Friday, March 5, 2021

Calculus 1

MATH6100 Calculus 1

The slope of a horizontal line is


Sketch the lines X=1, x=2, and x=3 tangent to the curve given in figure 7. Estimate the slope of each of the tangent lines you drew.

(2 answers)

The slope of the tangent line x=2 is 0.

The slope of the tangent lines at x=1 is 1 and at x=3 is -1.

The slope of the tangent line is called the


The 2 divisions of Calculus are:



The process of taking the limit of a sum of little quantities is called


The following problems could be solved by differential calculus:

largest or smallest volume of a solid

rate or speed

Calculus was developed by Leibniz and


If a tangent line is inclined 45 degrees, then what is the slope the tangent line?


Find the equation of a circle with radius=6 and center C(2,-5). (write the required exponent after the ^ symbol; write the numerical coefficient of each term to complete the required equation)

X ^ 2 + y ^ 2 – 4 x + 10 y – 7 = 0


Find the slope and midpoint of the line segment from P(2,-3) to Q(2+n,-3+5n).

Slope = 5 midpoint (0.5n2 , 2.5 n-3)

Find an equation describing all points P(x,y) equidistant from Q(-3,4) and R(1,-3). (use the general equation of a line

8 x – 14 y + 15 = 0


Find the line which goes through the point (2,-5) and is perpendicular to the line 3y-7x=2. (write the numerical coefficient of each term to complete the required equation)

3 x + 7 y + 29 = 0


Find the slope of the line which is tangent to the circle with center C(3,1) at the point P(8,13).

Slope of the tangent line = -5 / 12


Find the slope of the line passing through the points (3,-4) and (-6,9). Use decimal value for your final answer.


Find the length and midpoint of the interval from x=9 to x=-2. (use decimal values for fractional answer)

Length = 11 and midpoint = 3.5


Find the equation of the line which goes through the point (3,10) and is parallel to the line 7x-y=1.

7 x – y – 11 = 0


Find the equation of the line passing through (-2,3) and perpendicular to the line 4x=9-2y. Use the general equation of the line for your final answer.

X – 2 y + 8 = 0


The figure shows the distance of a car from a measuring position located on the edge of a straight road.

(a) What was the average velocity of the car from t=10 to t=30 seconds?

a) average velocity = 10 feet/second

(b) What was the average velocity of the car from t=20 to t=25 seconds?

(b) average velocity = -20 feet/second

The figure shows the temperature during a day in a place. How fast is the temperature changing from 1:00 P.M. to 7:00 P.M.? Round-off your answer to 2 decimal places.

-1.67 0F/hour

From the figure shown, A(x) is defined to be the area bounded by the x and y axes, the horizontal line y=3 and the vertical line at x. For example A(4)=12 is the area of the 4 by 3 rectangle

(a) Evaluate A(2.5)

7.5 square units

(b) Evaluate A(4) - A(1)

9 square units

For f(x) = 3x-2 and g(x) = x2+1, find the composite function defined by f o g(x) and g o f(x).

f o g(x) = 3x^2+1

g o f(x) = 9x^2-12x+5

Refer to the figure. Which of the following represents the graph drawn in red? Select one:


An enrollment slip indicates a specific down payment based from the number of units enrolled by a student as follows: for number of units from 1 to 9, down payment is Php 5000; for number of units from 10 to 15, down payment is Php 10,000; and a down payment of Php 15,000 for units from 16 to 21.

Which of the multiline functions define E(d), the down payment due on specific number of units enrolled. Unit is of integer type

Which of the multiline functions define E(d), the down payment due on specific number of units enrolled. Unit is of integer type


Evaluate f(3), g(-1), and h(4)

f(3) =  1

g(-1) = -2

h(4) = 1

After evaluating g(-4), g(-1) and g(3), choose which graph represents the given conditions.

After evaluating g(-4), g(-1) and g(3), choose which graph represents the given conditions.


A state has just adopted the following state income tax system: no tax on the first $10,000 earned, 1% of the next $10,000 earned, 2% of the next $20,000 earned, and 3% of all additional earnings. Write a multiline function for T(x), the state income tax due on earnings of x dollars.

A state has just adopted the following state income tax system: no tax on the first $10,000 earned, 1% of the next $10,000 earned, 2% of the next $20,000 earned, and 3% of all additional earnings. Write a multiline function for T(x), the state income tax due on earnings of x dollars.


Given g(x) = (x+3)/(x-1). Evaluate g(5) and g(2n+1).

g(5) = 2

g(2n+1) = 1+(2/n)

A function f is given by f(7-11x) = 3x3 - 10x. Evaluate f(-4).

f(-4) = -7

A __ assigns a unique output element in the range to each input element from the domain.


For y=f(x),

x is the domain, and y is the range

Given f(x) = x3 - 4x2 +2, f(2) when evaluated is


Which of the following figures represents the graph of a function?

Figure 2

Let f(x) = 3x+2 and g(x) = 2x+A. Find a value for A so that f(g(x)) = g(f(x)).

f(g(x)) = 6x+3A+2

g(f(x)) = 6x+A+4

A = 1

For f(x) = |9-x| and g(x) = sqrt(x-1). Evaluate fog(1).

f(g(1) = 9

Given the function f(x)=3x-4, evaluate: (a) f(x-2), (b) f(x)-f(2), (c) f(1)/f(3), and (d) f(1/3). Use fraction as final answer, if any.

(a)  3x-10

(b)  3x-6

(c)  -1/5

(d)  -3

Find the slope of the line through (0,0) and (x-1, x2 -1).

m = x+1

From the figure shown, find the values of f(2), f(-1) and f(0).

f(2) = 5

f(-1) = 2

f(0) = 1

From the graph shown, find the values of f(-3), f(-1), f(0), and f(1).

f(-3) =  -1

f(-1) = 1

f(0) = 0

f(1) =  1

Let f(x) = -x 4 -x-1, evaluate f(-1) and -2f(1).

f(-1) = -1

-2f(1) = 6

What values of x will make the statement x+5=3 or x2=9.

x = -2 or  (x = 3 and x = -3 )

What is the slope of the line through (3,9) and (x,y) for y=x2 and x=2.97? x=3.001? x=3+h? What happens to this last slope when h is very small (close to 0)? Round-off your answers to 2 decimal places, whenever possible.

Slope at x=2.97 = 5.97

Slope at x=3.001 =  6.00

Slope at x=3+h = 6+h

Slope when h is close to 0 = 6

What is the slope of the line through (2,4) and (x,y) for y = x2+ x - 2 and x=1.99? x=2.004? x=2+h. What happens to this last slope when h is very small?

when x=1.99: m = 4.99

when x=2.004: m = 5.00

when x=2+h:m = 5+h

when h approaches 0: m = 5

What is the slope of the line through (-1,-2) and (x,y) for y = x2+ 2x + 1 and x=-0.90? x=-1.05? x=h1? What happens to this last slope when h is very small? Round-off your answers to 2 decimal places whenever possible. Use the ^ symbol to express the exponent of a variable, i.e. x^2 (x squared)

when x=-0.90: m =  2

when x=-1.05: m =  3.3

when x=h-1: m = h^2+1 /h

when h approaches 0: m = 1

The figure shows the distance of a car from a measuring position located on the edge of a straight road.

(a) What was the average velocity of the car from t=0 to t= 20 sec?

(b) What was the average velocity from t=10 to t=30 sec?

(c) About how fast was the car traveling at t=15 sec?



(a) V = 15 ft/sec

(b) V = -5 ft/sec

(c) V = 20 ft/sec

Define A(x) to be the area bounded by x and y axes, the line y=x+1, and the vertical line at x.

(a) Evaluate A(2) and A(3)

(b) What area would A(3) - A(1) represent?

(a) A(2) = 4 square units

A(3) = 7.5 square units

(b) A(3) - A(1) = 6 square units

The graph shows the population growth of bacteria on a petri plate. If at t=10 days, the population grows to 4600 bacteria, find the rate of population growth from t=9 to t= 10 days?

rate of growth = 400

Write the contrapositive of the statement: If x2 + x - 6 = 0 then x=2 or x=-3.

Answer: If x = - 2 and x = 3 then x2 + x - 6 is not equal to 0

The slope of the line through (5,15) and (x+8, x2 -2x) is


Given g(t) = t+5t−1t+5t−1, evaluate: (a) g(5) and (b) g(2s - 5)

(a) g(5) = 5/2

(b) g(2s-5) = s/s-3

Let f(x) = -x 4 -x-1, evaluate f(-1) and -2f(1).

f(-1) = -1

-2f(1) =  6

Let f(x)=-1-x-2x2 , evaluate f(x+h)−f(x)hf(x+h)−f(x)h Factor out the negative sign for the final answer, if any


Which of the following are negation of the statement: f(x) and g(x) are polynomials.

f(x) or g(x) is a polynomial

f(x) and g(x) are not polynomials

Find the slope of the line through (-5,3) and (x+1, x-2).


Write the contrapositive of the statement: If x>3, then x2>9. Use words or phrase for your answer.

If x2 <= 9, then x <= 3

Let f(x) = 2-x 2 , evaluate (a) f(x+1) and (b) f(x)+f(1)

(a) f(x=1) = -x 2 - 2x+1

(b) f(x) + f(1) = -x 2+3

If a and b are real numbers, then (a+b)2 = a2+b2 .


Which of the following is the contrapositive for the statement: If your car is properly tuned, it will get at least 24 miles per gallon.

If your car will not get at least 24 miles per gallon, then it is not properly tuned.

If f(x) and g(x) are linear functions, the f(x) + g(x) is a linear function


Let f(x)=1-(x-3)2 , evaluate: (a) f(x+3), (b) f(3-x), and (c) f(2x+1).

(a) 1 - x 2

(b) 1 - x 2

(c) -4 x 2 + 8x-3

Which of the following will make the statement x2+3 > 1 true?

x is greater than or equal to -1

Let f(x) = 1-(x-1)2 evaluate (a)f(2)f(3) and (b)f(23)(a)f(2)f(3) and (b)f(23

(a) Answer 0

(b) Answer 8/9

Let f(x) = 2-x 2 , evaluate (a) f(x+1) and (b) f(x)+f(1).

(a) f(x=1) = -x 2 - 2x+1

(b) f(x) + f(1) = -x 2+ 3

Find the slope of the line through (-3-1) and (x+3, y+1).


From the graph shown, find:

a. f(-1)

b. f(0)

c. 3f(2)

d. the value of x that corresponds to f(x)=0


a. f(-1) = 2

b. f(0) = 1

c. 3f(2) = -14

d. x = 0

Let A = {1,2,3,4,5}, B = {0,2,4,6}, and C = {-2,-1,0,1,2,3}. Which of the values of x will satisfy each statement?

x is in A or x is in C

Find the slope of the line through (0,0) and (x-1, x2

m = x+1

Which graph corresponds to f(x) = √x?

Which graph corresponds to f(x) = √x?


Which graph represents the function

f(x) = {2 if x ≤ -1}

{x2 if x > -1}

Which graph represents the function


Evaluate limx0cos2x1cosx1limx0cos2x1cosx1


Write the contrapositive of the statement: I feel good when I jog.

Answer: When I don't jog, I feel


Evaluate limx3x4812x25x3limx3x4812x25x3

108 / 7

Write the negation of the statement: 8 is a prime number.

8 is

not a prime number

Evaluate limx1x131x141limx1x131x141

4 / 3

Evaluate limx103x5−−−−−√5limx103x55


Every vertical line on the Cartesian plane intersects the x-axis.


Evaluate limx43x+5−−−−√x4limx43x+5x4

1 / 5

Evaluate limx35x28x13x25limx35x28x13x25


Which values of x will make the statement x+5=3 or x2=9 true?

-2 or (3 and -3)

The sum of two prime numbers is a prime.


Use the function h defined by the graph shown to determine the following limits:

(a) limx2h(5x)limx2h(5x)

(b) limx0h(3+x)h(3)



(a) 1

(b) -2

At which values of x is the function f(x)=x2+x−6x−2f(x)=x2+x−6x−2continuous and discontinuous?

continuous at x = -3

discontinuous at x = 2

Use the function h defined by the graph below to determine the following limits:

(a) limx2x+h(x)limx2x+h(x)

b) limx3h(x2)


(a) 3

(b) 3/4

Use the graph below to determine the right-hand limit of the function f(x) at:

(a) x=-2

(b) x=10


(a) undefined

(b) 0

Use the functions f and g defined by the graphs as shown to determine the following limits:

(a) limx1(f(x)xg(x))limx1(f(x)xg(x))

(b) limx1f(g(x))


(a)  0

(b)  5/4

hich values of x is the function from the graph shown continuous? State the answers from the least to the highest, if there would be more than one


x = -1

Use the function f defined by the graph shown to determine the following limits:

(a) limx1+f(x)limx1+f(x)

(b) limx1f(x)


(a) 2

(b) -1

Use the Bisection Algorithm Method to find the root of the given function to an interval of length less than or equal to 0.1. Answer should be up to one decimal place only. f(x) = x2 - 2 on [0,3]


1 / 4

(a) limx2h(2x2)limx2h(2x2)

(b) limx2h(1+x)

(a) 1

(b) 1

Use linear equation to estimate e0.06 . Choose a value of 'a' to produce a small error.

e 0.06 = 1.06

Determine all the critical points for the function.


does not have any critical points

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous.

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous

Not Continuous

There are 50 apple trees in an orchard. Each tree produces 800 apples. For each additional tree planted in the orchard, the output per tree drops by 10 apples. How many trees should be added to the existing orchard in order to maximize the total output of trees?

x = 15 additional trees

P =r 42250 apples

Use chain rule to calculate dydxdydx of y=sin(4x3+3x+1)y=sin(4x3+3x+1)


Find a value for B so that the line y = 10x – B, goes through the point (5,-5).

B = 55

For all positive real numbers a and b, if a > b, then a2 > b2


Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous.

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous


You are standing at the edge of a slow-moving river which is one mile wide and wish to return to your campground on the opposite side of the river. You can swim at 2 mph and walk at 3 mph. You must first swim across the river to any point on the opposite bank. From there walk to the campground, which is one mile from the point directly across the river from where you start your swim. What route will take the least amount of time?

x ≈ 0.89 mi.

Shortest possible time: T ≈  0.71 hr.

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous.

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous

Not Continuous

Find an equation of the line tangent to the graph of x2+(y−x)3=9x2+(y−x)3=9 at x=1


Use linear approximations to estimate 1–√46146. Choose a value of "a" to produce a small error

1–√46=f(146)≈L(146)146=f(146)≈L(146) = 12.08

Find the dimensions (radius r and height h) of the cone of maximum volume which can be inscribed in a sphere of radius 2.

r ≈ 1.89

h ≈ 2.67

V ≈ 9.93

Find the slope and concavity of the graph pf x2y+y4=4+2xx2y+y4=4+2x at the point (-1,1)

Slope = 4545, Concavity = downward

A container in the shape of a right circular cylinder with no top has surface area 3 ft.2 What height h and base radius r will maximize the volume of the cylinder?

r = 1 ft.

h = 1 ft.

V = 3.14 ft3

If a and b are real numbers then (a + b)2 = a2 + b2


Assume that y is a function of x. Find y1=dydxy1=dydx for cos2x+cos2y=cos(2x+2y)cos2x+cos2y=cos(2x+2y)


Find a linear approximation to h(t)=t4−6t3+3t−7h(t)=t4−6t3+3t−7 at t=−3t=−3.

L(t) = 227 - 267 (t + 3) = -267 t -  57

Find the local extreme values of the given function: f(x)=x4−6x2f(x)=x4−6x2

Local minimum: (-1.73, -9)

Local maximum:(1.73, -9)

Use chain rule to calculate dydxdydx of y = tan (e3x√)(e3x)


Use chain rule to calculate dydxdydx of y=cos4(7x3)y=cos4(7x3)


(\Large \lim_{x \rightarrow 3} (2x + 1) = 7 \) What values of x guarantee that f(x) = 2x + 1 is within 0.04 units of 7? If x is within ­­­­­­_____ units of 3, then f(x) is within 0.04 units of 7.


Find the point of intersection and the angle between x - y = 32 and 3x - 8y = 6.

Point of Intersection = (50 , 18 )

Angle of Intersection = -24.44 0 (round-off to 2 decimal places)

If f(x) and g(x) are linear functions then f(x)g(x) is a linear function.


Use the function h defined by the graph below to determine the following limits:

(a) limx2(xlimx2(x . h(x1))h(x1))

(b) limx0h(3+x)h(3)h(x)limx0h(3+x)h(3)h(x)

(a)  8/3

(b)  -6/5

Determine all the critical points for the function. f(x)=x2ln(3x)+6f(x)=x2ln(3x)+6


Write the contrapositive of the statement: If I exercise and eat right, then I will be healthy. Don't use contractions in your answer

If I  am not healthy, then I do not exercise and eat right.

Which of the following equations is the line perpendicular to 2x – 3y = 9?

3x + 2y =10

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous.

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous


Given a function f, an interval [a,b] and a value V. Find a value c in the interval so that f(c)=V. Apply the Intermediate Value Theorem.

(a)f(x)=x2f(x)=x2 on [0,3], V = 2

(b)f(x)=sinx on [0,Ï€2],V=12f(x)=sinx on [0,Ï€2],V=12

(a) c = -1.41 ; c = 1.41

(b) c = 0.52

Evaluate limx3x4812x25x3limx3x4812x25x3

108 / 7

Find an equation of the line tangent to the graph of y=x2+sinπ2xy=x2+sinπ2x at x = -1

y = -2x - 2

Use implicit differentiation to finddydxdydx exy=2yexy=2y


(Note: Answers should be in decimal form. Up to two decimal places only)

(Note: Answers should be in decimal form. Up to two decimal places only)

x = 1.5

Smallest sum:

S = 8.5

Which of the following equations is the line perpendicular to 4y – 7x = 5?

4x + 7y – 18 = 0

1. Write the equation of the line that represents the linear approximation to the function below at a given point a.

f(x) = ln(1 + x); a = 0; f(0.9)

y = L(x) = x

2. Use linear approximation to estimate the given function value.

f(0.9) = 0.9

. Compute the percent error in your approximation by the formula: |approx−exact|exact|approx−exact|exact

Percent error: 40.22 %

The slope of the line from point U(5,13) and the point V(x+1, x2 -3) is


Use chain rule to calculate dydxdydx of y=x2sec(5x)y=x2sec(5x)


Let f(x) = (x-1)2 and define S(x) to be the slope of the line through the point (0,0) and (x,f(x)). Evaluate S(6).

S(6) = 25/6

(Note: Answers should be in decimal form only. Up to two decimal places}

x ≈ 8.77 ft.

y ≈ 16.67 ft.

L ≈ 17.64 ft.

Evaluate limx0(x+1)31xlimx0(x+1)31x


Fill in the missing the numbers to find the correct answer/s: Find two nonnegative numbers whose sum is 9 and so that the product of one number and the square of the other number is a maximum.

P = xy2

x = 3

y = 6

P =  108

If f(x) and g(x) are linear functions, then f(x) + g(x) is a linear function.


Use Newton's Method to find the root of 2x2+5=ex2x2+5=ex accurate to six decimal places in the interval [3,4].

x ≈ 4.36

(Note: Answers should be in decimal form. Up to two decimal places only)

(Note: Answer should be in decimal form. Up to two decimal places only)

x ≈ 17.32 ft.

θ = 30 degrees

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous.

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous


limx13x+2=5limx13x+2=5 What values of x guarantee that f(x) = 3x + 2 is within 0.05 unit of 5?

If x is within 0.02 unit distance of 1, then f(x) is within 0.05 unit of 5.

Determine all the critical points for the function y=6x−4cos(3x)y=6x−4cos(3x) x=???+2Ï€n3,n=0,±1,±2,...x=???+2Ï€n3,n=0,±1,±2,... x=???+2Ï€n3,n=0,±1,±2,...x=???+2Ï€n3,n=0,±1,±2,...

1.2217; 1.9199

Assume that y is a function of x. Find y1=dydxy1=dydx for x−y3y+x2=x+2x−y3y+x2=x+2


Evaluate limx0(x+5)225xlimx0(x+5)225x


Evaluate limx35x28x13x25limx35x28x13x25


Write the equation of the line that represents the linear approximation to the function below at the given point a. f(x)=e2;a=0;f(0.05)f(x)=e2;a=0;f(0.05)

f(a) = 7.39

Use the linear approximation to estimate the given function value.

f(0.05) ≈ L (0.05) = 0.05

Percent error ≈


Given f(x) = 2x + 3 and g(x) = x2 . Evaluate . Sample text answer: 3x^2+6x7. Do not use space between the number, letter and symbol.


Use Newton's Method to determine x2x2 for f(x)=xcos(x)−x2f(x)=xcos(x)−x2 if x0=1x0=1

x2 =  0.74

Assume that y is a function of x. Find y1=dydxy1=dydx for (x−y)2=x+y−1(x−y)2=x+y−1


Use chain rule to calculate dydxdydx of y=e−x2y=e−x2


Locate the critical points of the following functions. Then use the second derivative test to determine whether they correspond to local minima or local maxima or whether the test is inconclusive.

Critical points: (2, -1/4) and (10, -1/20)

Local minimum: x = -2

Local maximum: x = 10

Use Newton's Method to find the root of x4−5x3+9x+3=0x4−5x3+9x+3=0 accurate to six decimal places in the interval [4,6].

x ≈ 4.53

Identify the absolute extrema and relative extrama for the following function. f(x)=x3f(x)=x3 on [-2,2]

The function has an absolute maximum of 8 at x = 2 and absolute minimum of -8 at x = - 2. The function has no relative extrema.

Use the functions f and g defined by the graphs as shown to determine the following limits:

(a) limx1f(x)+g(x)limx1f(x)+g(x)

(b) limx2f(x)g(x)limx2f(x)g(x)

(a) 2

(b) 4/3

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous.

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous

Not Continuous

Use implicit differentiation to find dydxdydx (xy+1)3=x−y2+8(xy+1)3=x−y2+8


Evaluate limx7x3−−−−√limx7x3


Build a rectangular pen with three parallel partitions using 500 feet of fencing. What dimensions will maximize the total area of the pen?

x = 50 ft.

y = 125 ft.

A = 6250 ft2

For the function

f(x)=x(x2+1)2f(x)=x(x2+1)2 on [-2,2] Find the critical points and the absolute extreme values of f on the given interval.

x=±13−−√x=±13 as the critical points

absolute maximum value of f: 33√163316

absolute minimum value of f:33√163316

Assume that y is a function of x. Find y1=dydxy1=dydx for y=x2y3+x3y2y=x2y3+x3y2



What values of x guarantee that f(x) = 3x + 2 is within 0.05 unit of 5?

If x is within 0.02 unit distance of 1, then f(x) is within 0.05 unit of 5

An open rectangular box with square base is to be made from 48 ft.2 of material. What dimensions will result in a box with the largest possible volume?

x = 4 ft.

y = 2 ft.

V = 32 ft.3

Write the negation for the statement: All quadratic equations have solutions.

not all quadratic equations all solutions.

Use the function h defined by the graph shown to determine the following limits:

(a) limx2h(5x)limx2h(5x)

(b) limx0h(3+x)h(3)limx0h(3+x)h(3

(a) 3

(b) 3/4

Use implicit differentiation to find dydxdydx, x3=x+yx−yx3=x+yx−y


Find the point of intersection and the angle between y = 4 - 2x and x - y = -1.

Point of Intersection = (1 , 2 )

Angle of Intersection = -71.56 0

Find a linear approximation of f(x)=3xe2x−10f(x)=3xe2x−10 at x = 5

L(x) = 15 + 33 (x - 5) = 33 x + 150

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous.

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous


Find the point of intersection and the angle between 2x - 3y = 3 and 4x - 2y = 10.

Point of Intersection = (3 , 1 )

Angle of Intersection = 29.740

Consider a rectangle of perimeter 12 inches. Form a cylinder by revolving this rectangle about one of its edges. What dimensions of the rectangle will result in a cylinder of maximum volume?

r = 4 ft

h = 2 ft

V ≈ 100.53 ft3

Evaluate limx43x+5−−−−√x4limx43x+5x4

- 1 / 6

Use chain rule to calculate dydxdydx of y=(5x2+11x)20y=(5x2+11x)20


Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous.

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous

Not Continuous

Evaluate limx103x5−−−−−√5limx103x55


Which of the following are integer values of x that will make the statement x>4 and x


Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous.

Determine whether the graph is continuous or not continuous

Not Continuous

If x divides 49, then x divides 30.


Every straight line on the Cartesian plane intersects the x-axis.


Assume that y is a function of x. Find y1=dydxy1=dydx for y=sin(3x+4y)y=sin(3x+4y)


Do the following. Determine the answers by typing the missing numbers on the spaces provided. Up to two decimal places only:

f(x) = 12 - x 2 ; a = 2 ; f(2.1)

L(x) = -4 x + 16

Use linear approximation to estimate the given function value

f(2.1) = 7.6

Compute the percent error in your approximation by the formula: |approx−exact|exact|approx−exact|exact

Percent error is: 0.13 %

(Note: Answers should be in decimal form. Up to two decimal places only)

(Note: Answers should be in decimal form. Up to two decimal places only)

Largest possible slope:

x = 1

y = 1.5

S =  -0.75

Smallest possible slope:

x =  -1

y = -1.5

S = 0.75

Find an equation of the line tangent to the graph of (x2+y2)3=8x2y2(x2+y2)3=8x2y2 at the point (-1,1)

y - 1 = x + 2

A sheet of cardboard 3 ft. by 4 ft. will be made into a box by cutting equal-sized squares from each corner and folding up the four edges. Given that variable x shall be the length of one edge of the square cu from each corner of the sheet of cardboard, what will be the dimensions of the box with largest volume?

x ≈ 0.57 ft, so

Length = 2.86 ft

Width = 1.86 ft

Height = 0.57 ft

V ≈ 3.03 ft

Given f(x) = 2x + 3. Evaluate (f°f)(x). Sample text answer: 3x^2+6x-7. Do not use space between the number, letter and symbol.
