Friday, February 10, 2023

Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensors

ECE 6171 Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensors

According to Time shifting property of z-transform, if X(z) is the z-transform of x then what is the z-transform of x(n-k)?


A Answer is a line segment which joins two nodes


A branch has gain but no direction.

Represent all the signals, variables, and summing points and take-off points as branches 

A continuous signal can be represented as the product of an impulse function and the signal itself.

A delay in the function by 3 units in time 

A device is a Answer when input is electrical and output a physical quantity


A device which converts one form of energy to another


A measure of the "amplification" of an amplifier


a numerical expression representing the performance or efficiency of a procedure.

Figure of merit 

A signal flow graph is the graphical representation of the relationships between the variables of set linear algebraic equations.


Aliasing arises when a signal is discretely sampled at a rate that is insufficient to capture the changes in the signal.


Answer is used to measure deflection, stress, pressure, etcThe resistance of the sensing element changes with applied strain


At what frequency should a signal composed of a single sinewave at a frequency of 6 Hz be sampled in accordance to the Nyquist Theorem?


Auto correlation function and energy spectral densities are Fourier transform pairs.


Biological Phenomena is a common detectable phenomena.


Capacitance Transducers are used to measure acceleration along one or more axis and are relatively insensitive to orthogonal directions


Class A amplifier is more efficient than Class B amplifier.


Class AB that has lower efficinecy of less thant 40% but good signal reproduction and linearity.


Class C amplifier is used for VHF, UHF and SHF Frequencies.


Data conversion accuracy enhances system performance In-depth understanding of data converter performance is important in many applications.


Data converters must represent blank continuous values in a range using a set of discrete values A blank binary code is used to represent the value


Decimation involves the use of which of the following components?

Digital anti-aliasing filter 

Decimation works by inserting zero-valued samples for each input signal.


DeconvolutionCorrelation is the reverse process of convolution widely used in signal and image processing


Electric Field transmission lines Magnetic Field coaxial lines sensors are used for power steering,security, and current measurements on Electric Field transmission lines Magnetic Field coaxial lines


Faraday’s Law of Induction states that coil resist a change in magnetic field by generating an opposing voltage/current


FET stands for _____________.

Bipolar junction transistorUnipolar junction transistor 

Flywheel Effect See back Effect to transform a temperature difference to a voltage difference


For a causal L.T.I. system, the impulse response is 0 for _________

Discrete Correlation 

Happens in ADCs when an output code does not occur for any input voltage


Identify the FET terminals stated :blankSource , terminal through which the carriers enter the channel blank Drain , where the carriers leave the channel blankGate , the terminal that modulates the channel conductivity

Field-effect Transistor 

Identify which is NOT a step for converting a block diagram into an equivalent signal flow graph.

Represent all the signals, variables, and summing points and take-off points as branches 

In an amplifier, if a capacitor can be accurately controlled, then the gain cannot be accurately controlled.


Increasing the input code should always decrease the output voltage.


Increasing the input code should always increase the output voltage.


Is the discrete time LTI system with impulse response h an (|a| < 1) BIBO stable?

ROC is a disconnection region 

It is a mathematical operation used to express the relation between input and output of an LTI system


It is a measure of the step size error

Effective number of bits 

It refers to the measure of similarity between two signals


Large signals uses this kind of amplifier


Multirate systems can increase or decrease the sampling-rate of a signal.


Power amplifier delivers power to the load  and is the product of the voltage and current applied to the load  with the output signal power being greater that the input signal power.


Power Density Spectrum is the measure of similarity between two different signals.

Power Density Spectrum 

Radio Frequencies uses Class B amplifier with the configuration of common collector .


Refers to the preservation of information.


Signal flow graphs are reliable to find transfer function than block diagram reduction technique.


Small Amplifiers are designed to amplify very small signal voltage levels of only a few Class A AmplifiersSmall Signal AmplifiersLarge Signal Amplifiers from sensors or audio signals


Switched capacitor circuits can be used to build regulators.


Switched capacitor-integrator is more accurate than continuous time integrator.


Tells us the frequency where the SINAD is 3 dBlower than the best case value


The ADC quantizes the input voltage to a finite number of bits.

Figure of merit 

The common conversion methods are Physical, RadioactiveChemicalMagnetic , and biological

Change the overlapping area of the parallel electrodesChange distance between the parallel electrodes 

The convolution of a discrete signal with itself is _________

Squaring the signal 

The convolution of a function with an impulse function delayed to an instant 3 in time results in ____________

A delay in the function by 3 units in time 

The cost is an economic factor to consider in choosing a sensor.


The easiest way to smooth a signal is to increase its resolution.


The FET is a unipolar junction transistor.

common gate 

The FET's three terminals are Source,Drain and CollectorBaseGate

Class A Amplifier 

the inverse z-transform can be performed by evaluating a Answer integral

x+y -E2-86-94X(z)+Y(z) 

The most inefficient amplifier class of amplifier.

Class C Amplifier 

The multistage approach allows a significant relaxation of the anti-alias and anti-imaging filters, with a consequent reduction in the filter complexity


The narrowband amplifies a specific range of frequencies, to the exclusion of other frequencies.


The opposition exhibited by its output terminals to an alternating current (AC) of a particular frequency is called Amplifier Efficiency.


The range of a convuluted signal of two unequal rectangles is the difference of the lower limits and upper limits.

Integration of Output 

The resulting signal when a continuous time periodic signal x(t) having period T, is convolved with itself is a periodic having period of T/2


The sampling frequency should be less than the highest frequency contained in the signal.


The simple way to avoid aliasing of course is to always have enough samples to capture the spatial or temporal variations in a signal.


The subscript ___________ is added to the period of clock signal T to emphasize that it's the clock signal.


SONAR stands for "Solar Navigation and Radar"


The three terminals of a semiconductor are called emmiter,base and gate.


The two types of convolution are continuous and discrete convolution.


This tells us how many of these bits contains useful information.

Uniform quantization steps are not constant 

Transistor where the current condition is due to both charge carries of holes and electrons


Ultrasonic sensors are used for position measurements.


Use mason’s gain formula to find the transfer function of the given signal flow graph:


What are the types of Transistor? (Choose two)

Unipolar junction transistorBipolar junction transistor 

What density spectrum can be measured in this formula?

Squaring the signal 

What is ADC?

Analog-to-Digital Converter 

What is DAC?

Digital-to-Analog Converter 

What is the classification of amplifier that uses the common emitter configuration of transistor?

Class A Amplifier 

What is the formula for noise power spectral density?

Total power / bandwidth 

What is the ROC of z-transform of finite duration anti-causal sequence?


What is the set of all values of z for which X(z) attains a finite value?


What is the z-transform of the signal x B1nu(-n-1)?


What is the z-transform of the signal x [3(2n)-4(3n)]u?


What should be the sampling frequency if the highest frequency of the signal is 5Hz?


Which is NOT a property of convolution?

Integration of Output 

Which is NOT a property of the region of convergence?

ROC is a disconnection region 

Which is NOT a quantization noise assumption?

Uniform quantization steps are not constant 

Which is NOT a static specification?


Which is NOT a transistor configuration?

common gate 

Which is not a type of correlation?

Discrete Correlation 

Which is NOT an effect of aliasing?

Retinal images 

Which of the following is/are an analog input/output ?


Which of the following is/are NOT a detectable phenomena?


Which of the following justifies the linearity property of z-transform?[xX(z)].

x+y X(z)+Y(z) 

Which of the following series has an ROC as mentioned below?


Which of the following variations can be done to make capacitance based sensors ? (Choose one or more)

Change the overlapping area of the parallel electrodes Change distance between the parallel electrodes 

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