Thursday, February 9, 2023

Biological Science

BIO 6202 Biological Science

Apoptosis is ________________.

programmed cell death 

Arctic foxes typically have a white coat in the winter. In summer, when there is no snow on the ground, the foxes typically have a darker coat. Which of the following is most likely responsible for the seasonal change in coat color?

The decrease in the amount of daylight in winter causes a change in gene expression, which results in the foxes growing a lighter appearing coat 

Bioinformatics is:

All of these 

Biomarkers are useful for:

mark genes related to plant diseases 

Birds are believed to be descendants of:


Blood carries carbon dioxide rich blood towards which organ?


Blood component containing the inorganic materials to be distributed to cells in the body:

blood plasma 

Choose which one of the following traits are needed for a health science professional.

All of the answer is  

Command line versions of the BLAST programs are available for all operating system.


Corn develops from a seedling with a single cotyledon, displays parallel veins on its leaves, and produces monosulcate pollen. A monocot is a plant characterized by:

all of the answers 

Databanks with a gatekeeper are slow in incorporating new data and accurate, while databanks without a gatekeeper are fast and inaccurate.


DNA double helix does not have which of the following?


DNA molecule that is distinct from the chromosome; this molecule can be used to move foreign DNA in or out of a cell:


DNA replication involves unwinding two strands of parent DNA, copying each strand to synthesize complementary strands, and releasing the parent and daughter DNA. Which of the following accurately describes this process?

This is a metabolic process but is neither anabolic nor catabolic 

During the systolic phase of the cardiac cycle, the heart is ________.


Environmental scientists have the following skill sets:

All of the answers

Evolution is important for:

all organisms 

Fishes living in coral reefs develop this adaptation to their environment:

colorful scales 

Gene therapy can be used to introduce foreign DNA into cells ________.

All of these 

Genetic recombination occurs by which process?

Crossing over 

Genomics can be used in agriculture to:

All of these 

Genomics can be used on a personal level to:

All of these 

Glucose molecule is a:


Growing stems are made up of ________.

meristematic tissue 

If DNA is likened to a ladder, what are the compounds that make up the sides of the ladder?

Phosphates and sugars 

If DNA is likened to a ladder, what are the compounds that make up the steps of the ladder?

bases only 

In carrier pigeons there is a rare inherited condition that causes the death of the chicks before hatching. In order for this disease to be passed from generation to generation there must be parent birds that:

are heterozygous for the disease 

In either plant or anImals reproducing sexually, the embryo developing from a fertilized egg is also known as:


In eukaryotes, where is the DNA wrapped around?


In most stable freshwater environments, populations of Daphnia are almost entirely female and reproduce asexually. However, males are observed in low oxygen environments or when food is scarce. Based on these observations, a researcher suggests that male Daphnia develop in response to unfavorable environmental conditions. This is an example of a:


In the life sciences there are typically two types of publication:

None of these 

In which direction does DNA replication take place?


Individuals that are well adapted to their environment will survive and produce

more offspring 

It is believed that all life on Earth began from a:


Molecular cloning can be used in agriculture to:

all of the answers  

Most dinosaurs existed during:

Cretaceous period 

Mutations within a DNA sequence are:

natural processes that produce genetic diversity 

One of the statements about a scientific theory below is in. Which statement is this?

Science is an arcane, ivory-towered institution that do not need any system of checks and balances 

Order the scientific method steps (numbered items) with the process of solving the everyday problem (lettered items). 1. Observation-A 2. Question-B 3. Hypothesis-C 4. Prediction-D 5. Experiment-E 6. Result-F

A, B, C, D, E, F 

Oxygen and carbon dioxide are mainly exchanged in which organ?


Pairs of chromosomes that are similar in size and genetic composition are:


Part of an experiment wherein variables are not changed.


Plant parts which is responsible for getting nutrients from the soil:


Plant regions covering the outer layer of the stems are made up of ________.

dermal tissue 

Plants are the main source of this gas in the planet:


Plants convert carbon dioxide to ________.

all of the choices are  

Pollen grains develop in which structure?

the carpel 

Post-translational modifications of proteins can affect which of the following?

All of these 

Red blood cells:

carry oxygen to different organs of the body 

Similarities in sequence and function of two proteins indicate that they are members of a family that share a common ancestor. If they are from different species, they are called:


Small changes happening to the individuals of a species that live in a particular area are called a


Strokes are often caused by ________.

Blood clots or burst blood vessels 

Targeted therapies are used in patients with a set gene expression pattern. A targeted therapy that prevents the activation of the estrogen receptor in breast cancer would be beneficial to which type of patient?

Patients with lots of the estrogen receptor expressed in their tumor 

That makes primates ideal for living in land?

All of the answers  

The building blocks of lipids are ________.

fatty acids 

The building blocks of nucleic acids are ________.


The digestive juices from the liver are delivered to the ________.


The DNA and chomosomes are located in which prt of the cell?


The ends of the linear chromosomes are maintained by


The first forms of life on Earth were thought to be_________.

single-celled plants 

The first level of DNA organization in a eukaryotic cell is maintained by which molecule?


The first organisms that oxygenated the atmosphere were


The human eye contains rods and ___________, which convert light into information the brain can process.


The losses of ozone over Arctic are significantly lower than that over Antarctica because

Concentration of chlorine in the atmosphere over Arctic is less than over Antarctic 

The main source of energy in mitochondrial respiration:


The majority of carbon dioxide in the blood is transported by ________.

dissolution in the blood 

The plasma membrane of animal cells are composed mainly of ________.


The scientific method generally follows a deductive type of reasoning. A hypothesis is generated from observations. The series of steps needed to prove a hypothesis are called:


The scientific method generally follows a line of observations, experiments and conclusions. Which of the following closely represents the steps in scientific method?

observation - question - hypothesis - prediction - experiment - results 

These are the careers that can be pursued in nutrition:

all of the answers  

These are the things to do to increase job security, except:

All of the answer is  

This protein helps oxygen bind to blood and be transported to various parts of the body:


This type of white blood cells clean up infections in the blood:


True or False: Inflammation always indicates the presence of an infection.


Urea accumulates in what organ before excretion from the body?



Stimulate an immune response 


vary in shape 

Water moves via osmosis _________.

from an area with a high concentration of water to one of lower concentration 

What advantages does a command line interface have over a graphics user interface?

One can write a program to run on the command line that does your work for you 

What are the anticipated future trends in data science?

All of these 

What do circadian rhythms govern?

Sleep-wake cycles 

What is a biomarker?

a protein that is uniquely produced in a diseased state  

What is a cline?

gradual geographic variation across an ecological gradient 

What is assortative mating?

When individuals mate with those who are similar to themselves 

What is meant by 'organ culture' ?

Cultivation of organs in a laboratory through the synthesis of tissues 

What is the difference between micro and macroevolution?

Microevolution describes the evolution of organisms in populations, while macroevolution describes the evolution of species over long periods of time 

What is the leading cause of cancer death worldwide?

Lung cancer  

What is the main purpose of producing ATP molecules?

providing energy to coupled reactions 

What is the primary function of carbohydrates attached to the exterior of cell membranes?

strengthening the membrane 

What is used to determine phylogeny?


What was lacking in Darwin's theory of natural selection?

Тhе аbѕеnсе of bіoсhеmісаl tесhnіquеѕ to dеtеrmіnе thе gеnеtіс ѕіmіlаrіtіеѕ bеtwееn ѕресіеѕ 

When closely related individuals mate with each other, or inbreed, the offspring are often not as fit as the offspring of two unrelated individuals. Why?

Inbreeding causes normally silent alleles to be expressed 

When searching a database with a query sequence, the P-value is proportional to the size of the databank and can be larger than 1.


Where in a phylogenetic tree would you expect to find the organism that had evolved most recently?

at the nodes 

Which branch of science is related to biology?

All of the answers  

Which cells fight foreign organisms in the body?

White blood cells 

Which components of speciation would be least likely to be a part of punctuated equilibrium?

Ongoing gene flow among all individuals 

Which description is an example of a phenotype?

Both a certain duck has a blue beak and most cheetahs live solitary lives 

Which information was most important to the development of genetic engineering techniques?

The structure of a DNA molecule 

Which is a potential career path for a nutritionist?

All of the answer is  

Which is not a function of body fat?

To convert energy from food into heat 

Which is not a way of life of the ancient man?


Which of the following are involved in posttranscriptional control?

all of the answers  

Which of the following are the benefits of genomics research?

All the answers  

Which of the following does the enzyme primase synthesize?

Okazaki fragments 

Which of the following hormones control levels of sugar in our blood?


Which of the following industries DOES NOT need scientists and business professionals for industrial and research expansion?

None of the answer is  

Which of the following is a water-soluble vitamin?

vitamin C 

Which of the following is most likely to be found in a Tropical rainforest?

a canopy of perineal trees 

Which of the following is not a feature common to most animals?

asexual reproduction 

Which of the following is thought to be the most closely related to the common animal ancestor?

bacterial cells 

Which of the following is true?

All of the answers  

Which of the following is useful for current trends in agricultural practices:

all of the answers  

Which of the following is/are true of epigenetic changes?

All of the choices 

Which of the following molecules is likely to have the most potential energy?


Which of the following organism is a cnidarian diploblast?  jellyfish 


Which of the following organs is the primary organ for taste


Which of the following pairs are homologs?

arms and wings 

Which of the following part of a flower are disseminated by birds?


Which of the following scientific fields are important in agriculture?

All of the answers are  

Which of the following statements is false?

Communities exist within populations which exist within ecosystems 

Which of the following statements is true?

Acids and bases will neutralize each other 

Which of the following technologies produce big data ?

Structural Biology and Genome sequencing  

Which of the following will NOT facilitate the transfer of oxygen to tissues?

decreased body temperature 

Which of these organisms would most likely be found at the bottom of a biomass pyramid?

green algae 

Which one is a primary factor of evolution?

all of the answers  

Which organism is not a eukaryote?

Ecoli bacteria 

Which plant structure upholds all the parts so that water and sunlight can reach the leaves?


Which scientific concept did Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace independently discover?

natural selection 

Which situation would most likely lead to allopatric speciation?

Flood causes the formation of a new lake 

Which statement is false?

Humans are not needed in science-related careers 

Which statement is true?

growth of careers in science outside of academia is enticing in its own right  

Which term is used to describe the continued divergence of species based on the low fitness of hybrid offspring?


Which term mark a static period in an ecosystem?

punctuated equilibrium 

Which tropical fruit crop has been successfully engineered to be protected against a lethal virus?


Which type of bond represents a weak chemical bond?

nonpolar covalent bond 

Which type of selection results in greater genetic variance in a population?

Diversifying selection 

Why is data science and artificial intelligence important in the future?

all of the answers  

Why is reproductive diversity important for evolution of species?

It ensures passing on of genetic material 

Whісh of thе followіng іѕ an abiotic component of the biosphere?


Whісh of thе followіng іѕ the energy source of all life on earth?

the sun  

Without selection for function there would be no similarity in the pairwise comparison of homologous protein from an Archaeon and a Eukaryote.


A neuron is a nerve cell; the fundamental unit of the nervous system


A rare change in the DNA of a gene


A small population of chimpanzees lives in a habitat that undergoes no changes for a long period. How will genetic drift probably affect this population?

It will accelerate the appearance of new traits 

A transgenic organism:

has foreign DNA 

Abundant and powdery pollen produced by small, indistinct flowers is probably transported by:


All is true about GMOs except:

GMOs are harmful to human health and the environment 

All of the following comprise our white blood cells except:


All of the following sentences are , except one. Which statement is false?

Genetic engineering of crops will wreck our ecosystem because improper statistical analysis and field trials are currently conducted 

An inbred is usually unfit for survival. Why?

Inbreeding can bring together rare, deleterious mutations that lead to harmful phenotypes 

An organism produced by cross mating of two highly related species is called a:


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