Thursday, August 4, 2022

IT Capstone Project 2

IT6398 - IT Capstone Project 2

Match the jargon term from capstone project with its definition.


Consistent use of a grammatical form for equal clauses within a sentence or for items in a list.

Parallel Structure

A computer program that can be used to automate procedures in applications such as word-processing software.


Capstone Editing’s guarantee to our clients that they will be satisfied with the quality of our work.

Quality Guarantee

A space character that prevents a line break being automatically inserted at its position.

Non-breaking space

Adjusting the spacing between (characters) in a piece of text to be printed.


A document that argues the case for the importance of your idea, to encourage a publisher to contract you to develop your idea into a book.

Book Proposal

The space between lines of type.


A specialist editor in the field of academic editing.

Academic Editor

The quality of writing that allows it to sound natural, with a rhythm that is easy to read or listen to.


A symbol added to a letter that affects its pronunciation, such as the various accents in foreign words.


The questionnaire may contain questions that are:

Open-ended questions

Do not give options that the respondent must choose

Closed-ended questions

Gove options that the respondent must choose

Research papers in Business, Accountancy, Education, Arts and Sciences must use the ______ citation and referencing style.


Which statement is true?

The Interviewer should record interviews.

Examples of reliability are:


Used to assess the consistency of a measure from one time to another.

Test retest reliability

Refers to how much it measures what it is designed to measure.

Construct validity

Used to assess the consistency of results across items within a test.

Internal consistency reliability

Used to assess the degree to which different raters/observers give consistent estimates of the same phenomenon.

Inter-rater reliability

sources, are reports of a person who relates the testimony of an actual witness or participant.


Match the Definition of the terms to the Concept.

this section summarizes what is to be achieved by the study.

Objectives of the study

is as a works cited or reference list.


showcases previous studies and publications relevant to the thesis.

Review of related literature

this section sets parameters of the study

Scope and limitation

For format on the writing of references, research papers in IT, Computer Science, and Engineering must use the ______  citation and referencing style.


The questionnaire should not be bulky, too long or too thick.


Kinds of construct validity are:

If at first glance of a non-expert judge, the test seems to measure what it intends to measure

Face Validity

The test is compared to another, valid, test to see if it measures the same thing

Criterion-related validity

If the test contains all of the pertinent components of the variable it wants to measure

Content validity

sources are best and purest; they are the closest from the point of origin


The ______ sources are compiled from or based on secondary sources.


Kinds of Related Literature are:

pertains to articles and books written by authorities giving their opinions, experiences, theories or ideas.

Conceptual Literature

pertains to published reports of actual research studies done previously.

Research Literature

Scope and Limitation section sets _________ of the study


refers to the consistency of a measure


In Scope and Limitation, it answers the questions:


coverage of the study


place w here conducted or area covered


time conducted


persons w ho w ere involved

Types of Observation

This means watching and recording behavior in its natural setting.

Naturalistic Observation

The observer is part of the scene being observed.

Participant Observation

Data Gathering Techniques are:

Is used to prove causality.

Experiment Method

Is a questionnaire asked in a one-on one situation.

Interview Method

Is an activity of a sentient living being (e.g. humans), which senses and assimilates the knowledge of a phenomenon in its framework of previous knowledge and ideas.

Observation Method

Is a self-report data collection instrument.


Data collection method entails using tests.

Testing Method

Is an in-depth, longitudinal examination of a single instance or event, called a case.

Case Study Method

Select the following questions that will be answered if you have good introduction in your research. Select whichever applies.

What did we know about this research before I did this study?

This page bears the name of the proponent/s and title of the thesis, together with the signature of the adviser, college dean and members of the oral defense panel.

Approval Sheet

Categories of notes are:


– researcher restates the author’s words in his/her own words


condensed form of the contents


exact words of the author are reproduced

Match the jargon term from capstone project with its description.

A means of adding emphasis to writing (e.g. the arrangement of words, sentence structure, punctuation and formatting).

Textual device

Editing to ensure that the structure, content, language, style and presentation of the document are suitable for its intended purpose and readership.

Substantive Editing

A list of the chapter and section headings in a long document with their corresponding page numbers

Table of contents

A student in a university or college who has not completed a first degree.


The patterns of formation of sentences and phrases from words in a particular language.


In printing, the style or appearance of type.


The pages of a thesis or book before the introductory chapter.

Preliminary Pages

A MS Office tool that allows tracking of changes made to a documen

Track Changes

Inadequate rewording of, and/or failure to reference, the source of an idea resulting in the unintentional presentation of others’ work as your own.

Unintentional plagiarism

Editing to reduce the number of words of a document, by making the expression more concise, summarizing and identifying unnecessary detail.

Word Reduction

Match the jargon term from capstone project with its definition.

A computer program that can be used to automate procedures in applications such as word-processing software


A space character that prevents a line break being automatically inserted at its position.

Non-breaking space

Adjusting the spacing between (characters) in a piece of text to be printed.


Capstone Editing’s guarantee to our clients that they will be satisfied with the quality of our work.

Quality Guarantee

Consistent use of a grammatical form for equal clauses within a sentence or for items in a list.

Parallel Structure

Students from the same college may form a group of at most three (3) members to conduct one specific thesis, research or design project.


Only upon successful completion of Thesis A (or NFE mark has been removed) will the student be allowed to enroll in Thesis B.


Change of thesis topic and group members will not be allowed once the thesis proposal was submitted, defended and approved.


Research is part of the Bachelor’s Curricula. This is linked together in response to an academic assignment and in conducting a major _______________ – thesis, dissertation, capstone, and design project.

research project

When a student reaches senior standing, he/she becomes eligible to enroll in Thesis A.


undergraduate thesis/dissertation involves faculty’s supervision and support extended to the students for the completion of their research or thesis requirement needed for the fulfillment of a degree


This is a final project meant to encapsulate all things learned in the IT and IS program of study.

capstone project

The capstone project shall provide the students with an experience that brings together the technical knowledge that they have acquired on “real-life” projects or application.


The Capstone Project should be in the form of a systems application or an enterprise resource plan. It has a total of  _____  units, divided into Capstone Project 1 and Capstone Project 2.


Cross-disciplinary thesis or design projects will be subjected for approval of the Academic Affairs Department.


Submitting or presenting assignments, take home exams or any work written, prepared or completed in full or in part by someone else. 


Use of books, notes, calculators, Internet, communication or collaboration with others, which has not been authorized by the faculty member.


Submitting another author’s published or unpublished work, in whole, in part, or in paraphrase, as one’s own work, without fully and properly crediting the other author with footnotes, citations or other bibliographical reference.


Doing work for another student.


During examination, copying from another student’s examination paper, facilitating other students’ copying and allowing other students to copy from one’s own paper.


This is an assistance or an attempt to assist another student in an act of academic dishonesty.


This refers to the the fraudulent or dishonest presentation of work or presentation of others’ work as one’s own.


This is taking the words, ideas, data, illustrations or statements of another person or source and presenting them as one’s own.


is the obligation of every member of AMAES, and breaches of academic integrity constitute serious offenses

ethical conduct

AMAES upholds academic  ___________ at all times

honesty and integrity

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