Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Screenwriting (MAC)

IT6310A Screenwriting (MAC)

These are presentations were essentially elaborate slide shows, in which a variety of glass plates were illuminated by candles and mirrors to cast images onto a projection screen

Image lantern

This shot happens when an interviewer appears on the screen nodding wisely as the person being interviewed carries on talking.


It is a main event that ties everything that happened in the story and solves the mystery or leads to a resolution.


The phenomenon in which an image from the world outside is captured through a peephole and “projected” on the wall of a darkened room (albeit upside down) as a real-life “motion picture.”

Camera obscura

This means that there is a psychological struggle within the mind of the main character, the resolution of which creates the plot's suspense:

Internal conflict

This is the smallest unit of uncut footage


This is the simplest type of conflict wherein the main character struggles against an animal, the weather, or the terrain, most often motivated by simple survival.

Character vs. Nature

It is shown from a vantage point that allows the audience to see all the relevant characters in the filmic space.

Establishing shot

It is generally made from a sufficient distance to show a landscape, a building, or a large interior.

Wide shot

This theory explains that what caused by the retina’s ability to “remember” an image for a fraction of a second after it has been removed from the screen

Persistence of vision

This is one of the traditional editing that shows the way of editing that it tends to give the ability to the editors to freely adjust and move the shot and scene and make it to produce the finalization of the film.


It gives flavors in the film and boost the interest of the audience / viewers.


It is the process of studying the characters it is important to be aware on the scripts as well as with the way the characters think and act


This is the visual art and craft of cinematic storytelling

Production Design

It is the audience point of view (The camera is placed outside the action.)


It is does the devices in film editing which is the “Iris” main focus


This is the style that been usually been edited by the editors

Tableu Style

This is connected in the environment of the characters. It gives interest and it boosts the behavior of the characters and the one watching the film. It simply giving flavors of the story line. It moves up and down it is changing. It is mostly the emotions of the characters which they give their lines


They are the one considered as the father of the cinema

Lumiere Brothers

An individual will made up to a common skills such as the way of responding appropriately to others, then with the social communication to random people , understanding of the social scripts given, perspective or character’s view taking, imitation of the characters, and even social creativity.


It is shown from a vantage point that allows the audience to see all the relevant characters in the filmic space.

Establishing shot

This shot happens when an interviewer appears on the screen nodding wisely as the person being interviewed carries on talking


It is the audience point of view (The camera is placed outside the action.)


This is the smallest unit of uncut footage


It gives flavors in the film and boost the interest of the audience / viewers.


This is connected in the environment of the characters. It gives interest and it boosts the behavior of the characters and the one watching the film. It simply giving flavors of the story line. It moves up and down it is changing. It is mostly the emotions of the characters which they give their lines.


This is the simplest type of conflict wherein the main character struggles against an animal, the weather, or the terrain, most often motivated by simple survival.

Character vs. Nature

These shots add texture, not main elements and are called “beauty shots”.

B-roll footage

This means that there is a psychological struggle within the mind of the main character, the resolution of which creates the plot's suspense:

Internal conflict

This is the style that been usually been edited by the editors

Tableu Style

It is generally made from a sufficient distance to show a landscape, a building, or a large interior.

Wide shot

This is the visual art and craft of cinematic storytelling

Production Design

This kind of device is been used in the shot which are continues for an unusually lengthy time before coming up with the transition of the next shot

Long Take, aka Plan Sequence

It is the process of studying the characters it is important to be aware on the scripts as well as with the way the characters think and act.


It is a main event that ties everything that happened in the story and solves the mystery or leads to a resolution.


This theory explains that what caused by the retina’s ability to “remember” an image for a fraction of a second after it has been removed from the screen.

Persistence of vision

These are presentations were essentially elaborate slide shows, in which a variety of glass plates were illuminated by candles and mirrors to cast images onto a projection screen

Image lantern

An individual will made up to a common skills such as the way of responding appropriately to others, then with the social communication to random people , understanding of the social scripts given, perspective or character’s view taking, imitation of the characters, and even social creativity


They are the one considered as the father of the cinema

Lumiere Brothers

The phenomenon in which an image from the world outside is captured through a peephole and “projected” on the wall of a darkened room (albeit upside down) as a real-life “motion picture.”

Camera obscura

It is the one been filmed and been taken by the directors during the shooting of the film and been used by the editors as a sources in making and finalization of the film.


It is what been called as the final touch of the editors or its last______________________.


The basic two characteristics of sound in film, are:


This kind of sound design often has influence on its pictures because it give flavors to the film so that the emotions of the viewers will be connected as well in the film.

Correlation with a picture

y This is a kind of sound recordings for the film and television are been used often as an exaggeration of emotions and the reality.


It is a sound effects are those that been done and made in a recording studio called a Foley stage, in the recording the audio it is while watching the picture a Foley artist tends to performs the acting just like more or less synchronously with the picture, It is a kind of recording that been done in the studio.


It is the process of making the film fixed at it is and making it well polished when it will be viewed or showed in front of people.

Editing Design

It is the way of recording of the background or the set’s sounds present on the so that it could give additional intense and emotions in making the film. It gives artificial "natural presence" of the space and locations because there will be no need of sound effects to be added.


The one responsible for the polishing and make adjustment through the final touch of the film


It is the combination and the balance of the pictures and sound in making the film balance with the photos and sound. After, the shots being joint together, the film is now balance and synchronized on its own because of the editing process that been done.


Arrange the given steps in the CORRECT order of sequence and drag the correct answer in the box provided:

1. Recording

2. Mixing

3. Synchronization

4. Editing


It is part in the video editing system which it opens up to an editor a numbers of possibilities which may actually includes the cropping, coloring, and adding in effects in every shots or scenes that being created, but what it lacks is the native natural image resolutions or its physical quality.


Creating a reel of a film is a kind of rewarding especially to the writers, editors and directors because of the hard work and passion they’ve done in the film. An individual can see the length and the duration of the film building up longer and longer as you edit on because of the additional details being putted through it.


Encourages the editors to always take notes and always pre-visualize the scenes before each cut will be applied.


Shows the way of editing that it tends to give the ability to the editors to freely adjust and move the shot and scene and make it to produce the finalization of the film.


Is to teach and keep the eyes of the editors on the film by simple thinking about its storylines and most especially its concepts or the theme that usually important because it helps the viewers to deeply understand the film.


Is usually be done but just a glimpse.

Rushes (dailies

Is been considered as the most revolutionary thing which usually appeared in the history of film. It changed the whole visualization or the totality of the movies because of the message it gives to the viewers which now differentiate very much from the other films today and in the silent era.


The audience point of view.

The Objective

What the character is seeing

The Point of View

The camera acts as the viewer’s eyes

The Subjective

When it comes to acting, this theory can be correlated because when in filming the actors tend to produce feelings, emotions or expressions which is align in the scripts been created.

Theory of Mind

It is the one responsible in the creation and interpretation of the scripts so that the film will be produced in no time. The Directors has the responsibility to establish the film and has the capability to visualize the film from start, middle up until it ends

Film Directors

It is the images that been created with the principles of montage


It means that when it comes in making film, this principles helps the directors and whole cast and even the crews of the film to produce a great film that worth to be watch.

Principles of Directing

It is the way of giving meaning and interpretation to the angles that been created and even the angles that shot by the creator

Psychology of Camera

The one who is responsible in the production of the emotions of the film and even the theme of the film because of the way they act and perform.


This is an oblong shaped with a piece of card with a picture of either side and a piece of string run through it in such a way to facilitate its being turned rapidly round and round on its axis.


He created the novel “The Little Princess”

Frances Hodgson Burnett

Thomas Dixon is also known as

The Clansman

The Documentary Films promotes the “Slice of____”


The Magic Box is considered as the first


The character at his lowest moment at in the point of giving up

The Crisis


These kinds of film genre become popular in any side of the world because this gives intensity mostly to the viewers because of the ability of this genre to get the emotions of the viewers to be more interested through it.

Mystery / Crime / Detective

This kind of film is one of the popular film genre mostly here in the Philippines and most especially in United States because it become to be an eye opener not only what is the reality but a way of making the mind of other to see what is real

Independent Films (Indie Film)

This kind of film can be speak as a non-fiction but more on the realist side because this genre tends to show the “slice of life” and how it tends to function in a more real situation of a person

Documentary Films

“Usually, each frame differs slightly from the one preceding it, giving the illusion of movement when frames are projected in rapid succession at 24 frames per second. The earliest cinema animation was composed of frame-byframe, hand-drawn images.”


This genre is one of the well known flavors in the film because it is the one which is considered the structure one because the characters or actors should have the capability to bring the lines so that the audience can be able to laugh and feel the lines given by each character.


Are some sort of a serious presentation of stories in relations with the real setting or situations of our life.


Films like this are in the Indigenous tribes and places of America that show the traditions and behaviors of the American citizens.


One of the type of this kind of film is the “A Quiet Place”

Horror / Thriller

“This kind of illusion of motion was first described by “British physician Peter Mark Roget” in 1824, and was a first step in the development of the cinema.


This film has a mixtures of experiments that includes the ability of the film maker to create and explain to the viewers the science behind the scenes or situations in the film.

Science Fiction

What does the Lighting sets


Cognitive is one of the essential because of the memorization of scripts and scenario and that is being an



It is part in the video editing system which it opens up to an editor a numbers of possibilities which may actually includes the cropping, coloring, and adding in effects in every shots or scenes that being created, but what it lacks is the native natural image resolutions or its physical quality.


Encourages the editors to always take notes and always pre-visualize the scenes before each cut will be applied


Creating a reel of a film is a kind of rewarding especially to the writers, editors and directors because of the hard work and passion they’ve done in the film. An individual can see the length and the duration of the film building up longer and longer as y


Is usually be done but just a glimpse

Rushes (dailies

Is to teach and keep the eyes of the editors on the film by simple thinking about its storylines and most especially its concepts or the theme that usually important because it helps the viewers to deeply understand the film.


Shows the way of editing that it tends to give the ability to the editors to freely adjust and move the shot and scene and make it to produce the finalization of the film.


The attachment is more remote


Drag the correct answer in the box provided: (7pts)

This is also named and called the “Anxiety”. Related to Millennial who tends to experience some sort of anxiousness and worry about the film that been watched.


It means that it is lack of the usual social or ethical standards in an individual or group.


It is the ability of the one who will watched the film to have that “Self Identification” in the film they’ve watching, usually experienced by male viewers.


It is the way of watching the film and experiencing the sense of pleasure by watching or just looking on it, usually experienced by male viewers.


It is the spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.


Three Angles of View for the Camera

The camera acts as the viewer’s eyes.

The Subjective

The audience point of view

The Objective

What the character is seeing.

The Point of View

They are the one who makes the plot twist of the film.

Script Writers


It concern with the historicity of texts and the textuality of story


It simply means that the Director’s is the author of the film


It is the ability to produce the empowerment of the Women


This is the collective vies. attitudes and behaviors of the characters


the first feminist critics that tends to offer a sustained critique of stereotypes from a processed or semiotic point of view.

Claire Johnston

(usually experienced by male viewers) - The voyeurism means in a layman’s term that an individual tends to feel and experience the sense of pleasure in just watching and by looking in one character, things or any kind of object

Voyeurism Visual Pleasure

(usually experienced by female viewers) - Then when it comes to the narcissism it means that the audience who watching the film tends to have the application of their self in the character or a form of “Self-Identification” because some viewers will said that “I look just like her” like in some Disney princesses film.

Narcissism Visual Pleasure

Theorist named “______Horn-eye” tackle the idea of psychoanalysis and under it there is several theories correlated it

Karen Horney

Sergei Eisenstein’s Battleship Potemkin in the year 1925 is considered and one of the most influential and well known ideological texts of scripts and as a film as well, this is an ideological conflict between the two sides which is the East and the West.


A Filipino movie that been watched by millions because the film tackle the history of  ________ on how he fight for the right and freedom of the Philippines. In this film, it shows the strength and passion of the filipino’s to fight for the right and be strong in any fight or struggle that being faced in any step of our journey in life.

General Luna

This article tends to be a big hit because it focuses on the director that even they are the one who will direct and guide they can also be writer of their own film

On the Auteur Theory

When it comes to the theoretical terms, the ideology tends to be related to the Theory of ____ and it explains society


The comedy film genre’s goal is to “_______ ” and this is designed to present and elicit the smile and most especially the laughter to the audience.

Make em Laugh

It is the one what the people expect in the movie. It stand as the main topic of the film because of its capability to add extra interest to the viewers.


This is the one that the audience “SETS” before they will watch the film. It is the emotion of the viewers who will be watching the film.


The Drama genre is considered “______” because this includes some sort of broad spectrum genres of film insider.

the largest film genre

“The western films are considered as the “_____ ” of most of the American films because as with the word Western it is in the other side of the world and mostly the foreign movies that we usually watched in big screens and become a big hit in most country because of their ability to produced a film that has a great and excellent quality of graphics through it.

major defining genre

Sample film of this here in the Philippines is the “______ ” film. This film receives several awards that become well known in other countries as well. The film talks about the reality, in which the situation of the characters focuses their life in the metro manila

Metro Manila


Mostly or several films is been based in the western side of the world

Silent Film

This is been commonly used to present the pictures and drawings through the lights and silhouette of the cartoons in it.

Silent Film

The emotion of the film that specifically focuses on the intense of the situation and scenes of the film

Silent Film

This genre shows the ability of the creator to narrate the film through the movement of the pictures and human characters

Silent Film

It shows the reality of life and mostly the way of the creator as a “Eye opener” of the situations of the world

Independent Films

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