Friday, March 19, 2021

Data Structures and Algorithms

ITE6201 - Data Structures and Algorithms

This form of access is used to add and remove nodes from a queue.

FIFO, First In First Out

Which of the following is not an IPv6 Address types?


This form of access is used to add/remove nodes from a stack.


In linked lists, there are no NULL links in ______________

circular linked list

New nodes are added to the ________ of the queue.


The root of a tree is the node that has no ancestors.


It is a windows 7 feature that enables support staff to connect to a remote desktop computer.

Remote Assistance

In a graph, the vertices represent the items being modeled.


A bank simulation of its teller operation to see how waiting times would be affected by adding another teller.


Your company network includes desktop computers that have Windows 7 installed. Microsoft updates are applied automatically at a scheduled time. A use1- reports that a proprietary application has stopped working. You need to uninstall the most recent update from Microsoft. What should you do first?

From the Action Center, open the Windows Update window.

Stack follows the strategy of ________________.


Stack is also called the ________________.

Last in, first out

In linked representation of stack, the null pointer of the last node in the list signals _____________________.

Bottom of the stack

A queue displays LIFO behavior.


What is a queue?


Which is the pointer associated with the availability list?


"This form of access is used to add/remove nodes from a stack. "


A pointer variable which contains the location at the top element of the stack.


The operation of processing each element in the list is known as ________________.


Which of the following is not the part of ADT description?

None of these

Inserting an item into the stack when stack is not full is called ____________ while operation and deletion of item from the stack, when stack is not empty is called ________________ operation.

push, pop

A program to keep track of patients as they check into a medical clinic, assigning patients to doctors on a first-come, first-served basis.


The elements are removal from a stack in _________ order.


Linked lists are best suited _____________________.

for the size of the structure and the data in the structure are constantly changing

A linear list in which the last node points to the first node.

circular linked list

What is a run list?

small batches of records from a file

Which of the following data structure can't store the non-homogeneous data elements?


An electronic address book ordered by name

Binary search tree

Each node in a linked list must contain at least ___________________.

Two fields

Which of the following is a two-way list?

List traversed in two directions

A program to maintain the routes in an airline.


Your company has asked you to implement Network Access Protection(NAP) on the network. You already have Windows Server 2008 installed on your servers but your organization wants to know which client operating systems will support NAP. What operating system does not support NAP?

Windows XP with SP2

You use a portable computer that has Windows 7 Enterprise SP1 installed. A conference room at your company has a network projector installed on a server within the company network. You need to connect to the projector from your computer. What should you do?

From Accessories, click Connect to a Network Projector

In the linked representation of the stack, __________ pointer behaves as the top pointer variable of stack.


This may take place only when there is some minimum amount or no space left in free storage list.

Garbage collection

The value in the right child of a node (if it exists) in a binary search tree will be greater than the value in the node itself.


Which is the pointer associated with the stack?


Kayla is dissatisfied with the configuration of her keyboard and mouse. She wants to reset the keyboard speed and the mouse pointer rate. Which utility should she use to configure the keyboard and mouse properties?

Control Panel

Herder node is used as sentinel in __________________.

Binary tree

This is very useful in situation when data have to be stored and then retrieved in reverse order.


A linear list in which the pointer points only to the successive node.

singly linked list

It is a windows 7 feature that enables user to connect to their desktop computer from another device.

Remote Desktop

A binary search tree whose left subtree and right subtree differ in height by at most 1 unit is called ____________________.

AVL tree

A program keeping track of where canned goods are located on a shelf.


Which of the following is non-linear data structure?


Indicate which structure would be a more suitable choice for each of the following applications.

Tree, Binary search tree

In linked representation of stack, ___________ fields hold the elements of the stack.


Alexandria is the payroll manager and stores critical file on her local drive for added security on her Windows 7 computer. She wants to ensure that she is using the disk configuration with the most fault tolerance and the highest level of consistent availability. Which of the following provisions should she use?

Mirrored volumes

"The elements are removal from a stack in _________ order. "


This is the insertion operation in the stack.


Algorithms that use a list must know whether the list is array based or linked.


The term push and pop is related to _____________.


The situation when in a linked list START=NULL is ____________________.


A _______________ is a data structure that organizes data similar to a line in the supermarket, where the first one in line is the first one out.

Queue linked list

Binary search trees are ordered.


Deletion operation is done using __________ in a queue.


Identify the data structure which allows deletions at both ends of the list but insertion at only one end.

Input restricted dequeue

Which of the following names does not relate to stacks?

FIFO lists

Which data structure is used in breadth first search of a graph to hold nodes?


The term push and pop is related to _____________


This is the term used to delete an element from the stack.


Which of the following is/are the levels of implementation of data structure?

All of these

Each node in singly linked list has _______ fields.


____________________ level is where the model becomes compatible executable code.

Implementation level

It provides transparent access to internal network resources whenever they are connected to the Internet. It also enables the IT Professionals to manage remote computers outside of the office and does not require a VPN connection.


Value of first linked list index is _______________.


This are point-to-point connection across a private or public network. It uses special protocols, called tunneling protocol to make a virtual call to a virtual port.

Virtual Private Network

You are a desktop administrator for an enterprise organization. A user applies a device update from the manufacturer, and now the computer is displaying error messages. The user has critical documents on the computer that need to be preserved. You need to restore the computer to an operating state and preserve applications and data. What should you do?

Restore Windows by using the most recent System Restore point

What happens when you push a new node onto a stack?

The new node is placed at the front of the linked list

A dictionary of words used by a spelling checker to be built and maintained.

Binary search tree

A stack and a queue are different names for the same ADT.


A list may be linear or nonlinear, depending on its implementation.


A binary search tree is another name for a binary tree.


Indexing the ________________ element in the list is not possible in linked lists.


The retrieval of items in a stack is ___________ operation.


A _______________ is a data structure that organizes data similar to a line in the supermarket, where the first one in line is the first one out.

Queue linked list

Binary search trees are ordered.


Deletion operation is done using __________ in a queue.


Identify the data structure which allows deletions at both ends of the list but insertion at only one end.

Input restricted dequeue

A program to keep track of the soccer teams in a city tournament




Which of the following data structures is linear type?


Which of the following data structure is non-linear type?


This indicates the end of the list.


The term used to insert an element into stack.


Which of the following is an application of stack?

all of these

In a linked list, the ____________ contains the address of next element in the list.

Link field

LINK is the pointer pointing to the ____________________.

predecessor node

The dummy header in linked list contains ____________________.

first record of the actual data

This refers to a linear collection of data items.


This is a linear list in which insertions and deletions are made to form either end of the structure.


Which of the following is two way lists?

List traversed in two directions

A simple sorting algorithm that works the way we sort playing cards in our hands.


stack() creates an empty stack.


A Data Structure that can be accessed only at one of its ends for storing and retrieving data.


Unsorted lists are elements arranged according to some criteria.


dequeue() takes the last element from the queue.


What is a run list?

small batches of records from a file

A linear list in which the last node points to the first node.

circular linked list

To take the topmost element from a stack


This indicates the end of the list.


There are two types of linked lists; sorted lists and unsorted lists.


Accessing a linked list from head node until the last node of the list is


A structure that is showing some descendants is also a tree.


In C++ using positions() means to Return a position list of all the nodes of the tree.


It doesn't require a binary tree to be traverse when using insertion or deletion.


Two nodes that are children of the same parents


We can also define a binary tree in a recursive way


Any node that does not have child nodes are also called

leaf nodes

The top element of a tree is called the


Any node of a tree that has child node

internal nodes

Nodes of a binary tree is in particular order


A tree can not be empty with no nodes


A NULL pointer does not always mean empty.


C++ Stack Operation to push the element on the top of the stack


The tree ADT stores elements at the nodes of the tree.


pop() takes the first element of the stack.


Tree is usually visualized by connections between parents and children with straight lines.


The item search, insertion, and deletion operations all require the binary tree to be traversed.


An Abstract Data Type that stores elements hierarchically.


Every node (except the last node) contains the _____________________?

address of the next node.

The address of the first node in the list is stored in a separate location called


If a linked list is unordered, we can insert a new item at either the end or the beginning.


In C++ using size() means to Return the number/size of nodes in the tree.


To return the number of nodes of a Binary Tree ADT in C++ we use number()


When using single inheritance, the inheritance relation between classes in a C++ program forms a tree.


A hierarchical data structure


The complexity of linear search algorithm.


The following are some of the applications of heaps except


The worst case occurs in linear search algorithm when ________________.

item is the last element in the array or item is not there at all

A Binary Tree that stores a collection of elementswith their associated keys at its nodes.


The upward movement of the newly inserted entry by means of swapping

up-heap bubbling

If Priority queues can be implemented by Heaps, Heaps can be implemented by ___________?


In order to indicate that an object is not present in the map, we assume that there exists a special sentinel ___________ called end.


The average case occurs in linear search algorithm _______________.

when item is somewhere in the middle of the array

It uses a hash function to compute an index into an array of buckets

Hash table

the association of keys and values defines a ____________.


Maps allows us to store elements so they can be located quickly using _________.


The complexity of merge sort algorithm.

O(n logn)

Using put() can perform

replace key-value pair

To make heap from range we used ____________


Compare to Queue, In Heap you can __________ the whole collection.


When the largest element is at its root it's called


The complexity of bubble sort algorithm.


The complexity of sorting algorithm measures the __________ as a function of the number n of items to be shorter.

running time

Sorting algorithm can be characterized as ________________.

Both of the choices

If the number of records to be sorted is small, then __________ sorting can be efficient.


Binary search algorithm cannot be applied to _______________.

pointer array

Which of the following is not a limitation of binary search algorithm?

binary search algorithm is not efficient when the data elements more than 1500

State True or False for internal sorting algorithms.

i. Internal sorting are applied when the entire collection if data to be sorted is small enough that the sorting can take place within main memory.

ii. The time required to read or write is considered significant in evaluating the performance of internal sorting.

True, False

_____________ order is the best possible for array sorting algorithm which sorts n item.


Which of the following sorting algorithm is of priority queue sorting type?

Selection sort

Partition and exchange sort is ____________.

quick sort

We use a ______________, which corresponds to a heap where the largest element is at the top.


The most important properties of Heap is that its _________________ is at its root.

lowest element

Which of the following is not the required condition for binary search algorithm?

There must be mechanism to delete and/or insert elements in list

The method used by card sorter.

Radix sort

The heap is an efficient implementation of an abstract data type called _______________

priority queue

___________ sorting algorithm is frequently used when n is small, where n is the total number of elements.


The rearranging of pairs of elements which are out of order, until no such pairs remain.


To represent a graph (in computer memory), we can use _______________________.

adjacency matrices

Graphs consists of the following :

vertices and edges

Marked the birth of graph theory

Ko"nigsberg bridge problem

The operation commonly performed in graphs that store the graph in computer memory using a particular graph representation is called ________________

Create the graph

The terms depth-first and breadth-first are two most common graph ______________ algorithm


Algorithm that finds the location of the smallest element in the unsorted portion of the list and moves it to the top of the unsorted portion of the list

Selection Sort

after creating a Max Heap we then swap the first node to the last node and delete ________________.

last node

in _____________ the parent should always be greater or equal than the child nodes.

max heap

In a graph, if E=(u,v), it means _____________.

e begins at processor u and ends at successor v

In an extended binary tree, nodes with 2 children are called _________________.

Internal node

the upward movement of the newly inserted entry by means of swaps is conventionally called __________________

up-heap bubbling

In a 2-tree, nodes with 0 children are called ___________.

external node

This is a binary tree whose every node has either zero or two children.

extended binary tree

Which indicates pre-order traversal?

Root, Left sub-tree, Right sub-tree

The depth of complete binary tree is given by ________________.

Dn = log2n+1

This is a terminal node in a binary tree.


What does the sequential representation of binary trees use?

Array with pointers

TREE[1]=NULL indicates tree is _________


In a graph, if e=[u,v], then u and v are called _______________

All of the choices

Linked representation of binary tree needs ______ parallel arrays.


Trees are ________ if they are similar and have the same contents at corresponding nodes.


The data structure that consists of finite set of _____________which are also called nodes.


The data structure that stores data in the form of key and value pairs where every key is unique.


A connected graph T without any cycles is called ________________.

free graph

A connected graph T without any cycles is called a ____________.

all of these

Another name for directed graph.


In binary trees, nodes with no successor are called _______________.

Terminal nodes

Every node N in a binary tree T except the root has a unique parent called the ________ of N.


If a graph has a directional flow, the graph is defined to be ______________


Graph G is _____________ if for any pair u, v of nodes in G, there is a path from u to v or path from v to u.

Unliterally connected


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