Sunday, March 7, 2021

Purposive Communication 2

ENGL6100 Purposive Communication 2

It is also known as the art of persuasion.


What is the rhetoric version of induction?


What comprises the rhetoric discourse?

Rhetor, Audience and Subject

It is the equivalence of Rhetoric


What specific proof is presented in the example: All teenagers today are too liberated and bold due to modern technology.

Fallible Signs

Who laid out the foundation to modern rhetoric?


What are the three kinds of discourse?

Forensic, Political and Epideictic

Which among the choices is NOT a common topics in a discourse?


Which example BEST describes an enthymeme?

Every person has the right to live. I’m a person; therefore I have the right to live.

Which is true in Classical Rhetoric?

Rational proofs is most important

Which is MOST true for female writers using pseudonyms?

There are no gender-neutral equality

It is the part of classical rhetoric that expresses an idea to different words and effects.


A type of argument that a speaker invent with ethos, logos and pathos.


Which are Aristotle’s appeals/modes of proofs?

Ethos, Pathos and Logos

It is the part of classical rhetoric that organizes the arguments.


It aids in discovering argument for rhetoric discourse.


An argument emphasizes on a person’s credibility and goodness.


A rational appeal that generalizes a conclusion from analogous facts.


A concept where man is a symbol-using animal living in a fragment society.

Modern Rhetoric

Gorgias was considered as the father of Sophistry because he ushered the innovation of rhetoric on a basic technical level


Gorgias is an Aristocratic dialogue written by Plato around 380 BC.


It changes in the sound or arrangement of a sequence of words, such as anaphora or asyndeton

Figures of speech

It includes "tropes," literally "turnings" or substitutions of one term for another; as in metaphor.



It is a statement that is recast to stress it or achieve audience contact, as in the rhetorical question.

Figures of thought

Gorgias of Leontini is the teacher of Empedocles.


It is a deliberate process of casting subject into language; the same ideas can be expressed in different words with different effects


What are the two parts of style?



It is the correctness of grammar and usage, clarity, ornamentation, and propriety.


Match the following type of style with its meaning.



Repetition of similar vowel sounds


Use of words whose sound echoes the sense


Juxtaposing two co-ordinate elements


Juxtaposing two ordinarily contradictory terms


Explicit comparison between two things of unlike nature



The use of exaggerated terms for emphasis or heightened effect



Implied comparison between two things of unlike nature



Similarity of structure Irony= Use of a word to convey a meaning opposite to the literal meaning of the word



Investing human qualities in abstractions or inanimate objects

It is the art of oratory.


“Don’t you surrender! Suffering breeds character; character breeds faith; in the end faith will not disappoint. You must not surrender.” –Jesse Jackson, what figure of speech does the statement represents?



A type of argument that do not require a speaker to invent, such as laws.


It is the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion.


It consists of two contrasting ideas that are intentionally juxtaposed.


Which is NOT a rhetorical figure?


Antimetabole examples can be demonstrated in many ways, except in

Scientific Facts

It seeks to defend or condemn one’s actions and is concerned with the future.



An artistic argument that supports the rational appeal.


Which is NOT a canon of classical rhetoric?


It informs and render subject for the discourse.


Which is NOT a division of dispositio?


It is the repetition of similar idea within a repeated grammatical structure, but doesn't involve the repetition of the same words


It is the repetition of the last word from the previous line, clause, or sentence at the beginning of the next.


It is an expression that gestures of honouring somebody.


Which statement presents an introduction paradoxical?

“As I assess myself, I can do anything but dance.”

It is referring to the concept, object or person meant for the metaphor.



The goal is to determine the effects that stories are expected to have on their audience.

Narrative Criticism

Metaphors mediate our experience and mediate among individuals creating common worlds.


The first step in the method of Neo-Aristotelian criticism.

Evaluate the context

Its goal is to identify aspects of the rhetorical action that explains its persuasive effect on the audience

Neo-Aristotelian Criticism

Which is NOT a step in Metaphoric criticism?

Evaluate the metaphors used

Match the following concept of narrative analysis to its meaning.


It is the order in which a narrative relates events, readers are expected to consider each new episode in light of what has gone before.

Ordering Events


It contains literary cues that run contrary to what might initially appear to be the obvious interpretation that readers are expected to interpret in the story.


It refers to the readers’ perception of how the characters are and it may be shaped by comments from the narrator, by reports of the characters’ own words, deed, or perceptions


It is the figures of speech and other symbolic languages that readers are expected to understand in a way that transcends the most literal application.



It is the assumption that the readers are already familiar with other texts and so borrowing freely from motifs that these texts employ.



It is the spatial, temporal, and social locations of events that are significant for how readers construe what is reported in a narrative.



It may be flat and predictable or they may exhibit a wide variety of traits who are presented as enlightened in one instance and yet as lacking insight in another.



It presents a diverse perspective concerning what is transpiring in the story, and readers are expected to regard some of these as more reliable than others.

Point of View


It refers to the amount of space given to reporting individual episodes or by the number of times that a particular event is referenced in the narrative

Duration and Frequency of Events



It drives the plot and involves the readers in the adjudication of opposing tendencies.


It is a perspective that places metaphors at the heart of rhetorical action.

Metaphoric Criticism

Which is NOT a limitation of the Neo-Aristotelian criticism?

No standardization in the analysis

Metaphor structures the way we think but not the way we act.


It is the image that carries the weight of the comparison.


Richard Nixon won the 1960 debate against John F. Kennedy.


Which are Aristotle’s appeals/modes of proofs?

Ethos, Pathos and Logos

A type of argument that a speaker invent with ethos, logos and pathos.


Audience is the first preparation for writing a rhetorical analysis essay.


What was the former President Ramon Magsaysay's 1956 speech about?



What should be the characteristic of a rhetorical analysis essay? (6 possible answer)


grammatically correct respond to the analyzed article/speech/text



written in present tense

Samira Gutoc is the only female senatorial candidate present on the Senatorial Debate hosted by CNN Philippines


What are the concepts involved in the S.O.A.P.S in the rhetorical analysis writing? (5 possible answer)






It is also known as the art of persuasion.


Researching pieces of literature about the topic for an argumentative essay is important.



Fabricating evidence for argumentative essay writing is highly suggested.


It is important to act as if telling a story as a part of the oration.


Researching pieces of literature about the topic for an argumentative essay is important.


The use of notecards is allowed during an oration.


An argumentative essay must be one-sided.


Practice is the most effective way to present a good oration.


Restating your position regarding the argument written must be a part of the conclusion in the essay.


Signposting is a good way to write an argumentative essay.


Oration must be long


An argumentative conclusion should not be abrupt.


What should be avoided in argumentative essay writing? (2 possible answer)

Don’t use phrases to preface a statement

Your essay conclusion must not be abrupt

Pausing is vital during an oration.


The topic must be stated at the beginning of a speech.


Exaggeration of body language and expression is helpful in an oration.


What are the dos in writing an argumentative essay? (3 possible answer)

Your essay should be well-organized

Make sure to follow university guidelines

Give importance to referencing style

Use of body language and stressed sounds should not be practiced in an oration.


Good diction and clear pronunciation is a huge factor in an oration.


It is the faculty of observing in any given case the available means of persuasion.


It includes "tropes," literally "turnings" or substitutions of one term for another; as in metaphor.



It is the image that carries the weight of the comparison.


What is the rhetoric version of induction?


Which is not a limitation of Neo-Aristotelian criticism?

Implies a no gender-neutral equality

It seeks to defend or condemn one’s actions and is concerned with the future.


It is the repetition of similar idea within a repeated grammatical structure, but doesn't involve the repetition of the same words.


An argument emphasizes on a person’s credibility and goodness.


A rational appeal that generalizes a conclusion from analogous facts.


A type of argument that a speaker invent with ethos, logos and pathos.


It is the correctness of grammar and usage, clarity, ornamentation, and propriety.


It is a deliberate process of casting subject into language; the same ideas can be expressed in different words with different effects.



Which example BEST describes an enthymeme?

Every person has the right to live. I’m a person; therefore I have the right to live.

Which is NOT a division of dispositio?


It is a statement that is recast to stress it or achieve audience contact, as in the rhetorical question.

Figures of thought

It is referring to the concept, object or person meant for the metaphor.


Gorgias of Leontini is the teacher of Empedocles.


An artistic argument that supports the rational appeal.


It is also known as the art of persuasion.


Which statement presents an introduction paradoxical?

“As I assess myself, I can do anything but dance.”

Which is NOT a canon of classical rhetoric?


It informs and render subject for the discourse.


It is the art of oratory.

It is the art of oratory.

The goal is to determine the effects that stories are expected to have on their audience

Narrative Criticism

Metaphor structures the way we think but not the way we act.


It consists of two contrasting ideas that are intentionally juxtaposed.


Which is true in Classical Rhetoric?

Rational proofs is most important

It is the part of classical rhetoric that expresses an idea to different words and effects.


It is the first women’s’ coalition newsletter.


It is the equivalence of Rhetoric.


All of the statements below are guidelines to writing your specific purpose, except one:

Use figurative language

Almanacs are a form of what kind of book?


Brief examples are a type of what speech material?

Supporting material

If there is a disconnect between our words and actions, the listeners are likely to believe our _____.

Non verbal cues

Humor can be used in what type of speech?

Speech of Entertainment

In evaluating sources from the Internet, what do we need to check?

Authorship, Sponsorship, Recency

In giving a Speech of Introduction, what must we avoid?

Tell private stories about the speaker

Monroe=E2=80=99s Motivated Sequence is a way of organizing what kind of speech?

Persuasive Speech

Reviewing the main points of the speech is done in which part?


What do we need to avoid in making the preparation outline?

Keep it brief

What happens when we listen too hard?

All of the above

What is not a characteristic of Persuasive speeches?

It is designed to inform the audience

What is not a type of Informative Speech?

Informative Speech on Problems

What is not an example of a connective?


What is not an example of appreciative listening?

Listening to the preacher on a Sunday

What is not an objective of an introduction?

Review the main points of the speech

What kind of example is referred to as narratives, illustrations, or anecdotes?

Extended examples

What questions are not acceptable in interviews?

All of the above

Which attribute of the voice deals with the loudness or softness of the voice?


Which is not a technique in developing confidence?

Prepare for the worst possible scenario

Which is not a technique used in preparing the main points?

Use phrases in writing the main points

Which of the following are found in librarie

All of the above

Which of the following is not a difference of listening and hearing?

Listening is a cognitive process, hearing is a psychological process

Which of the following is not a similarity of public speaking and everyday conversation:

Both need to be within a specific and strict time

Which of the following is not a Specialized Research Resource?

Online Card Catalogue

Which of the following is not part of the message a speaker conveys?

Outfit of the speaker

Which of the following speeches are based on occasion?

Speech of Entertainment

Which of these resources are not found in the Library?

None of the above

Which of these techniques do not help you become a better listener?

Listening passively

According to the speech, which of the following is NOT TRUE?

Vujijic refuses to meet business man and billionaires

Complete the following statement: Either to be ____ for what we don't have or be _____ for what we do have.

angry; thankful

Executing _____ properly is partly attributed to common sense, and partly experience (Lucas, 2009).


Feminism is often equated to what?

Man hating

For speeches of Introduction, all these are essential except one:

None of the above

For Vujijic, words are _____


Gaeris said that the guiding principle of ethics is a sincere concern for the audience.


hat does it mean to take down notes properly?

Taking down key words that help explain the main points

He was taught by his parents that despite having his condition, people always have a/an ________.




HeforShe is a campaign for what?


How many countries adhere to gender equality?


In evaluating sources from the Internet, what do we need to check?

Authorship, Sponsorship, Recency

In informative speeches, it is important to _____.

Avoid abstractions

Informative Speeches can be used to describe or define the following, except one:


Nick Vujijic calls the title of his message as "Transforming the walls into Doors". What is most likely the paraphrase of this title?

changing obstacles into opportunities

our friend is running for student council president and she is sharing with you her platform. What kind of listening do you need to apply?

Critical listening

Reviewing of notes should be done in which part of the interview?

After the interview

Short speeches can use what kind of delivery?

Reciting from memory

The success of a speech is highly dependent on which of the following elements?


Vujijic: People are born with _______.


Vujijic: The greatest thing is _____.


We should define who we are and not _______.

What we are not

We should view gender on a _____ instead of 2 opposing ideals.


What award was received by Vujijic in 1990?

Young Citizen of the Year

What do we need to avoid in making the preparation outline?

Keep it brief

What does it mean to jump to conclusions?

We assume we know what the speaker will say and put words in his mouth

What does it mean to persuade?

All of the above

What does it mean to take down notes properly?

Taking down key words that help explain the main points

What does it take for evil to triumph?

Good men and women don't do anything

What happens when we listen too hard?

All of the above

What is not a characteristic of a Commemorative Speech?

It is often light or humorous

What is not an example of a connective?


What is not an objective of an introduction?

Review the main points of the speech

What is the objective of the speech/campaign?

End gender inequality

What is the true definition of feminism?

Belief that men and women deserve equal rights and opportunities

What kind of an example is not factual, but can be used to drive home a point?

Hypothetical example

What kind of example is referred to as narratives, illustrations, or anecdotes?

Anecdote examples

What kind of listening do we engage in when we evaluate a message to see if we agree or disagree with it?

Critical Listening

What kind of listening do we engage in when we want to understand the message being relayed to us?

Comprehensive Listening

What must we avoid when making the speaking outline?

Keep it detailed

What term refers to the totality of one=E2=80=99s knowledge, background, race profile?

Frame of Reference

What was Vujijic's last message in his speech?

Love heals the soul, love does complete the soul

When are the reviewing notes and transcribing done?

Immediately after the interview

When Emma Watson was 8, she was described as what?


When the president needs to give a speech, what method of delivery should be used?

Reading from a manuscript

When we listen to the debates of political candidates, what kind of listening to we engage in?

Critical listenin

Which attribute of our body language refers to our posture?


Which is a characteristic of a public speaking event but not a conversation?

None of the above

Which is considered a supporting material?

All of the above

Which is not a characteristic of a public speaking event?

It has no opportunity for immediate feedback

Which is not a form of critical thinking?

None of the above

Which is not a form of external interference?

A fight you had with your significant other

Which is not a form of plagiarism?

Quoting and acknowledging authors in the speech

Which is not a qualitative form of getting information from the audience?

Giving out a survey

Which is not a sign of an ethical listener?

Quietly texting during a speech

Which is not a technique used in preparing the main points?

Use phrases in writing the main points

Which is not an attribute of the speaker=E2=80=99s body language?

Vocal variety

Which is not an example of situational audience analysis?

Analyzing the educational background of the audience

Which method of delivery allows us to adapt to varying situations, and gives us the opportunity to be more dynamic and conversational with ourdelivery

Extemporaneous Speaking

Which method of delivery follows a 4-step method so our thoughts will be organized?

Impromptu speaking

Which method of delivery is meant to lift the burden of recalling our points, so we can focus on communicating and relating to our audience?

Reciting from memory

Which method of delivery is supposedly the most nerve wracking?

Impromptu Speaking

Which of the examples below exhibit listening actively?

All of the above

Which of the following characteristics refers to the research and careful study a speaker does before an event?

Planning and practice

Which of the following connectives indicate the end of a point, and the start of a new one?


Which of the following elements conveys the message of the listener tothe speaker?


Which of the following fits the definition of good delivery?

It is a science

Which of the following is a feature of a public speaking event but not aconversation?

None of the abov

Which of the following is a function of the conclusion?

Review the main points of the speech

Which of the following is a good example of a specific purpose?

To inform the audience of the cleanest and clearest beaches in the Philippines

Which of the following is an attribute of the speaker=E2=80=99s voice?

All of the above

Which of the following is an example of appreciative listening?

All of the above

Which of the following is not a characteristic of commemorative speeches?

It is joyful and humorous

Which of the following is not a characteristic of good delivery?

None of the above

Which of the following is not a characteristic of poor listening?

Take down notes while listening

Which of the following is not a definition of listening?

It happens naturally

Which of the following is not a difference between public speaking and conversation?

Public speaking is more organized than a conversation

Which of the following is not a form of Specialized Research Resource?

None of the above

Which of the following is not a function of statistics?

Used to qualify ideas

Which of the following is not a guideline of Informative speeches?

Assume that the audience knows a lot

Which of the following is not a kind of persuasive speech?

Deals with Question of Fallacy

Which of the following is not a Specialized Research Resource?

Online Card Catalogue

Which of the following is not a Speech for Special Occasions?

Speech to Entertain

Which of the following is not a step in evaluating Internet sources?

Checking if the website requires payment for access to articles

Which of the following is not a technique in developing confidence?

Focus on your audience

Which of the following is not a tip for doing research?

Use different formats for different kinds of notes

Which of the following is not an element of the speech communication process?

None of the above

Which of the following is not an example of a brainstorming technique?

None of the above

Which of the following is not an example of a demographic audienceanalysis?

Size of audience

Which of the following is not an example of how we can arrange ideas?

None of the above

Which of the following is not done during the interview?

Reviewing of notes

Which of the following is not emphatic listening?

Listening to a friend who is telling a funny story

Your goal as the speaker does not have to be ethically sound.


Your friend is miserable because she had a fight with her sister. What kind of listening do you need to apply?

Emphatic listening

Womenwill be freed of stereotypes if _________.

Men will be freed of their gender stereotypes

Which of these techniques do not help you become a better listener?

Listening very hard to the speaker

Which of the sentences below reflect a good central idea?

Breastfeeding has a lot of benefits like a stronger bond between mother and child, better weight gain for the child, and stronger bones and immune system for the child

Which of the following statements does not define listening?

It happens naturally

Which of the following speeches below are defined by purpose?

Speech of Entertainment

Which of the following speeches are light and can be treated in a humorous manner?

Both are correct

Which of the following is what all are looking for according to Vujijic?


Which of the following is not something that needs to be done before an interview?

Record the interview

Which of the following is not part of the 5-step method we should follow when practicing?

None of the above

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