Sunday, November 13, 2022

Living in the IT Era

GE6221 Living in the IT Era

ICT also plays a part in the prevention and solution of crimes


In defining social change, the number of people affected should be taken into account


In making policies and strategies, we should consider leniency on intellectual property rights since there is a lot of information on the net to properly account for

Esther Karwera

__________________ is critical for anyone to be able to understand the changing values and behavior patterns of people in the now that affect the future

Continual Learning

______________ This is a stage of social change that led to abstraction because of society's belief in supernatural powers

Philosophic Stage

______________ This is a stage of social change when society's action is dictated by a belief in a supernatural power

Religious Stage

______________ This is a stage of social change when society's action is dictated studies done empirically

Positive Stage

________________ perspective posits that globalization is a set of connected events




___________________ is a factor that affects the evolution of technology

Systems Theory

___________________ is third wave of globalization theoretical discourse

Geographical Approach

_____________________ is a factor that affects the evolution of technology which pertains to the pressure from the market which makes the innovation adjust to its needs?

Selection Pressure

_____________________ is another mechanism necessary for global inclusion

Reduce Discovery Costs

_____________________ is one mechanism necessary for global inclusion

Improve Social Services offerings

_______________in the latest April 2018 statistics of the Global Digita Population, the highest number would be from the group of

Active Internet Users

_______________is one of the determinants of digital divide that refers to having the hardware support to access technology


_______________is one of the determinants of digital divide that refers to having the necessary skills to understand innovation


_______________is one of the determinants of digital divide that refers to the ability and capability to purchase and access technology


_______________refers to the gap between people who have internet access and those who do not have internet access

Digital Divide

_______________refers to the gap in terms of skills people have in the use of technology and accessing and analyzing information


_______________refers to the procedure when innovation is accepted in community of a group of people


1840s was the time the telegraph was created by _____________

Samuel Morse

A ___________footprint is made when individual information is discharged intentionally by a client to share data around oneself by methods for sites or internet


A ___________footprint is made when information is acquired without the knowledge of the proprietor


A core tenet of design with the user is to incorporate multiple user types in each stage


A major factor and as the information measure is expanding the price that has been expanding exponentially


A rural psychologist whose study is focused on agricultural issues in the US and developing countries


A scholar who defines social change as evidenced by material changes in the environment and the adjustments we as humans make modifies customs and social institutions

WF Ogbum

A sociologist who believes that "Economic Factor" is the one and ONLY cause of Social Change

Karl Marx

A sociologist who believes that society will undergo a religious, philosophic and a positive stage

Auguste Comte

A sociologist who compared social change to a microorganism He postulates that society is inherently militant and struggled for survival

Herbert Spencer

A sociologist who focused on the role of elites in the society He proposed that society is one "whole" but has interdependent parts

Volfredo Pareto

A sociologist who is a proponent of the Cyclical Theory that believes society will undergo the stages of growth, half and eventual decline of civilization

Arnold J Tonybee

A sociologist who made a comparison of the Roman Empire which rose to power but eventually collapsed

Oswald Spengler

Access to and availability of more information does not enable interlinkages


According to Brian Arthur, technological evolution happens because of the phenomenon he calls as

Combinatorial Evolution

Achieving scale is a goal that has been easy for digital development practitioners


Adopt and expand on open data, standards, or innovation done by other digital developers in the community is a core tenet of Use Open standards, Open data, Open source, and Open Innovation


Advancements in technology has accounted for humanity's happiness and advancement


Always implement an informed consent so that participants understand why data is being collected & they have an option to refuse participation is a core tenet of address privacy and security


An Anthropologist who said that technology and the way it is used determines the forms of culture and society

Leslie White

An Athenian Herald or Courier was said to have run from Marathon to Athens to report that the Greeks won against the Persians in the Battle of Marathon


An Italian inventor pioneered long-distance radio transmission and transmitted the first transatlantic radio signal from Cornwall to Newfoundland

Guglielmo Marcon

As a means of communication, homing or transporter pigeons were used by Egyptians and Greeks in ancient times


Aside from FB, Which of the following is ranked next on top as the most famous Social networking site as of April 2018?

You Tube

Best known as the designer of the phone, worked at a school for the hard of hearing while at the same time endeavouring to imagine a machine that would transmit sound by power

Alexander Graham Bell

Characterized by the nearness of the insignificant information which prompts the expanding the measure of information to be broke down, yet in addition builds the cost of administration, stockpiling abuse and nearness of obsolete information in your vault

Noise in DATA

Companies look into hiring applicants with experience or shows interest in policy-making to promote more policies and standards to be createdCompanies should also collaborate with other companies who are interested in improving policies and strategies in an organization


Computers were introduced in the 19____


Cooperative efforts should be in place between the government and private sector to ensure a positive and continuous impact on a nation's industry and economic growth


Created a STEM program to incorporate small farm holders to the agriculture industry of her country

Esther Karwera

Created a Training program to identify and provide for women coders


Created aa training program to provide connectivity through the use of solar electricity

Neha MIsra

Data Innovation has not really positively affected the financial sector of the present worldwide economy


Data sourcing, collection, and analysis must also be holistic is a core tenet of Be Data Driven


DOI is a study that is aimed at understanding the what, when, why and how new technological innovations advancements and ideas spread across cultures in the world DOI stands for

Diffusion of Innovation

E-Science traces it's roots back in the 1950s when specialists and researchers utilized the PC


Entrepreneurs should decline opportunities to serve as board or technology expert because this practice influences other Entrepreneurs and propose the same policies


Huge amount of data can also refer to large datasets


Implies a foul or wrong aftereffect of your information translation This by and large happens when you incline toward going for an uncertified expert as opposed to an examiner with a Big Data confirmation

Bad Analytic Reports







In making standards and policies, a benchmark restricts, productivity growth and net savings


Initiatives that do not account for ecosystem challenges are less likely to achieve their objectives or scale


It is a period in human history that started when computers were introduced in the 1970s It is evident in the rapid shift from mechanical industrialization to technological innovation

Digital Age

It is the most important gadget that many of us use today


It was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Business Stone, and Evan Williams in 2006 Rapidly gained popularity as of 2017 has 100 million daily active users


Lewis Henry Morgan was the first to react to the "voyage literature" of western pioneers who brought back reports of newfound plants, creatures, and social orders


Linking the problem at hand to others who have encountered similar concerns, and have attempted different solutions, people will have a broader and deeper understanding of the issues


No assurance that even the examiners with Big Data affirmation won't alter your information or abuse it to their own assent Every single individual data of yours is being shared and some place put away which can be effortlessly abused

Privacy Control

no question


One of the principles of digital development having a core tenet: "Develop new digital codes or technologies that are freely viewed, copied, modified, shared, and distributed in open or public platforms"

Open Standards, Open Data, Open Source, and Open Innovation

One of the principles of Digital Development which can only be attained through conversation, observation, and co-creation with the people, client, or target market who will be using the eventual digital product or tools

Design with the User

One of the principles of Digital Development which involves careful consideration about which data are collected and how they are stored and shared

Address Privacy and Security

One of the principles of Digital Development which is about ensuring user and stakeholder support be maximized and uninterrupted

Build for Sustainability

Only an estimated ___ percent of the world's population are connected to the global digital economy


Policies and measures should be set in place to maintain the safety and security of the people using these innovations


Policy improvement should start in at home because parents should encourage their children to -specially in business schools should be encouraged to take policy classes

Everett Rogers

Possibility of abuse or revelation of data


Private testing, accreditation and certification of technological innovations should be monitored by a regulatory body and done by competent and recognized centers


Production of basic necessities and commodities contributed to social change


Refers to the consistency of an an innovation in terms of present values, past experiences and the need of a potential user compare to other existing innovations


Refers to the degree of difficulty involved in using or understanding the innovation It be also being referred to as ease of use and how simple the innovation is


Refers to the functionality of a certain innovation and how this innovation is accepted by users in terms of economic edge, the prestige that comes along in using the innovation and convenience

Relative Advantage

Refers to the opportunity for the prospective user to use the product for testing on a limited time basis Actual hands on experience is necessary for the potential user to use the technology


Refers to the opportunity for the user to see the results of a particular innovation If this is satisfied, the prospect or potential user will most likely adopt to it

Digital Divide

Security measures and policies are good options to consider but not necessary


Social change is not observable in small groups


Social evolution can be credited to the theories of Charles Darwin


Social Evolution is the ain hypothesis produced for human sciences specifically for _______________.


Society is permanent


Some benefits of ICT in the education sector are online banking & access to patient records


Some social changes e g automation in labor has increased the employment percentage


Susceptibility refers to the weakness of information systems


Technological advancements has contributed to the protection of environment in terms of utilizing machineries/inventions to reduce waste eg recycling process


Technological change reaches everyone whether directly or indirectly


Technological Innovations has threatened our security


Technological innovations that are small scaled in nature will not have any effect to individuals, groups or societies


The __________ Market seeks to create relevant uses or reasons for people to go online


The ________________ wave includes 4 main perspectives


The 10thmechanism necessary for global inclusion is

Disrupting for the last half-billion

The cellular phone has found other use aside from as a means of communication


The deterministic Theory is also called the single factor theory according to Karl Marx


The development and adoption of technology must be aligned and integrated in the personals objectives of the people

Digital Divide

The Digital Age is also termed as The New Media Age


The effects of global information explosion can already be seen in the cyclical uploading and downloading of information


The greater number of new technologies and the combinations that are and can be generated from them the slower will be the technological advancement because of so much combinations


The limited opportunities and access to technology for women cause a digital gender divide


The long waves of evolution depict how technology has advanced through ___________


The long waves of social evolution are benchmarked with technology


The need for public policies and strategy to catch up on technological innovations


The second wave of theoretical approach on globalization is ______________________

Skeptical Approach

The term e Science however was formally introduced and authored by James Taylor in 1999


The time frame when change is measure is important in determining what social change is


The use of cryptography for individual privacy; maintain local and international global competitiveness, enforcement of the law, world leadership and national security should be limited as it restricts information sharing


There is a tendency for man to move from happiness to discontent according to the Determination Theory


These are 2 more examples of factors that affect the evolution of technology:

Niche Construction and Niche Differentiation

These are stories of the 15th and 16th Century western pioneers.

Voyage Literature

This is a type of vulnerability that happens when information that is stored is changed


This is a type of vulnerability that happens when information that is stored is submitted is illegally copied


This is a type of vulnerability that happens when vital information is revealed by unauthorized users


This is a type of vulnerability that happens when vital information, software or hardware are destroyed intentionally of for malicious reasons


This pertains to the differences in tastes, choices, or pressure from society that affects how technology evolves in different markets or geographical locations

Cultural Variation

This principle not only brings all other principles together but is actually part and parcel of each and every principle of digital development

Be Collaborative

Two innovations cannot co-exist and compete in the same niche


What Social Development definition of Herbert Spencer refers to "society always moves toward an ideal setting"?

Social Progress

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the Digital Divide?

Men and women have the same access to innovation

Which of the following statements is NOT true about technological policies?

Information dissemination is up to date

_____________ are public records of transactions made in cryptocurrency


______________ A sociological Perspective that says as man progresses so as man's needs and wants thus he/she is determined to have more because this dissatisfaction

Determination Theory Correct

______________ is the application of human knowledge in creating tools and the use of natural resources


______________ is the coordinated, interdisciplinary quest for social request and focus on data preparation

Computational Science C

______________ refers to any type of information like records, tables or accumulations

Informational Index

______________ refers to the change in the relationships or interrelationships of people in a society

Social Change

______________ refers to the non-customary techniques and advancements expected to assemble, sort out, process and accumulate bits of knowledge from huge datasets

Big Data

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