Wednesday, March 16, 2022

System Administration and Maintenance

IT6301 - System Administration and Maintenance 

Note: Updated 4/18/22

Match the term/details to complete each statement.


Pertaining to the principles of mathematical logic developed by George Boole, a nineteenth century mathematician.


An object-oriented high-level programming language


A variable that is set to a prescribed state, often "true" or "false", based on the results of a process or the occurrence of a specified condition.


A test case identification technique which produces enough test cases such that each decision has a true and a false outcome at least once.

Branch analysis

A mathematical entity whose value, namely, the value of the dependent variable, depends in a specified manner on the values of one or more independent variables, with not more than one value of the dependent variable corresponding to each permissible combination of values from the respective ranges of the independent variables.


Communications systems that use optical fibers for transmission

Fiber optics

Ensuring continuous adequate performance of sensing, measurement, and actuating equipment with regard to specified accuracy and precision requirements.


An instruction which causes program execution to jump to a new point in the program sequence, rather than execute the next instruction.


complex instruction set computer CISC


cathode ray tube CRT


It is a person employed to maintain and operate a computer system and/or network.

system administrator

This person maintains network infrastructure such as switches and routers, and diagnoses problems with these or with the behavior of network-attached computers

network administrator

It is a person maintains a database system, and is responsible for the integrity of the data and the efficiency and performance of the system.

database administrator

A person who maintains web server services (such as Apache or IIS) that allow for internal or extern al access to web sites.

web administrator

A_____ administrator is a specialist in computer an d network security, including the administration of security devices such as firewalls, as well as consulting on general security measures.


This staff responds to individual users' difficulties with co technical support computer systems, provide instructions and sometimes training, and diagnose and solve common problems.

technical support

is the administrator of a mail server


distribution is a member of the family of Unix-like operating systems built on top of the Linux kern el.


This is a computer with a high level of performance as compared to a general-purpose computer.   


This computer became a significant OS market share category starting with Apple's iOS-based iPad in 2010


operator performs routine maintenance and upkeep , such as changing backup tapes or replacing failed drives in a RAID.


This system was first announced on 16 August 1993 by Ian Mur dock


This is a computer operating system based on the Debi an Linux distribution and distributed as free and op en source software, using its own desktop environment


It is a series of graphical interface operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft.

Microsoft windows

Match the term/details to complete each statement.


A measure of how closely the mean value in a series of replicate measurements approaches the true value.


Execution of programs serially with no interactive processing. Contrast with real time processing

Batch processing

The number of records in a block.

Blocking factor

Pertaining to an actual configuration of software code resulting from a software development project.

As built

An acronym for Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, a high-level programming language intended to facilitate learning to program in an interactive environment


Pertaining to the simultaneity of two or more processes.


A relational database programming system incorporating the SQL programming language.


A source code instruction that is replaced by a predefined sequence of source instructions, usually in the same language as the rest of the program and usually during assembly or compilation.


Computer instructions and definitions expressed in a form [binary code] that can be recognized by the CPU of a computer. All source code, regardless of the language in which it was programmed, is eventually converted to machine code.

Machine code

A technology for writing programs that are made up of self-sufficient modules that contain all of the information needed to manipulate a given data structure.

Object oriented programming

A high priority interrupt that cannot be disabled by another interrupt.

Non-maskable interrupt

Activities such as adjusting, cleaning, modifying, overhauling equipment to assure performance in accordance with requirements.


Data for which space is allocated but for which no value currently exists.

Null data

A sequence of instructions that may be performed in the execution of a computer program.


An arrangement of nodes and interconnecting branches.


The time interval between the instant at which a CPU's instruction control unit initiates a call for data and the instant at which the actual transfer of the data starts.


The period of time in the software life cycle during which a software product is employed in its operational environment, monitored for satisfactory performance, and modified as necessary to correct problems or to respond to changing requirements.

Operation and maintenance phase

A measure of the reliability of a computer system, equal to average operating time of equipment between failures, as calculated on a statistical basis from the known failure rates of various components of the system.

Mean time between failures

A programming language which requires little knowledge of the target computer, can be translated into several different machine languages, allows symbolic naming of operations and addresses, provides features designed to facilitate expression of data structures and program logic, and usually results in several machine instructions for each program statement.

High level language

A non-moving storage device utilizing one of a number of types of electronic circuitry to store information

Main memory

A computer program that creates a single load module from two or more independently translated object modules or load modules by resolving cross references among the modules and, possibly, by relocating elements.

Linkage editor

A manual testing technique in which program documents [specifications (requirements, design), source code or user's manuals] are examined in a very formal and disciplined manner to discover errors, violations of standards and other problems.


A sequence of program statements that can never be executed. Infeasible


The complete set of instructions recognized by a given computer or provided by a given programming language.

Instruction set

A language used to identify a sequence of jobs, describe their requirements to an operating system, and control their execution.

Job control language

A standard interface for hard disks which provides for building most of the controller circuitry into the disk drive to save space.

Integrated drive electronics

An organization involved in the generation and promulgation of standards. IEEE standards represent the formalization of current norms of professional practice through the process of obtaining the consensus of concerned, practicing professionals in the given field.

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers

A requirement that specifies an external item with which a system or system component must interact, or sets forth constraints on formats, timing, or other factors caused by such an interaction.

Interface requirement

A diagram of a software system or module, consisting of a rectangle on the left listing inputs, a rectangle in the center listing processing steps, a rectangle on the right listing outputs, and arrows connecting inputs to processing steps and processing steps to outputs.

Input process output chart

An assessment of the consequence of the worst credible mishap that could be caused by a specific hazard.

Hazard severity


The planned systematic activities necessary to ensure that a component, module, or system conforms to established technical requirements.

quality assurance

A character string that enables a user to have full or limited access to a system or to a set of data.


A language used to express computer programs. See: computer language, high-level language, low-level language.

programming language

Establishing confidence through appropriate testing that the finished product produced by a specified process meets all release requirements for functionality and safety.

qualification, product performance

In image processing and pattern recognition, the smallest element of a digital image that can be assigned a gray level.


Chips which can be called read/write memory, since the data stored in them may be read or new data may be written into any memory address on these chips.

random access memory

The process of determining the achieved level of reliability for an existing system or system component.

reliability assessment

A software V&V task to determine the extent of V&V analysis and testing that must be repeated when changes are made to any previously examined software products.

regression analysis and testing

High frequency electromagnetic waves that emanate from electronic devices such as chips and other electronic devices.

radio frequency interference

Documentation of changes made to the system.

record of change

A review conducted to evaluate preliminary test results for one or more configuration items; to verify that the test procedures for each configuration item are complete, comply with test plans and descriptions, and satisfy test requirements; and to verify that a project is prepared to proceed to formal testing of the configuration items

test readiness review

Test data based on input values that are likely to require special handling by the program

special test data

An Electronic Industries Association (EIA) standard for connecting electronic equipment.


An automatic device that uses feedback to govern the physical position of an element.


An inherent, possibly accidental, trait, quality, or property of software; e.g., functionality, performance, attributes, design constraints, number of states, lines or branches.

software characteristic

Period of time beginning when a software product is conceived and ending when the product is no longer available for use.

software life cycle

A classification of ICs [chips] based on their size as expressed by the number of circuits or logic gates they contain.

small scale integration

A document reporting on any event that occurs during testing that requires further investigation. See: failure analysis.

test incident report

Relative to software changes, this means validating the change itself, assessing the nature of the change to determine potential ripple effects, and performing the necessary regression testing


A process or meeting during which a work product or set of work products, is presented to project personnel, managers, users, customers, or other interested parties for comment or approval.


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