Saturday, October 15, 2022

IT Practicum (486 HRS)


Investigation into the truth of a prospective candidate’s statements from their submitted application and/or resume.

Background Check

are basic academic and behavioral characteristics from which to build competencies

Foundation skills

Nails should be long and painted with glitters.


A certification by a governing or legal body that certifies the holder has the stated skill, ability, hours, or lessons.


Which of the following will be most beneficial to help you grow your professional network?

connect with your parents’ friends as network contacts

Tattoos should be covered, whether with clothing, shoes or make up.


The layout and structure of the resume.

format (Resume)

A person who works for another person or a company to learn a trade and the skills required of that trade.

Apprenticeship A person who works for another person or a company to learn

Work done as an occupation that takes up a significant period of one’s life and employment history.


Applicants often sound robotic in attempts to sound .


From a careers perspective, they may ask "why do you want to work in the healthcare industry?"

Career Counseling From a careers perspective, they may ask "why do you want to

Work that takes up an employee’s regular hours, usually designated as around 40 hours per week.


In your cover letter and resume, mirror (truthfully) the skills and requirements that the is looking for.


For the font, select a reasonable size. Anywhere between 9 and points should be acceptable.


Which traits are typical of the stage of career development?

identifying your interests and aptitudes and trying out jobs

A situation where an employee quits or resigns due to a hostile work environment.

Constructive Dismissal

are useful when you have to write and format a resume but do not have the time.


Use a template if you lack the time to write a highly resume.


Wear overpowering cologne or perfume.


(Casual Casual) Shirt and tie is required.


Networking is best defined as which of the following?

the process by which people build relationships with one another for the purpose of helping one another achieve professional goals

(Business Professional) Sweaters are allowed if you have a nice button up shirt underneath.


Don't add and interests. When an interviewer asks you to tell them about yourself, it is always work-related -they really don’t want to know about your love for sailboats


(Business Casual) Modest skirt or pants and an appropriate blouse


Which of the following should you include on a résumé?

education, work experience, relevant skills, contact information

Collective term for profiles, photos, texts, videos, and other media available publicly via the internet.

Online Presence

Whenever you enter a room for the first time, it takes only a few seconds for people you've never met to form perceptions about you and your abilities.

The correct answer is 'True

Your goal is to yourself based on these competencies and on your achievements so far, both educational and in part-time jobs, either paid or volunteer.


It refers to possessing a set of core skill groups that are transferable from job-to-job and from industry-to-industry.


A brief note, email, or phone call that reminds the employer that a candidate has submitted a resume or job application and is awaiting a response.


(Casual Casual) Think of what to wear at a company picnic.


Programs or some form of non-monetary compensation an employer may give as a perk to employees alongside monetary compensation.


Which of the following are examples of “hard skills”?

using Adobe Photoshop, operating a buzzsaw, speaking Mandarin Chinese

An approach that is generally used while writing industryspecific resumes is to "" the resume with keywords early in the document.


(Business Casual) It might mean wearing a polo instead of a button up shirt.


When it comes to writing a good cover letter, make it


Most colleges and universities have ________ programs with networking resources to help you make important connections pertaining to your future career.


On a resume, it is a brief subtitle that declares what the applicant is known for, what they want to be known for, a top service, or a defining characteristic.

Branding Statement

In your cover letter and resume, mirror (truthfully) the skills and requirements that the Answer is looking for.


They are generally characterized as having one year or less of work experience, and/or newly graduated from high school or college.

Entry-level Workers

Hosiery must be worn with skirts.


(Business Professional) Slacks or a modest skirt, a matching jacket, a button up shirt or equivalent blouse, closed toe plain heels.


(Casual Casual) Includes: Jeans, casual pants, t-shirts, tennis shoes


Recruitment slang term referring to a recruit or job candidate that has just the right amount of skills, education, experience, and qualifications needed for a particular job.

Purple Squirrel

The sum of all remuneration and benefits given to an employee for work rendered.


Applicants often sound robotic in attempts to sound


A plan or description of a resume that occurs prior to the first draft which allows for a more accurate and better-structured resume.

Outline (Resume)

The time and days a candidate or employee is able to work.


(Business Casual) Modest skirt or pants and an appropriate blouse.


(Business Professional) Sweaters are allowed if you have a nice button up shirt underneath.


Heels should be no higher than two inches.


A resume format that highlights job history and allows placement of career peak at the top of the resume.


Whether you e-mail, fax, or mail your resume to prospective employers, you should try to keep your plain and easy to read


(Casual Casual) A suit is preferred but you can wear a blazer


Someone who has applied for employment, a position, or for a project in return for compensation.


Your Answer is really part of your resume. Therefore, it is equally important.

cover letter

Amin works as an advertising art director. He got his current position when a headhunter spotted the artwork he posted on his popular art blog and Instagram account. Which method did Amin use to develop his professional network?

He participated in online social media

Wear trendy clothing


Handling different aspects of a career activity successfully, usually in the form of meeting pre-established activity objectives

Career Managemen

A specific job by which someone earns a living.


An unofficial term used to describe government work or the workers therein.


Such transitions involve a series of integrated steps to get back on their feet including to include transferable skills assessment, stress and time management, and re-education.

Career Transition

An employee’s or prospective candidate’s brand of leadership.

Management Style

Specific abilities and know-how, such as knowledge of a particular software program.

Hard Skills

Match the nails and your outfit.


Don't state salary information or a . You don't want to be passed over based on a range that they are either unable or unwilling to pay.

salary history

Daryll has a lot of interests, but is having a hard time narrowing down what he wants to study and what type of career he wants to have. Which of the following can best help him choose a career?

his childhood interests, his personality traits, his pre-existing skills

If you are looking for more information on choosing a major or career path from others who can best relate to your current situation, you should talk to

fellow students and graduating senior

Wear solid colors or muted patterns


Which of the following are skills that employers in a wide range of fields are looking for?

writing and speaking clearly

Nose ring is a fashion statement and a piece of conversation with the HR Manager.


Which of the following should you AVOID in your cover letter?

reasons why you left your last position

Closed toe pumps are preferred.


The collective beliefs and values shared by employees in a given company’s work environment.

Corporate Culture

Bert works as a cashier in a bookstore for an hourly wage. He likes his work, but he doesn’t want to be doing the same thing five years from now. On the other hand, Ernie works in a different bookstore. He started as a cashier and was promoted to a manager. Ernie has been learning about marketing, and five years from now he hopes to be working on marketing projects for his current bookstore or perhaps a different bookstore. Which of the following statements best fits this scenario?

Bert has a job; Ernie has a career.

Hosiery must be plain, neutral colored.


It may take you a few tries to craft your into something that reads well and sums up your professional and personal capabilities, but it's worth it when you can present something uniquely "you" that will entice employers.

resume objective

(Business Professional) Wearing a tie is not necessary.


are words of wisdom that experienced resume writers have gathered over many years of writing job specific resumes.

Resume tips

A letter sent with a resume or CV which briefly sums up a candidate’s interest, relevance, and ability to do the jo

Cover Letter

The color of you socks should match the shoes.


Writing a great resume is an art form, particularly now that are so crucial to a resume's success.


Dimitri was initially interested in pre-med with plans to become a doctor. He job-shadowed a doctor at a hospital, and he was fascinated by the careful combination of drugs the doctor used to treat patients. Dimitri remembers that he has always done well in his chemistry classes. He chooses to major in organic chemistry. Which steps did Dimitri take to help him choose a major?

in-depth career exploration and identifying talents and interests

Use deodorant.


A document a candidate prepares and submits to a company in hopes of obtaining a position


Kyle is in the last year of his pre-med major and plans to be a doctor. He interns at a hospital to gain experience and help pay for school. While at the hospital, Kyle sees a lot of nurses who are frustrated with some of the medical equipment and tools, and Kyle has a few ideas for designing better medical tools. Instead of going on to medical school, Kyle decides he wants to start a business designing and selling medical equipment to hospitals. Which of the following statements is true of Kyle?

While Kyle’s career path has changed from what he originally intended, his major still provides him with necessary skills and knowledge he can use in his new career path.

(Business Professional) Plain t-shirt or polo with khakis, jeans, or shorts.


A period of time between two jobs where an employee has no employment.

Employment Gap

For new college graduates with entry level resumes, have a Answer write a recommendation, along with a peer who you worked with in a group setting, and a supervisor from an internship.


Describes jobs requiring technical skills, as a mix of blue- and white-collar work, often referring to such areas as IT engineering and policing.


Katie is nervous about her upcoming job opportunities and wants to make sure that her résumé is perfect. What is the best advice for her?

Use action verbs and phrases.

Management metric of performance used to identify different functions and their outcomes.

Balanced Scorecard

Personal details on a resume and cover letter, including addresses, phone numbers, and other info, which allow the employer or recruiter to reply to the candidate.

Contact Information

(Business Professional) Look the best you can.


Which one will people NOT perceive based solely from your appearance?


Which of the following can career quizzes help you do?

create a list of your skills and match your skills to job types that use those skills

Show you fun personality by dyeing your hair pink and blue.


(Formatting) Simple will best separate your duties and skills


(Business Casual) Keep your attire classy and timeless.


“Why should we hire you?” “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” “What attracted you to this company?” These are all examples of

basic interview questions.

A position, often held by students and those new to employment and often without pay, which offers training and real-world experience in a particular company.


Hosiery must be worn with skirts


The process of identifying and implementing career activities that cause change for the purpose of growth.

Career Development

A meeting between a candidate and an employer or representative of a prospective company.


The readiness, skills, qualifications, and ability a candidate has in relation to employment.


For the font, select a reasonable size. Anywhere between 9 and Answer points should be acceptable.


Do your research on line, in publications and in professional associations to learn as much as you can about the and job you are applying to.


A resume containing 25- keywords is the general rule for a job-specific resume, so if you have fewer than that number, try to fill each section of your resume with relevant keywords in varying forms.


Always include numbers, percentages, and specific amounts in your job descriptions to back up your .


Wear beards and mustaches - they project a powerful image.


You are a college-ready student if you have the necessary knowledge, skills, and professional behaviors to do which of the following?

earn a certificate or degree in college

When submitting your resume online, try concentrating on industry-specific websites or professional/ organizations, depending on how specific the skills and requirements are for your industry


Fingernails should always be long so you can reach the top of your keyboard.


The entirety of a candidate’s past work history, including volunteer work and any knowledge and skills gained as a result of prior training, tasks, and responsibilities.


(Business Ready) Nice slacks, button up shirt and tie


Provide strong . Most family and friends will be happy to vouch for you as a 'good person,' but you really want to find three people who will sit down and give a written assessment of you as a person, and your job capabilities.


Nails should be painted a natural color.


Recruitment where an employee is hired for the same position and compensation as in their previous job.

Lateral Hiring

The aim of an employee, employer, or company.


Keep hair, nails, and teeth well maintained.


Which of the following is a professional accomplishment that could go on a résumé?

an award earned in your field

Which of the following are transferable skills?

problem-solving and adaptability

It is a quick statement one makes to sell their candidacy to an employer

Elevator Pitch

(Business Ready) Nice slacks, button up shirt and tie


Cheyenne doesn’t know what she wants to major in yet, but she knows that she has never enjoyed English or history classes. Which strategy is Cheyenne using to choose a major?

narrowing choices by deciding what she doesn’t like

An organized economic activity connected with production, manufacture, and/or construction of a particular product/service or range of products/services.


A standard of saving and storing a digitized version of a resume or cover letter. Popular file formats include .DOCX and .PDF.

Format (File)

A letter which a reference sends to an employer to vouch for one’s work ethic, character, qualifications, employment history, or skills.

Letter of Recommendation

Words used on a resume and cover letter which express physical or mental action.

Action Verbs

Describes low-level to mid-level jobs in the service industry, usually, often referring to such work as waiting tables, teaching, secretarial duties, etc


(Business Casual) Wear some neutral colors, but add one pop of color.


Answer are useful when you have to write and format a resume but do not have the time.


Which best describes a résumé?

a professional autobiography in outline form that shows your education, work experience, job-related skills, accomplishments, and more

They are generally characterized as having a significant number of years of work experience, and/or are 40 years of age or older.

Experienced Workers

Keep it to page. No one wants to scan through two or more pages of your long-winded accomplishments and experience unless you have many years of experience.


A curated collection of a candidate’s work and project history given alongside a resume and cover letter to highlight samples of past projects in order to obtain a new job.


Freya isn’t sure exactly what career she wants after she graduates, but she knows she enjoys learning languages and likes helping people. She especially wants to work with people from other countries such as immigrants or refugees. She is considering working as a translator or some kind of aid worker. Which of the following options best lists the majors Freya should consider?

linguistics, sociology, social work

Describes jobs in environmental sectors, often referring to such work as energy conservation and sustainability.


Employers have said that when they hire, they place the greatest value on skills that cut across all majors. Which is an example of those types of skills?

written and oral communication skills

An act where one employee gets given a higher rank or position in a company, usually coinciding with an increase in compensation, benefits, and responsibilities.


Men should be aware of all the following grooming tips, except for:

A strong musky spray is important when meeting clients.

Present your jobs in reverse , beginning with the most recent.

chronological order

Your is really part of your resume. Therefore, it is equally important.

cover letter

An occupation that requires extensive education or specialized training to practice in the profession.


As an entry level, the approach you take will depend on your college major, your part-time work experience while in high school and college and on the you’ve developed.


In addition to financial- and employment-related reasons, which of the following is the main purpose of college?

intellectual and personal growth

Neon-color socks


(Business Casual) You can step away from the basic colors of blue, white and gray slightly


(Casual Casual) Short shorts, spaghetti strap tank tops, tube tops, or shirts with profanity or graphics


Your goal is to yourself based on these competencies and on your achievements so far, both educational and in part-time jobs, either paid or volunteer.


Shoes for both men and women should be:

cleaned and polished.

A job or occupation regarded as a long-term or lifelong activity or pursuit.


Keep hair out of your face and brushed.


How long should you continue to learn after college?

your whole life

You can have a minimum of two pierced holes per ear


(Business Casual) Wear some neutral colors, but add one pop of color.


Be clear and . Be short and to the point in describing your responsibilities.


Watches should be:

simple, with a leather or metal strap W

Keep hair out of your face and brushed.


Tattoos should be covered, whether with clothing, shoes or make up


Curriculum Vitae


From a careers perspective, once an individual decides he/she wants to pursue a career in healthcare, the coach will show the individual how to organize his/her activities in order to explore options and find jobs within that industry, providing encouragement along the way.

Career Coaching

Even if you don't snail-mail your resume to employers, you should have on hand to bring to interviews

hard copies

should highlight your accomplishments, not draw attention away from them.


Practice where a new employee follows another employee and learns the new job details by observation and trial.


Make sure that there aren't gaps or overlaps in your . Attention to detail is vital when it comes to this.


When describing your prior job experience and duties, use language.


Try out elaborate hairstyles.


For new college graduates with entry level resumes, have a write a recommendation, along with a peer who you worked with in a group setting, and a supervisor from an internship.


The history of institutionalized instruction listed on a resume, such as high school, university, or vocational school.


Someone who is actively seeking employment.


It may take you a few tries to craft your Answer into something that reads well and sums up your professional and personal capabilities, but it's worth it when you can present something uniquely "you" that will entice employers.

resume objective

Always personalize your resume for the position you are applying for. This will allow the potential employer to associate your with their job opening.


(Business Casual) You don’t want to be too casual, but you also don’t want to be too dressy.


Match the term/details with its feature/s or descriptions.

Words used on a resume and cover letter which express physical or mental action

Action Verbs

The entirety of a candidate’s past work history, including volunteer work and any knowledge and skills gained as a result of prior training, tasks, and responsibilities.


A period of time between two jobs where an employee has no employmen

Employment Gap

A resume format for those who want to show off their skills before jumping into their work experience.


Personal details on a resume and cover letter, including addresses, phone numbers, and other info, which allow the employer or recruiter to reply to the candidate.

Contact Information

The sum of all remuneration and benefits given to an employee for work rendered.


A letter sent with a resume or CV which briefly sums up a candidate’s interest, relevance, and ability to do the job

Cover Letter

An official document, usually accredited by a significant industry body, which attests to a candidate’s proficiency, knowledge, or training in a particular field, software, course, industry, or hardware.


A situation where an employee quits or resigns due to a hostile work environment.

Constructive Dismissal

Management metric of performance used to identify different functions and their outcomes.

Balanced Scorecard

The time and days a candidate or employee is able to work.


Curriculum Vitae


Work done as an occupation that takes up a significant period of one’s life and employment history.


Programs or some form of nonmonetary compensation an employer may give as a perk to employees alongside monetary compensation.


A document a candidate prepares and submits to a company in hopes of obtaining a position.


Someone who has applied for employment, a position, or for a project in return for compensation.


On a resume, it is a brief subtitle that declares what the applicant is known for, what they want to be known for, a top service, or a defining characteristic.

Branding Statement

Investigation into the truth of a prospective candidate’s statements from their submitted application and/or resume.

Background Check

The history of institutionalized instruction listed on a resume, such as high school, university, or vocational school.


Recognition and wins from previous positions a candidate includes on their resume to stand out.


A person who works for another person or a company to learn a trade and the skills required of that trade.


The collective beliefs and values shared by employees in a given company’s work environment.

Corporate Culture

It is a quick statement one makes to sell their candidacy to an employer.

Branding Statement

Questions asked during an interview about past work experience and how a candidate has handled certain situations or scenarios in the past.

Behavioral Interview Question

The readiness, skills, qualifications, and ability a candidate has in relation to employment.


Nose ring is a fashion statement and a piece of conversation with the HR Manager.


An official document, usually accredited by a significant industry body, which attests to a candidate’s proficiency, knowledge, or training in a particular field, software, course, industry, or hardware.


While you can network anywhere, which of the following are the best places for professional networking?

professional conferences, fundraising events, LinkedIn

Besides the pay, what other factors do college graduates typically consider critical when making career choices?

personal satisfaction, enjoyment, opportunity to use skills and abilities, and personal development

Questions asked during an interview about past work experience and how a candidate has handled certain situations or scenarios in the past.

Behavioral Interview Question

(Business Casual) You don’t want to be too casual, but you also don’t want to be too dressy.


The , which focuses attention on skills and achievements, rather than a chronological listing of jobs ideal for recent grads

functional resume format

A resume format for those who want to show off their skills before jumping into their work experience.


The process at a company by which newly-hired employees are brought up to speed on the company, the company culture, responsibilities, and job roles.


Be . Give the employer a reason to want to meet you.


Which of the following should NOT be included on a résumé?

childhood hobbies

Recognition and wins from previous positions a candidate includes on their resume to stand out.

Achievement Recognition and wins from previous positions a candidate

What you do have are competencies that will work in a variety of jobs and industries.

transferable What you do have are competencies that will work in a variety

Before opting for a specific resume template, find out if it is suitable for the you’re applying for.


Which of the following are “soft skills”?

being a good listener, demonstrating common sense, having the ability to work under pressure

Whenever you enter a room for the first time, it takes only a few seconds for people you've never met to form perceptions about you and your abilities.


are a combination of skills, abilities, and knowledge needed to accomplish a specific task.


Handbags should match your outfit.


The planning process usually includes the following steps: Self-Assessment, identifying and exploring career options; setting goals and planning action steps to achieve those goals; taking action in accordance with the career plan (e.g., write a resume).

Career Planning

(Casual Casual) Includes: Jeans, casual pants, t-shirts, tennis shoes


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