Sunday, April 18, 2021

Information Management

 ITE6220 - Information Management

It involves monitoring and evaluating feedback to determine whether a system is moving toward the achievement of its goal, it is called the


E-business and e-commerce applications involve interconnected business information systems under applications.


It is as an umbrella term that encompasses e-commerce, e-sales, e-banking, e-learning and online communication.


CMR is a software allows for more efficient communication with your prospects and clients.


Match the Column A that is corresponding to Column B. Transaction processing systems are used to record day to day business transactions of the organization

Gaining a strategic advantage over competitors requires the innovative application of information technologies.

Support of Strategies for Competitive Advantage

Information systems also help store managers and other business professionals make better decisions.

Support of Business Decision Making

As a consumer, you regularly encounter information systems that support the business processes and operations at the many retail stores where you shop.

Support of Business Processes and Operations

“Information plays a vital role in organizations, and in recent years companies have recognized the significance of corporate data as an organizational asset”.


An ___ is a set of interrelated components that collect, manipulate, store, and disseminate data and information and provide a feedback mechanism to meet an objective

information system

It refers to any business conducted online using the internet and related digital technologies called


System Analysts are people who use an information system or the information it produces.


Managing information technology emphasizes the quality, strategic business value, and security of an organization’s information systems.


Managing information technology emphasizes the quality, strategic business value, and security of an organization’s information systems.


is collected in order to create information and knowledge about particular subjects that interest any given organization in order for that organization to make better management decisions.


is can be described as: “an awareness and understanding of a set of information and the ways that information can be used to support a specific task or reach a decision”.


Implementing ways to use information technology in business includes designing the basic components of information systems.


consists of raw facts, such as an employee number, total hours worked in a week, inventory part numbers, or sales orders.


Computer networks are systems of information processing components that use a variety of hardware, software, data management, and telecommunications network technologies.


It is data about the performance of a system, it is the


System Analysts are people who use an information system or the information it produces.


is a collection of facts organized and processed so that they have additional value beyond the value of the individual facts.


It was first used by IBM in 1996.


Information Systems are used by tactical managers to monitor the organization's current performance status.


Tactical users make final structured decisions.


The ___ level is concerned with performing day to day business transactions of the organization.


It can be defined as the management of flow of products and services, which begins from the origin of products and ends at the product’s consumption.


Tactical users are the decisions that partly based on set guidelines and judgmental calls.


A strategic information system is not developed to respond to the corporate world and many business initiatives.


This stage is basically the logistics phase, where customer orders are accepted and delivery of the goods is planned.


OLAP is stands for

Online Analytical Processing

It also comprises movement and storage of raw materials that are involved in work in progress, inventory and fully furnished goods.


Transaction processing systems are used to record day to day business transactions of the organization.


In the stage, defective or damaged goods are returned to the supplier by the customer.


In this stage, the products are designed, produced, tested, packaged, and synchronized for delivery


It is used to query and analyze multi-dimensional data and produce information that can be viewed in different ways using multiple dimensions.

Online analytical processing

MIS is stands for

Management Information System

level managers are concerned with the long-term planning of the organization


are used by senior management to make non-routine decisions.

Decision support systems

In this stage, the planning should mainly focus on designing a strategy that yields maximum profit.


Strategic Systems are used for giving the lower advantage of competition to the organization.


Question text In this stage, mainly concentrate on building a strong relationship with suppliers of the raw materials required for production


Management systems mimic human expertise to identify patterns in large data sets.


Impact printers are more expensive than other types of printers but are more economical if you do lots of printing and are relatively fast.


These are suitable for most office printing needs.

Laser printers

This stage is basically the logistics phase, where customer orders are accepted and delivery of the goods is planned.


Tactical users make final structured decisions.


In case of returns management, synchronizing material movements is a common issue that needs to be handled is called control.


is often called the lead time.

cycle time

It is the reverse of order fill rate and marks the portion of orders lost because of a stock out.

Stock out

level is concerned with performing day to day business transactions of the organization.


In this stage, the planning should mainly focus on designing a strategy that yields maximum profit.


It refers to any business conducted online using the internet and related digital technologies called


consists of raw facts, such as an employee number, total hours worked in a week, inventory part numbers, or sales orders.


are now rarely used except for special purposes.

impact printers

is a collection of facts organized and processed so that they have additional value beyond the value of the individual facts.


“Information plays a vital role in organizations, and in recent years companies have recognized the significance of corporate data as an organizational asset”.


In the stage, defective or damaged goods are returned to the supplier by the customer.


It can be defined as the management of flow of products and services, which begins from the origin of products and ends at the product’s consumption.


s the portion of customer demands that can be easily satisfied from the stock available.

order fill rate

CMR is a software allows for more efficient communication with your prospects and clients.


Implementing ways to use information technology in business includes designing the basic components of information systems


In this stage, mainly concentrate on building a strong relationship with suppliers of the raw materials required for production.


OLAP is stands for

Online Analytical Processing

Probability of on-time delivery is the portion of customer orders that are completed on-time.


In this stage, the products are designed, produced, tested, packaged, and synchronized for delivery.


level managers are concerned with the long-term planning of the organization.


Managing information technology emphasizes the quality, strategic business value, and security of an organization’s information systems.


A network allows you to share internet connections, data and resources within your business, improving both efficiency and speed of working.


It involves monitoring and evaluating feedback to determine whether a system is moving toward the achievement of its goal, it is called the


It also comprises movement and storage of raw materials that are involved in work in progress, inventory and fully furnished goods.


Inkjet printers are also slower than comparable laser printers.


It is as an umbrella term that encompasses e-commerce, e-sales, e-banking, e-learning and online communication.


E-business and e-commerce applications involve interconnected business information systems under applications.


Strategic Systems are used for giving the lower advantage of competition to the organization.


It was first used by IBM in 1996.


It is used to query and analyze multi-dimensional data and produce information that can be viewed in different ways using multiple dimensions.

online analytical processing

Wi-Fi is stands for

Wireless Fidelity

DNS which acts as the directory on the Internet.


The fundamental unit of data transmitted over the Internet.


It is full of some very technical concepts based on some simple principles.

Networking Communication

A network device that connects multiple devices together and filters packets based on their destination within the connected devices


A network device that connects two networks together and only allows packets through that are needed


A simple network device that connects other devices to the network and sends packets to all the devices connected to it.


It is the unique address of a network.

IP address

When a device intends to send a message to another device,it breaks the message down into smaller pieces, called packets.


DNS stands for

domain name system

When a packet is sent from one device out over the Internet, it does follow a straight path to its destination.


Domain name is used if you had to try to remember the IP address of every web server you wanted to access, the Internet would not be nearly as easy to use.


IP is stands for

Internet Protocol

It is a technology that takes an Internet signal and converts it into radio waves.


Wi-fi is an important wireless technology that has enabled many functionalities that are used every day.


A device that receives and analyzes packets and then routes them towards their destination.


It is a human-friendly name for a device on the Internet.

Domain Name

A switch will send a packet to another router; in other cases, it will send it directly to its destination.


It is a set of rules that allow two (or more) devices to exchange information back and forth across the network.


These radio waves can be picked up within a radius of approximately ________ by devices with a wireless adapter

65 feet

DBMS is stands for

Database Management System

Data mining is the process of analyzing data to find previously unknown trends, patterns, and associations in order to make decisions


_______ is a software application that is used to create and manage databases, and can take the form of a personal DBMS, used by one person, or an enterprise DBMS that can be used by multiple users


This internal set of web pages is called an extranet.


A new buzzword that has been capturing the attention of businesses lately is big data.


Bluetooth was created in ________by______________, it was intended to replace wired connections between devices.

1994; Ericsson

First developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990.


VoIP is stands for

voice over internet protocol

It is for storing non-numeric data that is brief, generally under 256 characters. The database designer can identify the maximum length of the text.


It is for storing numbers.


This data type allows for text longer than 256 characters

Paragraph Text

A special form of the number data type that formats all values with a currency indicator and two decimal places.


The term betadata can be understood as “data about data.”


HTML is short for

Hypertext Markup Language

It is a program that connects users to the Internet or network to send text messages.

Instant Messenger

It is an organized collection, because in a database, all data is described and associated with other data.


A database is an organized collection of related information.


The term refers to such massively large data sets that conventional database tools do not have the processing power to analyze them.

new buzzword

The data is time-variant this means that whenever data is loaded into the data warehouse, it receives a time stamp, which allows for comparisons between different time periods.


A Web site that allows users to add and update content on the site using their own Web browser.


The term business-to-business refers to the process of selling products and services directly between consumers who are the end-users of its products or services.


Propetary technology is any combination of processes, tools, or systems of interrelated connections that are the property of a business or individual.


These are usually small text files, given ID tags that are stored on your computer's browser directory or program data subfolders.


Web enabled refers to a product or service that can be used through, or in conjunction with, the World Wide Web.


RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication".


It is a way to easily distribute a list of headlines, update notices, and sometimes content to a wide number of people.


It is full of some very technical concepts based on some simple principles.

Networking Communication

It is a form of transaction between businesses, such as one involving a manufacturer and wholesaler, or a wholesaler and a retailer


It is a way of distributing audio files via the Internet.


It is a set of processes, architectures, and technologies that convert raw data into meaningful information that drives profitable business actions.

Business Intelligence

As whole the term ______ means for this purpose only.

Ad hoc

The disadvantage of waterfall development is that it allows for departmentalization and managerial control.


BI takes out all complexity associated with business processes. It also automates analytics by offering predictive analysis, computer modeling, bench marking and other methodologies


It is a suite of software and services to transform data into actionable intelligence and knowledge.

Business Intelligence

Knowledge management systems refer to any kind of IT system that stores and retrieves knowledge, improves collaboration, locates knowledge sources, mines repositories for hidden knowledge, captures and uses knowledge, or in some other way enhances the KM process.


The data analyst is a statistician who always needs to drill deep down into data.

The Professional Data Analyst

Facts on their own are of unlimited use.


It is considered at the highest level of human intelligence and expertise.

Expert System

During this phase of SDLC, the security architecture is designed.


This component takes the user's query in a readable form and passes it to the inference engine.

User interface

The ____ is one of the newer adaptive approaches to the SDLC.

spiral model

The inference engine is the brain of the expert system.


The system analysis phase focuses on what the system will do in an effort that views all stakeholders, as viable sources of information.


Most IT experts agree that no single, best system development strategy exists.


BI also helps to improve the visibility of these processes and make it possible to identify any areas which need attention.


The design phase is concerned with the physical construction of the system. Included are the design or configuration of the network ,design of user interfaces,design of system interfaces and security issues.


BI system also helps organizations as decision makers get an overall bird's eye view through typical BI features like dashboards and scorecards


Audio Modeling helps us understand and organize complex endeavors.


Rapid Application Development makes use of tools to facilitate the development of systems to meet aggressive time lines.


It selects facts and rules to apply when trying to answer the user's query.

Inference Engine

The spiral life cycle is shown as a spiral model that begins with the planning phase first from the center (inward) of the spiral, eventually working its way outward, over and over again, until completion of the project.


The term knowledge acquisition means how to get required domain knowledge by the expert system.


The IT users can be found from across the organization.


Deliverable then need to be documented along with the project scope.


In this phase, systems are in place and operating, enhancements and/or modifications to the system are developed and tested, and hardware and/or software is added or replaced.


All of these are advantages of Business Intelligence except one:

To improve invisibility

One of the advantage of business intelligence is allows employees to be more productive on their tasks.


It is not important that the proposed design be tested for performance, and to ensure that it meets the requirements outlined during the analysis phase.


Scope can be refined during the implementation is the initialization process.


Process modeling identifies the data flowing into a process, the business rules that transform the data, and the resulting output data flow.


BI system helps them to get fresh insights to develop unique business strategies.


Structured analysis uses a series of phases, to plan, analyze, design, implement, and support an information system.


At this stage, business needs are studied with the intention of making business processes more efficient.


Structured analysis is a traditional systems development technique that is time-tested and easy to understand


It is a ___ which solves the most complex issues in a specific domain.

computer application

It also plays a dominant role in maintaining the BI infrastructure.

The IT user

The amount of support required may be determined based on the system.


The Business users can increase the profit of their business by improving operational efficiency in their business.


The ___ e is the most crucial part of the expert system

user interface

A system analyst is defined as an interactive and reliable computer-based decision-making system which uses both facts and heuristics to solve complex decision-making problems.


It refers the knowledge from the Knowledge Base

Inference Engine

BI system assigns accountability in the organization as there must be someone who should own accountability and ownership for the organization's performance against its set goals


Assumptions and constraints should also be documented.


OLTP is stands for Online Transaction Processing.


This section addresses security considerations unique to the second SDLC phase.


Inference engine contains rules to solve a specific problem.


is the process of building a model of a system


SDLC is stands for

Systems Development Life Cycle

This first phase of the development life cycle, security considerations are key to diligent and early integration, thereby ensuring that threats, requirements, and potential constraints in functionality and integration are considered.



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