Monday, April 18, 2022

Information Assurance and Security 2

IT6106A - Information Assurance and Security 2
Note: Updated 01/18/22

What jobs in information security is this?


Salary: $103,560

Responsibilities: Software developers can be tasked with a wide range of responsibilities that may include designing parts of computer programs and applications and designing how those pieces work together.

Software developer

Disruptions in their day-to-day business: Time is money.


First Reason why investing in information security is significant

Rising cost of breaches

Third Reason why investing in information security is significant

Proliferation of IoT devices

Feeling confident about their organization's security level: When information security community members participated in the Cybersecurity Trends Report, they were asked how positive they felt about their security stance.


Second Reason why investing in information security is significant

Increasingly sophisticated attacker

What jobs in information security is this?


Salary: $95,510

Responsibilities: Information security analysts monitor their companies' computer networks to combat hackers and compile reports of security breaches.

Information Security Analyst

What jobs in information security is this?


Salary: $104,000 Responsibilities: Create an in-office network for a small business or a cloud infrastructure for a business with corporate locations in cities on opposite coasts.

Computer Network Architects

Fifth Reason why investing in information security is significant

Regulatory compliances

The need for skilled workers and allocation of funds for security within their budget: Companies are making the effort to allocate more funds in their budgets for security.


Fourth Reason why investing in information security is significant

Funded hackers and wide availability of hacking tool

What jobs in information security is this?


Salary: $139,000

 Responsibilities: Information systems managers work toward ensuring a company's tech is capable of meeting their IT goals.

Computer and Information Systems Managers

Second Reason why investing in information security is significant

Increasingly sophisticated attacker

Fourth Reason why investing in information security is significant

Funded hackers and wide availability of hacking tool

Third Reason why investing in information security is significant

Proliferation of IoT devices

Fifth Reason why investing in information security is significant

Regulatory compliances

First Reason why investing in information security is significant

Rising cost of breaches

What jobs in information security is this?


Salary: $104,000

Responsibilities: Create an in-office network for a small business or a cloud infrastructure for a business with corporate locations in cities on opposite coasts

Computer Network Architects

Feeling confident about their organization's security level: When information security community members participated in the Cybersecurity Trends Report, they were asked how positive they felt about their security stance.


Information is one of the most significant ______ resources.


20 different risk markers grouped under five main categories

Security, Medical, Political, Environmental and Infrastructural Risks

The requirements for applications that are connected to _____ will differ from those for applications without such interconnection.

external systems

__________:controlling who gets to read information


For a ________ , the chief concern may be ensuring the confidentiality of classified information, whereas a funds transfer system may require strong integrity controls

national defense system

_______ : assuring that authorized users have continued access to information and resources


________ :assuring that information and programs are changed only in a specified and authorized manner.


The weight given to each of the three major requirements describing needs for information security—confidentiality, integrity, and availability—depends strongly on


With __________ attacks, for example, even legitimate and honest users of an owner mechanism can be tricked into disclosing secret data.

Trojan horse

A ______  that must be restored within an hour after disruption represents, and requires, a more demanding set of policies and controls than does a similar system that need not be restored for two to three days.


Early disclosure may jeopardize______ advantage, but disclosure just before the intended announcement may be insignificant.



is a requirement whose purpose is to keep sensitive information from being disclosed to unauthorized recipients.


In any particular circumstance, some threats are more probable than others, and a______ must assess the threats, assign a level of concern to each, and state a policy in terms of which threats are to be resisted.

prudent policy setter

may prevent people from doing unauthorized things but cannot prevent them from doing things that their job functions entitle them to do.

Technical measure

Computers are ______ entities, and programs can be changed in a twinkling, so that past happiness is no predictor of future bliss.


As viruses have escalated from a hypothetical to a commonplace threat, it has become necessary to rethink such policies in regard to methods of distribution and acquisition of


To be useful, a ______  must not only state the security need (e.g., for confidentiality—that data shall be disclosed only to authorized individuals), but also address the range of circumstances under which that need must be met and the associated operating standards.

Security policy

The framework within which an organization strives to meet its needs for information security is codified as _____

Security policy

Some ____are explicitly concerned with protecting information and information systems, but the concept of management controls includes much more than a computer's specific role in enforcing security.

management controls

_________ are the mechanisms and techniques—administrative, procedural, and technical—that are instituted to implement a security policy

Management controls

An effective ________ controls is needed to cover all aspects of information security, including physical security, classification of information, the means of recovering from breaches of security, and above all training to instill awareness and acceptance by people.

program of management

A major conclusion of this report is that the lack of a clear_____of security policy for general computing is a major impediment to improved security in computer systems.


One can implement that policy by taking specific actions guided by management control principles and utilizing specific security standards, procedures, and


The_____must be managed by auditing, backup, and recovery procedures supported by general alertness and creative responses.

residual risk

An _____ must have administrative procedures in place to bring peculiar actions to the attention of someone who can legitimately inquire into the appropriateness of such actions, and that person must actually make the inquiry.


A ______ is a concise statement, by those responsible for a system (e.g., senior management), of information values, protection responsibilities, and organizational commitment.

security policy

refers to the protection of hardware, software, and data against physical threats to reduce or prevent disruptions to operations and services and loss of assets.”.

Physical security

security measures to establish the validity of a transmission, message, or originator.


a data endowed with relevance and purpose.


assurance that the sender is provided with proof of a data delivery and recipient is provided with proof of the sender’s identity, so that neither can later deny having processed the data.


timely, reliable access to data and information services for authorized users.


assurance that information is not disclosed to unauthorized persons.


protection against unauthorized modification or destruction of information


a variety of ongoing measures taken to reduce the likelihood and severity of accidental and intentional alteration, destruction, misappropriation, misuse, misconfiguration, unauthorized distribution, and unavailability of an organization’s logical and physical assets, as the result of action or inaction by insiders and known outsiders, such as business partners.”

Personnel security

is the study of how to protect your information assets from destruction, degradation, manipulation and exploitation. But also, how to recover should any of those happen.

Information Assurance

According to _______ IA has four major categories: physical security personnel security IT security operational security.

Debra Herrmann

Criminals are constantly surveying the environment for an opportunity to commit crimes.


While you are walking, keep your mind on what is going on around you.


Walk without purpose, scan the area around you and make casual eye contact with others to display confidence.


Carrying items makes you more vulnerable targets for criminals.


If you have an intuitive feeling something is wrong, trust your instincts.


If you feel vulnerable do not ask Police or Security to escort you to your car


Always closely guard their personal effects when it comes to identity theft.


Theft of personal items such as pursues can result in more criminal opportunities such as:

Identity Theft, Stolen Auto, Residential Burglary

Method of reducing criminal opportunity.

Be alert and aware, Display confidence, Keep your hands free, Trust your instincts, Ask for help, Closely Guard your personal Effects

Types of private security.

Technology, Private Alarm Response, Private Patrol Services, Private Security Guards

involves the implementation of standard operational security procedures that define the nature and frequency of the interaction between users, systems, and system resources, the purpose.

Operational security

According to _____ , IA can be thought of as protecting information at three distinct levels.

Blyth and Kovacich

Information and data manipulation abilities in cyberspace.

information infrastructure

Knowledge and understanding in human decision space.


Raw facts with a known coding system


Accepted facts, principles, or rules of thumb that are useful for specific domains.


the inherent technical features and functions that collectively contribute to an IT infrastructure achieving and sustaining confidentiality, integrity, availability, accountability, authenticity, and reliability.”

IT security

Data and data processing activities in physical space.


_______ is a weakness or fault in a system that exposes information to attack.


for assets are one that has known threats

hostile environment

is a nonhostile environment that may be protected from external hostile elements by physical, personnel, and procedural countermeasures.

Benign environment

According to ______taxonomy of information security, a computing environment is made up of five continuously interacting components


Raw facts with an unknown coding system


is a collection of computing environments connected by one or more internal networks under the control of a single authority and security policy, including personnel and physical security.


Processed data


is all about protecting data that is found in electronic form (such as computers, servers, networks, mobile devices, etc.) from being compromised or attacked.


Info security is concerned with making sure data in any form is kept secure and is a bit broader than


is another way of saying “data security.”

Information security

The process to protect that data requires more advanced

IT security tool

Match the term/details to complete each statement.


Cybersecurity professionals traditionally understand the technology, firewalls, and intrusion protection systems needed, but weren’t necessarily brought up in the ___________________.

data evaluation business

Over the last decade, we’ve seen a _________________ between cybersecurity and information security, as these previously siloed positions have come together.


Both individuals need to know what data is most critical to the organization so they can focus on placing the right ____________________ and monitoring controls on that data.

cyber risk management

In some scenarios, an __________________ would help a cybersecurity professional prioritize data protection — and then the cybersecurity professional would determine the best course of action for the data protection.

information security professional

If your data is stored physically or digitally, you need to be sure you have all the right ____________________ in place to prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining access.

physical access controls

IT security can probably be used interchangeably with cybersecurity, computer security and information security if ___________________.

it pertains to business

___________________ or security ratings are the cyber equivalent of a credit score.

Cybersecurity ratings

IT is the ___________________for practical purposes, largely for industry (mainframes, supercomputers, datacentres, servers, PCs and mobile devices as endpoints for worker interaction) and consumers (PCs, mobile devices, IoT devices, and video game console endpoints for enduser lifestyles.)

application of computer science

Computer security and cybersecurity are completely ___________________, and require digital computer technology from 1946’s ENIAC to now.

interchangeable terms

Ensuring proper HTTPS implementation for an ecommerce website or mobile app falls under cybersecurity and computer security, so it’s ___________________.

information security

Keeping information___________________ electronic computers (such as ancient cryptography) to this very day falls under the banner of information security.

secure for the history of data predating

sing this high-level, objectively-derived data can simplify the ______________________ around risk.


Because ratings are easy to understand, they are a useful mechanism for ____________________ and vendor risk to a non-technical audience in the C-suite, boardroom, or with the vendor in question.

communicating internal

Business partners and investors are increasingly aware of the importance of this topic, and companies are asked regularly about their effectiveness in securing data and managing both ___________________.

physical and cyber risk

Computer security and cybersecurity are both children of ______________________.

information security

Layer describes the notion that the physical access to any system, server, computer, data center, or another physical object storing confidential information has to be constrained to business ought-to-know.

Physical Access

Feeling confident about their organization's security level: When information security community members participated in the Cybersecurity Trends Report, they were asked how positive they felt about their security stance.


Both individuals need to know what data is most critical to the organization so they can focus on placing the right ____________________ and monitoring controls on that data.

cyber risk management

If your data is stored physically or digitally, you need to be sure you have all the right ____________________ in place to prevent unauthorized individuals from gaining access.

physical access controls

Cybersecurity professionals traditionally understand the technology, firewalls, and intrusion protection systems needed, but weren’t necessarily brought up in the ___________________.

data evaluation business

In some scenarios, an __________________ would help a cybersecurity professional prioritize data protection — and then the cybersecurity professional would determine the best course of action for the data protection.

information security professional

Over the last decade, we’ve seen a _________________ between cybersecurity and information security, as these previously siloed positions have come together.


The requirements for applications that are connected to ________ will differ from those for applications without such interconnection.

external systems

Layer describes the notion that data ought to be secured while in motion.

data in motion

1 comment:

  1. please update for new answers because there's no answer in any of this on my midterm exam
