Saturday, January 21, 2023

Practical Research

RSCH-110 Practical Research 

A blogger made a photo collage for his latest blog. He picked photos from his Facebook friends without asking for their consent. What research misconduct did he commit?

Plagiarism Correct

A researcher is interested in the examples or illustrations several authors have used to prove a point. How can he pull them all together and use them in his own paper in a list?

Include a citation after each separate example to indicate where you found them Correct

A researcher may withhold a participants name and any identifying characteristics when asked to present such information when

They have obtained a certificate of confidentiality Correct

Among the steps in the research process, which part typically takes the most time of the researcher?

Collecting data Correct

Anonymity is when a participant does not give a researcher

His/her name and identifying characteristics Correct

Arrange the correct order of the guidelines for a coherent review of related literature: 1. Avoid misinterpretation or distortion of the writers original meaning by direct quotation. 2. Analyze their respective content, facts, findings, methods, concepts and implications. Cite properly all relevant literature into a meaningful whole. 3. Synthesize into holistic body of content or in one relevant discussion. 4. Classify and identify the appropriate categories, relationship, similarities, of both local and international studies.

4, 2,1,3 Correct

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.All Im armed with is research. - Mike Wallace

Research can equip anyone Correct

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.Do research. Feed your talent. Research not only wins the war on cliche, it's the key to victory over fear and it's cousin, depression.  Robert McKee

Research is not only answering questions but also discovering ones talent and skill Correct

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.Find out whats really out there. I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference.  Marilyn Manson

Research is finding out there what others have not seen so you make a difference Correct

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund research and you learn the basic facts. - Bill Gates

Innovation is funding a research and learning its basic facts Correct

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not know or understand. - Neil Armstrong

Research is an investigation of the unknown Correct

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.Research is about engaging in a conversation with a brand. - Matthew Rhodes

Research is discussing specific issues Correct

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose.  - Zora Neale Hurston

Research is a formalized curiosity with a purpose Correct

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.Research is the highest form of adoration.  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Research is valuing others work Correct

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.The measure of greatness in a scientific idea is the extent to which it stimulates thought and opens up new lines of research.  Paul A.M. Dirac

Research starts from the stimulated mind and may end to measure of greatness Correct

Choose the correct paraphrase of the following quotation on the statements about research knowledge and experience.The more important reason is that the research itself provides an important long-run perspective on the issues that we face on a day-to-day basis. - Ben Bernanke

Research provides an important perspective on our daily issues Correct

Choose the correct qualitative research design used in the following examples. Adler (2003) examined the relationship of foreign language study and SAT Verbal scores. Additionally, the study explored whether or not the number of years of foreign language study had an impact on SAT verbal scores. The students involved were female seniors at a private high school in suburban Maryland. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant effect that the choice of foreign language study has on the verbal score achieved on the SAT. This hypothesis was rejected because there was a significant difference in SAT Verbal averages among the students of three different foreign languages. French foreign language students outperformed Spanish and Latin foreign language students.

Action Research Correct

Choose the correct qualitative research design used in the following examples. Bisogni, et. al. (2005) studied the conceptual understanding of how management of food and eating is linked to life course events and experiences. Individual qualitative interviews were conducting to adults in upstate New York, particularly 14 men and 11 women with moderate to low incomes. A conceptual model of food choice capacity emerged. Food choice capacity represented participants' confidence in meeting their standards for food and eating given their food management skills and circumstances. Most participants had faced challenging and changing circumstances (income, employment, social support, roles, health conditions). Participants linked strong food management skills with high levels of food choice capacity, except in the case of extreme financial circumstances or the absence of strong standards.

Narrative Research Correct

Choose the correct qualitative research design used in the following examples. Bullington (2005) investigated how older people (60+) experience the ageing body and how these experiences affect aged peoples sense of identity. Explorative, open ended, interviews were conducted with 13 respondents between the ages of 63 and 82, recruited from a retired peoples organization, Church organizations, and from the working population. The results showed that generally the experience of the ageing body has to do with a changed life world, reactions to this change in terms of body and self, and finding ways to feel at home in this changed situation.

Phenomenological Research Correct

Choose the correct qualitative research design used in the following examples. Daly (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) studied the lived experiences of mothers of suicidal adolescents. She contended that, unfortunately, the mothers experience is often the hidden dimension in the family. Unstructured interviews were conducted with 6 mothers living with suicidal adolescents. Six themes were identified: failure as a good mother, the ultimate rejection, feeling alone in the struggle, helplessness and powerlessness in the struggle, cautious parenting, and keeping an emotional distance.

Phenomenological Research Correct

Choose the correct qualitative research design used in the following examples. Dunckley, Aspinal, Addington-Hall, Hughes, & Higginson (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) used the staff in one hospice and one nursing home setting in London as their research data. The purpose of the study was to identify facilitators and barriers to the use of the Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS). Staff took part in semi-structured interviews, completed diaries, and participated in monthly meetings to give their opinions of what they thought were the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the POS.

Action Research Correct

Choose the correct qualitative research design used in the following examples. Edwards (2007) explored the process of college mens gender identity development. In order to try to meet these expectations and be seen as men, participants described putting on a performance that was like wearing a mask or putting my man face on. This process included learning societal expectations of them as men, as well as specific cultural group expectations. The men in this study were all aware that they did not neatly fit behind the mask, either as a result of personal characteristics or social identities. Their resulting insecurities led them to wearing the mask both consciously and unconsciously so that they would be seen as men by society.

Grounded Theory Research Correct

Choose the correct qualitative research design used in the following examples. Gance-Cleveland (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) examined the features, critical attributes, processes, and benefits of school based support groups for adolescents with an addicted parent. Participant observations were conducted weekly at two high schools over one semester. Interviews were conducted with program administrators, school administrators, group co-facilitators, and participants. School-based support group participation was found to enhance self-knowledge and led to self-care and self-healing.

Ethnographic Research Correct

Choose the correct qualitative research design used in the following examples. Godina (2004) explored the contradictory literacy practices of 10 high school students of Mexican background from the rural Midwest. Literacy is investigated through English and Spanish in a sociocultural context. Findings reveal how Mexican-background students demonstrate different literacy practices in their homes and communities than those acknowledged at school. Results indicate that the lost opportunities for effective literacy learning at school ignored the realistic responsibilities and potential of the Mexican-background students.

Ethnographic Research Correct

Choose the correct qualitative research design used in the following examples. Harmon (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) collected data from 8 nurses who were employed between 1951 and 1965 in a Virginia state hospital. These nurses were now retired and had between 12 and 46 years of psychiatric nursing experience. The researcher wanted to describe the experiences of these nurses who practiced in a state mental hospital before and during the introduction of antipsychotic medications. They expressed resignation and frustration while trying to provide care despite crowded wards and inadequate personnel and supplies. The nurses indicated that they focused on the patients body instead of on the patients mind. The camaraderie they experienced with other nurses helped them continue in their positions, despite what they felt to be a thankless job.

Narrative Research Correct

Choose the correct qualitative research design used in the following examples. Williams and Irurita (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) studied the personal control and emotional comfort of hospitalized patients. Interviews were conducted with 40 patients, and 75 hours of field observations were conducted. The basic psychological process identified by the researchers was labeled optimizing personal control to facilitate emotional comfort. Personal control referred to the ability of patients to influence their environment; emotional comfort was defined as a state of relaxation that affected the physical status of the patient. Personal control was found to be a central feature of emotional comfort.

Grounded Theory Research Correct

Choose the most appropriate explanation to the meaning of the following quotation on qualitative research.Formal symbolic representation of qualitative entities is doomed to its rightful place of minor significance in a world where flowers and beautiful women abound. Albert Einstein

Qualitative research is everyday life research The issues to be addressed are in the beautiful places where problems are least expected to arise such as home, school, church, tourist spots, etc Correct

Choose the most appropriate explanation to the meaning of the following quotation on qualitative research.Modernity is a qualitative, not a chronological, category. - Theodor Adorno

The unique capabilities of online and mobile qualitative research can be under modern category and they are very much useful in qualitative research Correct

Choose the most appropriate explanation to the meaning of the following quotation on qualitative research.The major strength of qualitative approach is the depth to which explorations are conducted, and descriptions are written, usually resulting in sufficient details for the reader to grasp the idiosyncrasies of the situation.  Myers

The importance of context and meaning are the reasons to get the depth of explorations in qualitative research The setting of the problem and multiple ways to get data from the locale will surely help the researcher to explain the unexplainable Correct

Choose the most appropriate explanation to the meaning of the following quotation on qualitative research.The most important advances, the qualitative leaps, are the least predictable. Not even the best scientists predicted the impact of nuclear physics, and everyday consumer items such as the iPhone would have seemed magic back in the 1950s. - Martin Rees

The flexible design of qualitative research is illustrated in the quotation since it can be modified from modern to conservative or vice-versa depending on the need of the study The skill set required of the researcher is the key to interpret unpredictable findings Correct

Choose the most appropriate explanation to the meaning of the following quotation on qualitative research.The worse thing that contemporary qualitative research can imply is that, in this post-modern age, anything goes. The trick is to produce intelligent, disciplined work on the very edge of the abyss.  David Silverman

The messy analysis and inductive approach is the qualitative characteristic describe in this quotation It involves multilayered process which may include anything but the inductive approach will shape the result into an intelligent and disciplined work that will really make a difference Correct

Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description: Another linguistic approach is to look for naturally occurring shifts in thematic content.

Transitions Correct

Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description: Interviews searching for what people do in managing impersonal social relationships, methods by which people acquire and maintain achieved and ascribed status, and information about how people solve problems.

Social science queries Correct

Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description: Investigators simply read the text and note words or synonyms that people use a lot.

Word repetitions Correct

Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description: It is based on a simple observation: if you want to understand a concept, then look at how it is used.

Key words in context (KWIC) Correct

Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description: Much can be learned from a text by what is not mentioned.

Searching for missing information Correct

Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description: The approach is based on a powerful trick most of us learned in kindergarten and requires paper and scissors.

Cutting and Sorting Correct

Choose the technique for discovering theme to the description: The object is to look for metaphors in rhetoric and deduce the schemas, or underlying principles, that might produce patterns in those metaphors.

Metaphors and analogies Correct

Conclusions should refer only to the population, area, or subject of the study.

True Correct

Confidentiality and anonymity are important to insure limited risk of exposure of information including6

Illegal behaviors Correct

Confidentiality is used to protect a participants privacy by

Sharing only the information permitted by the participant Correct

Debriefing should6

Explain all relevant aspects of research procedures Correct

Dependent variable is identified as the _____________ of the research topic.

Effect Correct

Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer. English has been dubbed as the language of the world. Over a billion people in the world have considered English as their second language. With over 2,500 OFWs leaving the country everyday to different parts of the globe, Filipinos are expected to arm themselves with English to communicate with the world.(Excerpt from Nursing the Carabao English,in Yu& Plata, 2006)

Communicating in English is an important tool for Filipinos who want to work abroad Correct

Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer. Bill and Jessica were almost done taking turns choosing the players for their teams. It was Jessicas turn to choose, and only Kurt was left. Jessica said, Kurt.

Jessica was pleased to have Kurt on her team Correct

Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer. In reading, we should consider not only what we can directly get from the text but also what we can read between the lines. In order to fully understand and appreciate a thought, a sentence, a passage, and a text, we need to read more than the literal meaning (Yu & Plata, 2006).

We should use given information in inferring ideas Correct

Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer. Maria is watching too much television. A toddler shouldnt be spending hours staring blankly at a screen. Worse yet, some of her wild behavior have been inspired by those awful cartoons she watches.

Some cartoons are not good for Maria Correct

Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer. Mateo almost wished that he hadnt listened to the radio. He went to the closet and grabbed his umbrella. He would feel silly carrying it to the bus stop on such a sunny morning.

Mateo heard a weather forecast; it would rain in the afternoon Correct

Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer. The club president tendered his resignation and said, While I may no longer lead this organization, I will continue to support its endeavors and activities.

He will still participate in the activities of the organization Correct

Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer. The coordinator made an announcement, Only the first 100 applicants will be interviewed today. The others would have to come back tomorrow.

Interview of applicants will be conducted today and tomorrow Correct

Draw your conclusion on the following statements by choosing the letter of the correct answer. You just opened a bag of potato chips and poured some juice in a glass when the phone rang. You went out of the kitchen to answer it. When you returned after a couple of minutes, you found the split juice and pieces of chips on the floor. Your little sister was teary-eyed and said, Im sorry. It was an accident.

Your sister decided to get her own snacks Correct

Fraud in research comprises

all of the choices Correct

How can online and mobile communications become advantageous in qualitative research?

Participants can enrich their text responses by attaching files, images, links to websites, and voice response Correct

How does a researcher gain research knowledge?

by realizing the usefulness of those research outputs by employing the systematic process of research Correct

Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer. Anything that might indicate membership in groups or in sub-populations of interest to the study, such as profession, social status, socioeconomic class, religion, or ethnicity

Appearance Correct

Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer. How people use their bodies and voices to communicate different emotions; what individuals behaviors indicate about their feelings toward one another, their social rank, or their profession.

Physical behavior and gestures Correct

Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer. The characteristics of these individuals; what differentiates them from others; whether people consult them or they approach other people; whether they seem to be strangers or well known by others present.

People who stand out Correct

Identify the category of the information in participant observation by choosing the letter of the best answer. What individuals preferences concerning personal space suggest about their relationships

Personal space Correct

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Braveheart (starred and produced by Mel Gibson)

Static Correct

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Discovery Channel

Syndicated Correct

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Food blog

Syndicated Correct

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Live concert

Dynamic Correct

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Official website

Static Correct

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Research journal

Syndicated Correct

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Spolarium by Juan Luna

Static Correct

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Textbooks

Static Correct

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter: Theatrical play

Dynamic Correct

Identify the following materials by choosing the correct letter:Research survey

Dynamic Correct

Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Characteristics of the people being studied

Word Tables and Lists Correct

Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Family portrait of the informants

Pictures Correct

Identify the most appropriate way to display the following research data. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Summary of research findings

Word Tables and Lists Correct

Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer: Adler (2003) examined the relationship of foreign language study and SAT Verbal scores. Additionally, the study explored whether or not the number of years of foreign language study had an impact on SAT verbal scores. The students involved were female seniors at a private high school in suburban Maryland. It was hypothesized that there would be no significant effect that the choice of foreign language study has on the verbal score achieved on the SAT. This hypothesis was rejected because there was a significant difference in SAT Verbal averages among the students of three different foreign languages. French foreign language students outperformed Spanish and Latin foreign language students.

female senior students Correct

Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer: Bisogni, et. al. (2005) studied the conceptual understanding of how management of food and eating is linked to life course events and experiences. Individual qualitative interviews were conducting to adults in upstate New York, particularly 14 men and 11 women with moderate to low incomes. A conceptual model of food choice capacity emerged. Food choice capacity represented participants' confidence in meeting their standards for food and eating given their food management skills and circumstances. Most participants had faced challenging and changing circumstances (income, employment, social support, roles, health conditions). Participants linked strong food management skills with high levels of food choice capacity, except in the case of extreme financial circumstances or the absence of strong standards.

14 men and 11 women with moderate to low incomes Correct

Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer: Bullington (2005) investigated how older people (60+) experience the ageing body and how these experiences affect aged peoples sense of identity. Explorative, open ended, interviews were conducted with 13 respondents between the ages of 63 and 82, recruited from a retired peoples organization, Church organizations, and from the working population. The results showed that generally the experience of the ageing body has to do with a changed life world, reactions to this change in terms of body and self, and finding ways to feel at home in this changed situation.

13 respondents between the ages of 63 and 82 Correct

Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer: Daly (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) studied the lived experiences of mothers of suicidal adolescents. She contended that, unfortunately, the mothers experience is often the hidden dimension in the family. Unstructured interviews were conducted with 6 mothers living with suicidal adolescents. Six themes were identified: failure as a good mother, the ultimate rejection, feeling alone in the struggle, helplessness and powerlessness in the struggle, cautious parenting, and keeping an emotional distance.

6 mothers living with suicidal adolescents Correct

Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer: Dunckley, Aspinal, Addington-Hall, Hughes, & Higginson (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) used the staff in one hospice and one nursing home setting in London as their research data. The purpose of the study was to identify facilitators and barriers to the use of the Palliative Care Outcome Scale (POS). Staff took part in semi-structured interviews, completed diaries, and participated in monthly meetings to give their opinions of what they thought were the facilitators and barriers to the implementation of the POS.

staff of one hospice and one nursing home Correct

Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer: Edwards (2007) explored the process of college mens gender identity development. In order to try to meet these expectations and be seen as men, participants described putting on a performance that was like wearing a mask or putting my man face on. This process included learning societal expectations of them as men, as well as specific cultural group expectations. The men in this study were all aware that they did not neatly fit behind the mask, either as a result of personal characteristics or social identities. Their resulting insecurities led them to wearing the mask both consciously and unconsciously so that they would be seen as men by society.

college men Correct

Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer: Gance-Cleveland (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) examined the features, critical attributes, processes, and benefits of school based support groups for adolescents with an addicted parent. Participant observations were conducted weekly at two high schools over one semester. Interviews were conducted with program administrators, school administrators, group co-facilitators, and participants. School-based support group participation was found to enhance self-knowledge and led to self-care and self-healing.

program administrators, school administrators, group co-facilitators Correct

Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer: Godina (2004) explored the contradictory literacy practices of 10 high school students of Mexican background from the rural Midwest. Literacy is investigated through English and Spanish in a sociocultural context. Findings reveal how Mexican-background students demonstrate different literacy practices in their homes and communities than those acknowledged at school. Results indicate that the lost opportunities for effective literacy learning at school ignored the realistic responsibilities and potential of the Mexican-background students.

high school students of Mexican background from the rural Midwest Correct

Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer: Harmon (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) collected data from 8 nurses who were employed between 1951 and 1965 in a Virginia state hospital. These nurses were now retired and had between 12 and 46 years of psychiatric nursing experience. The researcher wanted to describe the experiences of these nurses who practiced in a state mental hospital before and during the introduction of antipsychotic medications. They expressed resignation and frustration while trying to provide care despite crowded wards and inadequate personnel and supplies. The nurses indicated that they focused on the patients body instead of on the patients mind. The camaraderie they experienced with other nurses helped them continue in their positions, despite what they felt to be a thankless job.

8 nurses Correct

Identify the sample used in the researches below by choosing the letter of the best answer: Williams and Irurita (in Nieswiadomy, 2008) studied the personal control and emotional comfort of hospitalized patients. Interviews were conducted with 40 patients, and 75 hours of field observations were conducted. The basic psychological process identified by the researchers was labeled optimizing personal control to facilitate emotional comfort. Personal control referred to the ability of patients to influence their environment; emotional comfort was defined as a state of relaxation that affected the physical status of the patient. Personal control was found to be a central feature of emotional comfort.

hospitalized patients Correct

In MLA citation style, when documenting one author in reference in a text, which is correct?

This point has been argued before (Frye 197) Correct

In MLA, which of the following is the correct way to cite a website in a text?

Both choices are correct Correct

In the title The Chemistry of English Language between Foreign and Local Students of Holy Ghost College in Bangued, Abra, who could be the possible beneficiaries of the research?

Students, teachers, school administrators and future researchers Correct

Independent variable is identified as the _____________ of the research topic.

Cause Correct

Informed consent requires that individuals6

Have adequate information about the procedures and benefits associated with the research Correct

Last week your professor talked about her theory of the best method for electoral reform in a lecture. Since she knows all about it, do you need to reference this?

You need to cite it in the body of your paper and in the reference list Correct

Limitations of research refer to the

Restrictions identified by the researcher Correct

Modern qualitative research can generally involve a detailed study of

values and judgement Correct

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer: A director didnt cite the name of the playwright he used in the contest.

Plagiarism Correct

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer: He stole the recipe from the chef.

Plagiarism Correct

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer: She changed the gender of the participant to complete the all male survey.

Falsification Correct

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer: She hastily distorted the statistical computation of the data to finish her paper on time.

Falsification Correct

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer: The bibliography is incomplete.

Fabrication Correct

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer: The research assistant wrote an anonymous name in the list.

Fabrication Correct

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer: The researcher copied the results of the study from another thesis.

Plagiarism Correct

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer: The researcher declared she interviewed the resource person even if she didnt.

Fabrication Correct

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer: The researcher invented the results of the study.

Fabrication Correct

Name the research misconduct performed in the following situations by choosing the letter of the correct answer: The researcher manipulated the results of the study.

Falsification Correct

Normally, in which part of the research report are the hypotheses justified to the reader?

in the introduction Correct

Not too much detail is needed in the summary of findings  simple answer the research questions, and draw the conclusion.

True Correct

Qualitative method is focused on the authentic experiences of the participants and their critical voices because

It investigates the real-life human practices and statements Correct

Qualitative research is relative to the everyday life of the researcher because

They are particularly useful for exploring how and why things that have happened Correct

Qualitative research proves the absence of the absolute truth because

The researcher strives to collect information from which some level of useful knowledge can be gained Correct

Read the article below and choose the letter of the best answer to the questions on drawing conclusions. James Springer and his identical twin James Lewis were separated at birth.  They were raised in different homes.  They did not meet again until they were 39.  When they met, they found out the following:  Springers first wife was named Linda and his second wife, Betty.  Lewis has also had a wife named Betty and one named Linda.  Each had a son named James Allen.  Each had owned a dog named Toy.  Their favorite subject in high school had been math.  They had both studied law enforcement after high school.  They had the same hobbies and the same favorite vacation place.  They even liked the same brand of cookies.(adapted from What conclusion can you draw about twins based on this article?

Identical twins have a lot in common Correct

Read the article below and choose the letter of the best answer to the questions on drawing conclusions. James Springer and his identical twin James Lewis were separated at birth.  They were raised in different homes.  They did not meet again until they were 39.  When they met, they found out the following:  Springers first wife was named Linda and his second wife, Betty.  Lewis has also had a wife named Betty and one named Linda.  Each had a son named James Allen.  Each had owned a dog named Toy.  Their favorite subject in high school had been math.  They had both studied law enforcement after high school.  They had the same hobbies and the same favorite vacation place.  They even liked the same brand of cookies.(adapted from What conclusion can you draw about the two men in the article?

Even though these men were raised differently, they like many of the same things Correct

Recommendations should aim for the ideals but they must be feasible, practical, and attainable even for impossible.

False Correct

Recommendations should aim to solve or help solve problems discovered in the investigation.

False Correct

Reference list allows readers to locate and use the sources and copy the ones cited.

False Correct

References can be the same as bibliography.

False Correct

Research benefits and beneficiaries are mentioned in

Significance of the study Correct

Research hypotheses can be defined as

A tentative conclusion or answer to a specific question raised at the beginning of the investigation Correct

Research in daily life has

Practical value Correct

Research is

Analyzing and interpreting new information Correct

Researchers can encourage people to volunteer to participate in their project by

Offering small incentives Correct

Results rely heavily on words, and often quotations from those studied are included in the document.

True Correct

Scope and delimitation distinguishes the constraints of the study by delimiting the topic in terms of time, ____________________, availability of subjects, resources and ethical considerations.

Measurability Correct

The beneficiaries mentioned in the significance of the study pertain to

People and institution who have directly or indirectly experienced the research problem Correct

The best research design is the qualitative research design.

False Correct

The Internet has become an accepted source of information for educational research. Which of the following is NOT an indicator of the quality of information found on the Internet?

The authenticity of the information Correct

The literature review must be:

Required reading for the program of the study Correct

The readers must be informed why this research counts and why is it important.

True Correct

The research report need not to be substantially different from drafts, except where participants have indicated that change is necessary.

True Correct

The writing of research reports is best regarded as

writing an essay Correct

What are the types of issues that qualitative research commonly answers?

Sensitive or personal issues Correct

What are variables in research title?

Anything with quantity or quality that varies Correct

What aspect of research experience illustrates the expedition of the researcher?

Research Adventure Correct

What aspect of research experience illustrates the pressure to the researcher in meeting research deadlines?

Emotions Correct

What citation style was used in this source? Economy Hurt by Decline in English (2006, June 18). The Manila Times, p. A1, A2.

APA Correct

What comes first before planning the structure of literature review?

Outlining the aim of the research Correct

What contributes to the messiness of qualitative research messy?

the inductive approach Correct

What does observe justice mean in ethical research?

Investigator should practice fairness in distribution and equitable selection of participants Correct

What does CMS citation style mean?

Chicago Manual Style Correct

What does participant-researcher relationship mean in qualitative research?

The participants and the researcher share the research space Correct

What does research implication mean?

Research proposition Correct

What does the researcher engage in reading the literature?

An evaluation of the literature Correct

What information is required for the APA in-text citation? Personal author: McCullough, David G. Title: John Adams Publication info: New York : Simon & Schuster, c2001. Bibliography note: Includes bibliographical references (p. 703-726) and index.

McCullough, 2001 Correct

What is a major ethical drawback of offering financial incentive for participation?

It can be coercive Correct

What is conceptual audacity that can be found in the theme of everyday life research?

A tool that enables us to see new and perhaps surprising aspects of the everyday lives that we lead Correct

What is NOT an advantage of qualitative research?

It measures the validity and reliability of a research instrument Correct

What is scientific method?

Systematic process Correct

What is the common research experience of a novice researcher?

Reading various materials in answering assignments Correct

What is the composition of a research title?

The title must reflect the variables under study Correct

What is the context of literature in a research project?

Published accounts of researchers Correct

What is the most popular citation style used in academic research papers?

APA and MLA Correct

What is the purpose of daily life research?

To study the social interaction in a natural environment Correct

What is the purpose of informed consent?

To make sure that participants know exactly what to expect from the research and to communicate their right to withdraw at any stage Correct

What is the role of research in the daily life of people?

It aims human satisfaction and understanding Correct

What is the scope of the research?

Identifies the possibilities to which to which the study becomes manageable in terms of issues, respondents, and time Correct

What organization principle is used to explain historical changes or perspectives?

Chronology Correct

What research misconduct is committed when the researcher use the sentences from published medical literature with minor modification in word structure without attribution?

Plagiarism Correct

What scope of research promotes awareness to its audience?

Education Correct

What should a review of the literature enable an investigator to do?

Provide the insights necessary to develop a logical framework into which the topic fits Correct

What should be used in writing a related literature review?

All of the choices Correct

What step can one take before starting a research?

Find an interesting social issue to address Correct

What study is focused on qualitative research?

Social Science Correct

What type of source is the newspaper clipping?

Syndicated Correct

When doing your background reading for your literature review it is important to

All of the choices Correct

Which of the following best describes a hypothesis?

Proposed before a good research question can be developed Correct

Which of the following falls under ethical considerations in the scope and delimitation?

Acknowledge the researchers co-authors Correct

Which of the following is a good research question?

How do teenagers view the word forever? Correct

Which of the following is a myth about qualitative research?

All of the choices Correct

Which of the following is a research method that allows a researcher to get information about a large number of subjects relatively inexpensively and easily?

Naturalistic observation Correct

Which of the following is a type of quantitative research design?

Television ratings Correct

Which of the following is characteristic of qualitative research?

Flexible design Correct

Which of the following is NOT a role of a researcher?

fabricator of data Correct

Which of the following is not an error that will result to plagiarism?

Paraphrasing other peoples information and citing the source of that information Correct

Which of the following is not an ethical dilemma in research?

Falsification of data bank Correct

Which of the following is not an example of dynamic source?

paintings Correct

Which of the following is not an example of qualitative researchers?

descriptive research Correct

Which of the following is not considered to be an example of misconduct in research?

Publishing a table of data with a typographical error Correct

Which of the following is not included in the research experience?

Social class of the researcher Correct

Which of the following is not part of a systematic investigation?

Getting funding for the research Correct

Which of the following is not part of the library research?

Decide the research design appropriate for the topic Correct

Which of the following is NOT strength of qualitative research?

Subjectivity leads to procedural difficulty Correct

Which of the following is similar in qualitative and quantitative research?

Both can be utilized by researchers depending on the use Correct

Which of the following is the best advice in using internet search engines in qualitative research?

Web addresses ending in acuk or edu are generally bona fide academic sources Correct

Which of the following is the best way to maximize the process of reviewing of the related literature?

Reviewing the researchers notes made on editorial and overview papers and chapters Correct

Which of the following is the best way to protect yourself against plagiarism?

All of the choices Correct

Which of the following is the first step in starting the research process?

Identification of problem Correct

Which of the following is the first to help improve the use of the research literature?

Keep a researcher notebook Correct

Which of the following topics should ethical consideration be applied?

Capital punishment Correct

Which one is an example of a correct in-text quotation?

Eguchi and Eguchi (2006) and Icassatti (2006) mentioned that students showed enthusiasm while using these strategies Correct

Which part of the research paper do you find the following? The period of the study which includes the time, either months or years, during which the data were gathered.

Scope and Delimitations Correct

Which part of the research paper do you find the following?A brief statement of the general purpose of the study.

Significance of the Study Correct

Which part of the research paper do you find the following?Avoid rhetorical questions (answerable by yes/no) for they only elicit either of the two responses and may result to vagueness.

Statement of the Problem Correct

Which part of the research paper do you find the following?It embodies substantive words or keywords or phrases that describe ones research study.

Research Title Correct

Which part of the research paper do you find the following?It must also reflect the variables under study.

Research Title Correct

Which part of the research paper do you find the following?It must give precise answers that will determine the difference or relationship, or implication of the variables under study.

Statement of the Problem Correct

Which part of the research paper do you find the following?Possible solutions to existing problems or improvement to unsatisfactory conditions.

Significance of the Study Correct

Which part of the research paper do you find the following?The rationale, timeliness, and or relevance of the study.

Significance of the Study Correct

Which part of the research paper do you find the following?The weaknesses spring out of the inaccuracies of the perceptions of the respondents.

Scope and Delimitations Correct

Which part of the research paper do you find the following?This section indicates the specific benefits which will be gained from the results of the study.

Significance of the Study Correct

Which part of the review of the related literature engages in a dialogue with the literature?

Introduction Correct

Which sentence belongs to the Scope and Delimitation of a research?

This study determines the status of irregular second year students enrolled in a Catholic school Correct

Which statement is correct?

Research is exciting and challenging if people understand it and its demands Correct

Why are research questions used in qualitative research?

All of the choices Correct

Why does a researcher need to cite his/her sources?

To show readers the materials where the researcher base his/her analysis, narrative or conclusion Correct

Willing (2009) argues that many qualitative researchers tend not to work with variables that are defined by the researcher prior to the research project because

All of the choices Correct

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