central tendency).

Quartile deviation 

It presents and explains all the important details in the paper which may include the arguments, results and evidences.


It provides description of the development of a certain activity, matter of a person, event, community or institution.

Case study 

It provides description of the development of a certain activity, matter of a person, event, community or institution.

Case study 

It provides the research study with theoretical and conceptual framework.


It refers to the capability of a medical research tool to note the change and positive result which is significant of the disease.

Positive predictive 

It refers to the ability of research instrument to make separations required for the research problem.


It refers to the capability of a medical research tool to note the change and positive result which is significant of the disease.


It refers to the list of resource materials like books, manuals, articles and published and unpublished resource materials.


It refers to the notation at the bottom page of a printed document such as term papers, thesis, dissertation and etc.


It used on a very large scale and concerns large population.

Participatory research 

Its major purpose of these research methods is to look for meanings not for causes, differences or relationships.

Qualitative methods 

Keep the title brief and simple. Use active verbs and unnecessary details should be avoided. It should be around 10-12 words only.


Kind of researches which investigate into the unknown which use the results to a current problem.

Applied researches 

Matching groups is a less precise grouping method wherein groups are paired on a variable.


Materials must be sufficient enough to provide researcher an insight to his problem.


Materials should have relevance to the study.


No quantitative date is involved

Appreciative Inquiry 

Not a labor intensive research

Appreciative Inquiry 

Not labor intensive

Phenomenological Research 

Objective of the research is also determined through hypothesis.


Person-to-person matching is on the basis of similar or identical personal characteristics, people are selected .


Popularly known as "fish bowl technique".

Lottery method 

Population consists of _________ under consideration.


Prejudices and __________ should be excluded in the writing.


Problems for research can emanate from the discussions in the classroom.


Proper acknowledgement should be given to the writer in doing a review of related studies and gist of objectives, findings and conclusions should be gotten and rephrased by the researcher.


Qualitative method of research which is done to Analyze the context of participants as well as narrating their stories.

Ethnographic research 

Related studies are empirically based studies - _________, theses, dissertations (both published and unpublished).

Scientific paper 

Research can be classified into two - the basic, ________& empirical researches and the pure researches.


Research project always start with a problem or problems.


Research with no hypothesis as an advantage except _____.

Historical Research 

Research with no hypothesis as an advantage except _____.

Historical Research 

Sampling is a process of measuring and ________ a small portion of unit's data from a population which is used for statistical analysis.


Social interactions are measured using this technique.

Structured interview 

Sources of Problem:_________ experiences


Sources of Problem:_________ from other researches


Sources of Problem:_________ in School Classroom


Sources of Problem:Technological and _________ Researches


Sources of Problem:Theories which need _________ support


Statement of the problem should not be too _______ or not be too long.


Statistical _________ and techniques have already been decided once the data are given to the computer.


Statistical methods establish _________ basis for the population.


Statistical variables are those which can be _________ in interval scales.


Statistics of __________is a type of statistics which describes the variations of independent variable go with the other and vice versa.


Stratified random sampling is done by dividing the entire population into different subgroups or _______ and final subjects are randomly selected proportionally from the different strata.


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Table of Random Numbers is considered as the most systematic method of simple ________ sampling.


Terms which are used operationally should be included here which readers may not understand if not defined.


Terms which are used operationally should not be included in the Definition of Terms which readers may not understand if not defined.


The _________ (independent) variable is manipulated and applied to a dependent variable while the control variable is held constant.


The accuracy of data, their stability, repeatability, or precision


The accurate rules of _________,  spelling and  punctuation should be reflected in the language and style.


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Assessment Studies 

The degree to which the measure is independent of the personal opinions, subjective judgment, biases, and beliefs of the individual test user.


The degree to which the measure is independent of the personal opinions, subjective judgment, biases, and beliefs of the individual test user.


The Effects of Certain Variables on the Computing Abilities of Senior High School Students

Comparative Studies 

The experimental group receives the _________ which is under investigation and something is expected to gain while the control group receives the ordinary technique.


The first three forms of preparing formal research report differ in the__________ process.


The focus of these researchers is the process of things or information about different topics with no concern for a direct pay-off.

Basic researches 

The generated data by Solomon four-group design are computed using the ANNOVA or the two-way Analysis of Variance on post test scores.


The Implementation of Qualification Standards (QS) in the Hiring of Senior High School Teachers in Rizal

Assessment Studies 

The language of the topic for research should be _________ and when it is necessary, only technical terms should be used.


The language of the topic for research should not be simple and when it is necessary, only technical terms should be used.


The materials should not be as recent as possible.


The process of selecting samples based on the objective of the study and characteristics of a population.

Purposive or deliberate sampling 

The purpose of conducting this research is to gather information about current conditions or about the variables or elements under study.


The purpose of conducting this research is to gather information about current conditions or about the variables or elements under study.


The purpose of writing a research report is to inform to interested sectors the problem investigated, the methods used, the findings generated, the interpretation of the results and the _________ with the theory.


The Solomon four-group design has the greatest _________ and so it has the highest prestige.


The square of the standard deviation.


The third part of the main body of a research report is the Review of Related Literature and Studies.


The topic should be of _______ importance especially to the field in which you are conducting the research.


The topic should not be of present importance especially to the field in which you are conducting the research.


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Assessment Studies 

Theory does not give concrete information on what studies in the future can be made to add to present knowledge and current status of the topic.


Theory or sets of theory are included in this part of Chapter 1.

Theoretical Framework/Conceptual Framework 

There is a fixed list called interview guide which contains the questions for the interview.


There is only one group which is subjected to exposure to the experimental variable. Treatment and posttest are given to the same group.

Design 1 - The One-Shot Case Study 

These are data free and used in studieswhich concerns in inferring the characteristics of the population.

Qualitative methods 

These are designs that control nearly all sources of external and internal _________.


These are popular for forward-looking projects.

Trends and projection studies 

These are research methods which deals with an aim to generalize something.

Quantitative methods 

These are the data which are considered secondary and are obtained from offices, hospitals, agencies and government offices.

Documentary data 

These research studies are those which have intervening variable which will result in differences in certain characteristics according to the considered variables, without determining the possible cause.

Comparative studies 

These research studies are those which have intervening variable which will result in differences in certain characteristics according to the considered variables, without determining the possible cause.

Comparative studies 

These researches are implied their nature from data use, whether it is quantitative or qualitative.

Empirical researches 

These researches are geared towards the resolution or a simplification of a problem or off shoot of a concept or a theory or even a formula.

Pure researches 

These technique is done by starting from a core of known sample and then increased by adding new sample given by the first sample.


This is a descriptive research used when one desires reliable information about a group of people over a period of time.

Developmental studies 

This is a descriptive research used when one desires reliable information about a group of people over a period of time.

Developmental studies 

This is utilized when the researcher want to follow up the development of a certain conditions or particular sets of people. It is sometime referred to "tracer studies".

Follow-up studies 

This is utilized when the researcher wants to follow up the development of a certain conditions or particular sets of people.It is sometime referred to "tracer studies".

Follow up study 

Topic for a research should be _________ and has one meaning only.


Topic for a research should be clear and has one meaning only.


Topic should be well phrased and easy to understand by everybody.


True experimental designs do not control nearly all sources of external and internal validity.


Two group are involved here: The experimental and the control groups. They should have similarities, for instance the gender, age, mental ability and the two groups' pretest results. Pretest and posttest contents are the same.

Design 4 - The Parallel-Equated Two Group Design 

Two groups are involved, both of them are randomly selected. Both groups are given pretest and post test. The experimental group is given the treatment.

Design 5 - The Pre and Post-Test Control Group 

Type of sampling technique which is a certain percent of the population and is selected from the population through the use of some systematic way in which every population element has the chance of being included in the sample.


Type of historical research which supplies information like physical objects or written materials of historical values ( relics or remains).

Incidental historical research 

With the use of metaphor, narrative form and inductive method, this research focus on the human experience.

Phenomenological research 

Words in the Introduction should not cause an impact on the reader.


_________ abstract is written specifically to attract the attention of the readers to the study. Usually incomplete and leading remarks may be used to awaken the interest of the readers.


_________ are the measures of central tendency.


_________ sampling is used for boundless population .


_________ Variable refers to classification or categories of persons, things or phenomena.


_________is a less precise grouping method wherein groups are paired on a variable.

Matching groups 

_________refers to the notation at the bottom page of a printed document such as term papers, thesis, dissertation and etc.


A computational average which is a sum of the variables divided by the number of variables.


A good research title captives readers' attention.


A good research title merges the paper's content in a few words.


A good research title should contain key words and should define the nature of the study.


A group which experienced a treatment (X) is compared with the other group which has not. The result of the treatment will be the observed differences between the two groups

Design 3 - The Static Group Comparison 

A historical research type wherein there is a conscious effort of information preservation like in diaries and epitaphs.

Deliberate historical research 

A part of thesis proposal the researcher may indicate here the importance or significance of the research study.

Thesis proposal 

A part of thesis proposal which includes the title, author, institution, delivery date.

Sociometric technique 

A qualitative research wherein strength and potentials of persons and opportunities not the weaknesses or threats are considered.

Appreciative inquiry 

A sample is a part of a___________.


A sampling technique wherein there is no system in selecting the sample and the sample is not a proportion of a population.

Non-probability sampling 

A study on the Science concepts that high school students develop from first to fourth year.

Developmental Studies 

A technique wherein queries to questions, problem or task are answered by the respondent.

Testing technique 

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