Thursday, August 4, 2022

Integrative Programming and Technology 1

 IT6302 Integrative Programming and Technology 1

Each personal computer has a _________ that manages the computer’s arithmetical, logical and control activities.


Translator which is used to convert codes of assembly language into machine language is termed as


Translator which converts high-level language programs into machine language program is called


Programming language which sometimes called 'write once, run any where is


Effective Storage management includes

Securities, Backups, Reporting

Higher-order functions are not built into the

structural language

Language in which single statements can be written to accomplish substantial task is named as:

high level language

Storage management comprises of

Storage management comprises of

A language supported by MS. Net platform.


To speed up the processor operations, the processor includes some internal memory storage locations, called ___________


Which of the following provides byte level striping?


Executables might be called ________

native code

_______________ is the assembly language for an imaginary architecture.

Byte code

Which of the following is sequential access storage device?

Tape Cartridge

Word processing software is a type of application software.


They normally interact with the system via user interface provided by the application software.


Pick the false statement

RAID Level 5 provides block level striping and error correction information

Select the correct option regarding tape drive

Tape drives can stream data at a very fast rate

Which of the following is false?

Flash disk can only have USB interface

Which of the following statements about various hard disks is wrong?

USB Hard disks store data on flash memory

Pick the wrong statement about the hard disk?

Hard disk can only have IDE or USB interface

Which of the following is not a way of acquiring software?

Duplicating the software

Set of programs which consist of full documentation.

Software Package

Which of the following is not a non volatile storage device?

Random Access Memory

Animations and interactivity with user on web pages can be done by:

Java script

Which of the Following is not an off-line storage device?

Tape Library

A program that can execute high-level language programs.


Nested RAID provides better performance characteristics than the RAID levels that comprise them (true/false)


FORTRAN was developed by


Pick odd one out

Fault tolerance

The software designed to perform a specific task:

Application Software

Source program is compiled to an intermediate form called ___________

Byte Code

Which of the following isn’t a characteristic of High level languages?

machine code

Unit which retains processed information until it can be placed on output devices by output unit is

memory unit

Assembly Language requires less memory and execution time.


Today's fastest growing mobile phone operating system is

Google's Android

FORTRAN stands for:

Formula Translator

What do you call a specific instruction designed to do a task?


Which of the below is not a valid classification of design pattern?

Java patterns

Language in which single statements can be written to accomplish substantial tasks is termed as

high level language

Which of the following is false about tape devices?

Tape drives allow random access of data

The instructions that tell the assembler what to do.

Executable instructions

JVM stands for?

Java virtual machine

A program that can execute high-level language programs.


Which of the following isn’t a characteristic of High level languages?

machine code

How do Storage administrators ensure secure access to storage devices:

By using Zoning

Identify the tasks involved in Storage Capacity management.

Identifying storage systems are approaching full capacity, monitoring trends for each resource and tracking total capacity, total used, total available

Each byte of character is stored as its ASCII value in _______


Prolog comes under ___________

Logic Programming

A client device designed so that most processing and data storage occurs on the client side describes

Fat Client

For long term storage (archival) of data which of the following storage devices is generally used:

Tape Cartridges

TCP, FTP, Telnet, SMTP, POP etc. are examples of?


Two devices are in network if:

a process in one device is able to exchange information with a process in another device

The URL Connection class can be used to read and write data to the specified resource referred by the URL.


Which of the following does not refer to middleware?

(e) JAVA and C

When collection of various computers seems a single coherent system to its client, then it is called:

distributed system

Which of the following is not a likely configuration of a Client-Server System?

Single Client- Multiple Server System

What is the most basic level of storage?


Which one of the following extends a private network across public networks?

virtual private network

What does a VLAN do?

Provides multiple broadcast domains within a single collision domain

This is a repository for the storage, management, and dissemination of data in which the mechanical, lighting, electrical and computer systems are designed for maximum energy efficiency and minimum environmental impact.

Data Center

Simply stated, these are large boxes that hold lots of hard disks.

Disk Array

In computer network nodes are:

the computer that terminates, originates and routes the data

Which one of the following extends a private network across public networks?

Both IP address of Server & Port number

The execution of the functions on a single server or across servers on the network is called:


Disk controller driver in DAS architecture is replaced in SAN either with ——

Any one of the above

A tape library does not contain:

RAID Array

The execution of the functions on a single server or across servers on the network is called

All are roll backed regardless of whether they issue any one

RAID Level 6 has dual parity where as RAID Level 5 has single parity and both does block level striping


Which one of the following computer network is built on the top of another network?

overlay network

Which storage technology requires downtime to add new hard disk capacity


What will be used by SAN to provide connectivity between hosts and storage?


Which three statements describe differences between Storage Area Network (SAN) and Network Attached Storage (NAS) solutions? Choose three

A, B, D

RAID Level 7 does Asynchronous cached striping with dedicated parity.


Which of the following provides byte level striping?


Nested RAID provides better performance characteristics than the RAID levels that comprise them


Which topology is best suited for medium sized enterprise.


Communication channel is shared by all the machines on the network in

broadcast network

In SAN storage model, the operating system view storage resources as —— devices


TP monitor done its responsibilities with the help of which protocol?

Two-Phase Commit Protocol

What protocol is used to find the hardware address of a local device?


Which of the following statements regarding Client-server computing are true?

The Client server environment is typically homogeneous and single-vendor. The hardware flat form and operating system of Client and Server are usually the same

Network congestion occurs when:

in case of traffic overloading

The principle of serial equivalence for distributed transactions says that:

When several transactions are executed concurrently, the result should be the same as if they had been executed in sequence

A __________ is a device that forwards packets between networks by processing the routing information included in the packet.


This is the practice of collecting computer files that have been packaged together for backup, to transport to some other location, for saving away from the computer so that more hard disks can be made available, or for some other purpose.


In the Client-Server architecture, the component that processes the request and sends the response is


Identify a network file protocol in the below mentioned set.


NetBEUI is an enhanced version of ------ Protocol


Which of the following is false about tape devices?

Tape drives allow random access of data

Which of the following Company manufactures RAID devices?


Select the correct option regarding tape drive

Tape drives can stream data at a very fast rate

A NAS solution is most appropriate for what type of data environment

Shared access

This is the process of assigning storage, usually in the form of server disk drive space, in order to optimize the performance of a storage area network.

Storage Provisioning

A list of protocols used by a system, one protocol per layer, is called:

protocol stack

I/O requests to disk storage on a SAN are called

Block I/Os

Which one of the following extends a private network across public networks?

virtual private network

A script is a:

Program or sequence of instruction that is interpreted or carried out by another program

URL means ________.

Address of the resource on the web

Which of the following layer in Web Service Protocol Stack is responsible for centralizing services into a common registry and providing easy publish/find functionality?

Service Description

Simpler approach of implementing a web service is named as

Representation State Transfer

When compared to the compiled program, scripts run:


Which of the following layer in Web Service Protocol Stack is responsible for encoding messages in a common XML format so that messages can be understood at either end?

Service Description

________ programs are automatically loaded and operates as a part of browser.


Which of the following layer in Web Service Protocol Stack is responsible for describing the public interface to a specific web service?

Service Description

A more complex approach for web service implementation, is referred to as

Big Web Services

A tape library does not contain:

RAID Array

Which of the following is a security issue with web services?

Confidentiality, Authentication and Network Security

Which of the following is correct about SOAP?

SOAP is language independent, simple and extensible.

Which of the following role of web service architecture implements the service and makes it available on the Internet?

Service Provider

Which of the following is correct about SOAP?

SOAP is an XML-based protocol for exchanging information between computers, communication protocol and communication between applications.

How response is sent in XML-RPC?

XML responses are embedded in the body of the HTTP response.

Software which allows user to view the webpage is called as __________.

Internet Browser

What HTTP stands for?

Hyper Text Transfer Protocol

Which of the following component of Web service describes interfaces to web services?


Which of the following role of web service architecture provides a central place where developers can publish new services or find existing ones?

Service Registry

Which of the following website is used to search other website by typing a keyword ?

Search Engine

Web-applications were developed in order to interact _____________ .

Different platforms

For the implementation of web services, the widely used approaches are of type

4 types


    Question 1
    Mark 1.00 out of
    Question 2
    Mark 1.00 out of
    Started on Saturday, 17 June 2023, 9:07 AM
    State Finished
    Completed on Saturday, 17 June 2023, 9:41 AM
    Time taken 34 mins 19 secs
    Marks 41.00/50.00
    Grade 82.00 out of 100.00
    A class containing one or more abstract methods is called an ________.
    a. Abstract Method
    b. Structural Patterns
    c. Behavioral Patterns
    d. Abstract Class
    e. Application Programming Interfaces
    Your answer is correct.
    Using logic and analysis to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches.
    a. Critical Thinking
    b. Writing
    c. Mathematics
    d. Computers and Electronics
    e. Reading Comprehension
    Your answer is correct.
    Question 3
    Mark 1.00 out of
    Question 4
    Mark 1.00 out of
    Question 5
    Mark 1.00 out of
    Once a program is translated into native instructions (machine code), it can then be executed over and over again
    without the overhead of this ________.
    a. Translation

    b. Execute
    c. Compiled
    d. Pre-Compiled
    e. Statement
    Your answer is correct.
    Add more responsibilities to an object dynamically for structural patterns.
    a. Facade
    b. Abstract Factory
    c. Decorator
    d. Singleton
    Factory Method
    Your answer is correct.
    Interpreter stops translating after the ___________.
    a. First Error
    b. Execute
    c. Act
    d. Statement
    e. Read
    Your answer is correct.
    Question 6
    Mark 1.00 out of
    Question 7
    Mark 1.00 out of
    Question 8
    Mark 1.00 out of
    Reads the whole source code and translates it into a complete machine code program to perform the required tasks
    which is output as a new file.
    a. Compile
    b. Program
    c. Creator
    d. Programming languages
    e. Compiler
    Your answer is correct.
    Used to deal with assignment of responsibilities to objects and communication between objects.
    a. Organizing patterns
    b. Behavioral patterns
    c. Creational patterns
    d. Equal patterns
    e. Structural patterns
    Your answer is correct.
    Knowledge of numbers, their operations, and interrelationships including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus,
    statistics, and their applications.
    a. Computers and Electronics
    b. Reading Comprehension
    c. Mathematics
    d. Critical Thinking
    e. Writing
    Your answer is correct.
    Question 9
    Mark 1.00 out of
    Question 10
    Mark 1.00 out of
    Question 11
    Mark 1.00 out of
    The machine code is then discarded and the next line is _______.
    a. Code
    b. Execute
    c. Read
    d. Act
    e. Debug
    Your answer is correct.
    Used to help make a system independent of how its objects are created, composed and represented.
    a. Creational patterns
    b. Organizing patterns
    c. Equal patterns
    d. Behavioral patterns
    e. Structural patterns
    Your answer is correct.
    A word processing program that allows you to create, edit, and print documents with your computer.
    a. Adobe Photoshop
    b. Microsoft Powerpoint
    c. Microsoft Excel
    d. Paint
    e. Microsoft Word
    Your answer is correct.
    Question 12
    Mark 0.00 out of
    Question 13
    Mark 1.00 out of
    Question 14
    Mark 0.00 out of
    Each line as it is "translated," much the way a foreign language interpreter would translate a book, by translating
    one line at a time.
    a. Debug
    b. Code
    c. Act
    d. Executing
    e. Read
    Your answer is incorrect.
    Create only one instance of a class for creational patterns.
    a. Facade
    b. Factory Method
    c. Singleton

    d. Abstract Factory
    e. Decorator
    Your answer is correct.
    Can be used to create computer programs.
    a. Software
    b. Programming languages
    c. Developer
    d. Program
    e. Creator
    Your answer is incorrect.

    1. Question 15
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 16
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 17
      Mark 1.00 out of
      To transform a program written in a high level programming language from source code into object code.
      a. Compile

      b. Creator
      c. Programming languages
      d. Program
      e. Software
      Your answer is correct.
      When any numbers of objects the Observers need to be notified automatically for behavioral patterns.
      a. Momento
      b. Proxy
      c. Iterator
      d. Observer
      e. User
      Your answer is correct.
      Commonly referred to as software.
      a. User
      b. Programmer
      c. Creator
      d. Computer
      e. Programs

      Your answer is correct.
      Question 18
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 19
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 20
      Mark 0.00 out of
      Programs can immediately be executed without the requirement of __________.
      a. Debug
      b. Code
      c. Execute
      d. Design
      e. Compiling First
      Your answer is correct.
      An image editing program that allows you to work with graphic images, such as photos taken with your digital
      a. Paint
      b. Adobe Photoshop

      c. Microsoft Excel
      d. Microsoft Word
      e. Microsoft Powerpoint
      Your answer is correct.
      Inherently more difficult to reverse-engineer and are therefore helpful to closed-source software providers wishing
      to keep the I.P. contained in their source code private.
      a. Statement
      b. First Error
      c. Execute
      d. Compiled

      e. Pre-Compiled
      Your answer is incorrect.
      Question 21
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 22
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 23
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Someone who writes computer program.
      a. Programming languages
      b. Computer Programming
      c. Programmer
      d. Creator
      Your answer is correct.
      Lower than the source language, but higher than native machine code
      a. Debug
      b. Design
      c. VM code
      d. Code
      e. Execute
      Your answer is correct.
      Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work-related documents.
      a. Computers and Electronics
      b. Critical Thinking
      c. Writing
      d. Mathematics
      e. Reading Comprehension
      Your answer is correct.
      Question 24
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 25
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 26
      Mark 1.00 out of
      A method with only signature the method name, the list of arguments and the return type without implementing
      the method’s body.
      a. Application Programming Interfaces
      b. Behavioral Patterns
      c. Abstract Method 
      e. Structural Patterns
      Your answer is correct.
      A means to access all the elements of objects sequentially for behavioral patterns.
      a. Momento

      c. User
      d. Proxy
      e. Observer
      Your answer is correct.
      A set of instructions following the rules of the chosen language.
      a. Developer
      b. User
      c. Program
      d. Creator
      e. Software
      Your answer is correct.
      Question 27
      Mark 0.00 out of
      Question 28
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 29
      Mark 1.00 out of
      A program that executes instructions written in a high-level language.
      a. Creator
      c. Programming languages
      d. Compiler

      e. Compile
      Your answer is incorrect.
      This source code is written in a programming language like.
      a. Creator
      b. Compiler
      c. Programming languages
      d. C++, JAVA, Perl 
      e. Computer Programming
      Your answer is correct.
      Enables multiple people to simultaneously work on a single project.
      a. Behavioral Patterns
      b. Version control
      c. Structural Patterns
      d. Application Programming Interfaces
      e. Abstract Class
      Your answer is correct.
      Question 30
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 31
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 32
      Mark 1.00 out of
      The interpreter takes one statement then translates it and executes it and then takes another __________.
      a. Act
      b. Statement

      c. Read
      d. Execute
      e. Code
      Your answer is correct.
      This can be done by using a tool called _________.
      a. Creator
      b. Program
      c. Programming languages
      d. Compile
      e. Compiler
      Your answer is correct.
      Reads the source code one instruction or line at a time, converts this line into machine code and executes it.
      a. Interpreter
      b. Developer
      c. User
      d. Creator
      e. Programmer or software developer
      Your answer is correct.

    2. Question 33
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 34
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 35
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Communicating effectively with others in writing as indicated by the needs of the audience.
      a. Creator
      b. Programming
      c. User
      d. Developer
      e. Writing

      Your answer is correct.
      A computer system that runs a purpose-built operating system that is responsible for performing several key
      functions for the storage system.
      b. Controller
      c. System
      d. Coding
      Your answer is correct.
      Higher level unified interface to a set of objects in a subsystem for structural patterns.
      a. Factory Method
      b. Facade
      c. Abstract Factory
      d. Singleton
      e. Decorator
      Your answer is correct.
      Question 36
      Mark 0.00 out of
      Question 37
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 38
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Interface layer between objects for structural patterns.
      a. Proxy
      b. Decorator
      c. Factory Method
      d. Singleton

      Your answer is incorrect.
      A person with the training and skills necessary to design, create, and test computer programs.
      a. Programmer or software developer
      b. User
      c. Software
      d. Creator
      e. Developer
      Your answer is correct.
      These are sets of requirements that govern how one application can talk to another.
      a. Application Programming Interfaces

      c. Behavioral Patterns
      d. Structural Patterns
      e. Creational Patterns
      Your answer is correct.

    3. Question 39
      Mark 0.00 out of
      Question 40
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 41
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Common interface for creating subclasses for creational patterns.
      a. Decorator
      b. Singleton
      c. Facade
      d. Factory Method
      e. Abstract Factory

      Your answer is incorrect.
      The ability to communicate information and ideas in speaking so others will understand.
      a. Oral Expression
      b. Mathematics
      c. Writing
      d. Critical Thinking
      e. Computers and Electronics
      Your answer is correct.
      It derives a new class based on an existing class, with modifications or extensions.
      a. Inheritance
      b. Application Programming Interfaces
      c. Behavioral Patterns
      d. Interfaces
      e. Structural Patterns
      Your answer is correct.
      Question 42
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 43
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 44
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Types of Inheritance.
      a. Simple, Multilevel, Multiple, hierarchical
      b. Simple, Multilevel, Multiple, hierarchical and Hybrid
      c. Simple, Multilevel, Multiple, Hybrid
      d. Simple, Level, Multiple, hierarchical and Hybrid
      Your answer is correct.
      Writing computer programs for various purposes.
      a. Programming

      b. Creator
      c. Software
      d. User
      e. Developer
      Your answer is correct.
      Ability to support architectures the interpreter hasn't been compiled for such as ___________.
      a. Embedded Systems
      b. File Systems
      c. Code Systems
      d. Execute Systems
      Your answer is correct.
      Question 45
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 46
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 47
      Mark 0.00 out of
      Concerned with how classes and objects are organized and composed to build larger structures.
      a. Creational patterns
      b. Structural patterns

      Equal patterns
      d. Behavioral patterns
      e. Organizing patterns
      Your answer is correct.
      Capture and save the current state of an object for behavioral patterns.
      a. User
      b. Iterator
      c. Proxy
      d. Momento
      e. Observer
      Your answer is correct.
      The interpreter takes one statement then translates it and executes it and then takes another read.
      Select one:
      True 
      Question 48
      Mark 1.00 out of
      Question 49
      Mark 0.00 out of
      Question 50
      Mark 0.00 out of
      Knowledge of electric circuit boards, processors, chips, and computer hardware and software, including applications
      and programming.
      a. Critical Thinking
      b. Reading Comprehension
      c. Writing
      d. Mathematics
      e. Computers and Electronics

      Your answer is correct.
      Have simple formats (can be quickly analyzed by an interpreter)
      a. VM code
      b. VM program
      c. VM design
      d. VM instructions
      e. VM file
      Your answer is incorrect.
      Create instances of other objects for creational patterns.
      a. Facade
      b. Singleton
      c. Decorator
      d. Abstract Factory
      Factory Method

      Your answer is incorrect.
